13.2 Getting Access Control Information

The WebDAV ACL specification defines how to retrieve and interpret ACL and principal information, as well as how to modify some of that information. We begin with the task of retrieval and interpretation. That will provide a framework to understand how to modify access control information.

13.2.1 Principal URLs

In WebDAV ACL support, principal IDs are in the form of an HTTP URL. In fact, the principal URL is the address for a WebDAV resource that represents a user and can be queried with PROPFIND. Principal resources exist inside principal collections, which are also WebDAV resources. This is just an easy way to represent principals in a familiar way so that clients can access them easily.

Not much can really be done with principal resources. It's not expected that clients will be allowed to copy, move, delete, or create new principal resources. A principal resource must of course have all of the standard WebDAV resource properties, plus a special property displayname. Thus, a client can easily retrieve an appropriate string for displaying a principal in the UI: Send a PROPFIND request to the principal URL and ask for the displayname value.

Groups are also represented as principal resources. A group isn't the same thing as a principal collection, which just exists as a collection containing principals. A principal resource will likely exist in one principal collection only but be a member of several groups. To represent members, a group resource has a group-member-set property containing the principal URLs of its members. A principal (user or group) also has a property called group-membership listing all the groups that the principal is a member of.

The collections containing groups and users can be organized a number of ways. One simple way is to identify one collection for all users and another for all groups.



13.2.2 Identifying a Resource Owner

If each resource has an owner, it's pretty important to see who that owner is. The owner property on a resource contains the principal URL of the user who owns and can administer the resource. The principal URL appears inside an href element, which is a standard WebDAV syntax for an HTTP URL.

The client can use PROPFIND to request the owner property. The response contains the owner property value, as shown in Listing 13-1.

This PROPFIND response fragment shows that the user identified by http://www.example.org/principals/ids/alice is the owner of the hr/ collection. This HTTP URL is the principal ID, but it's also a real WebDAV resource address. As I'll show in Section 13.4.5, that URL can also be used to query the resource it names, to retrieve a minimal set of information about the user it identifies. The URL that uniquely identifies a user or any other principal is called the principal URL.

Listing 13-1 Owner property in partial PROPFIND response.
 <D:response>    <D:href>http://www.example.com/hr/</D:href>    <D:propstat>       <D:prop>          <D:owner>             <D:href>http://www.example.com/principals/ids/alice             </D:href>          </D:owner>       </D:prop>       <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>    </D:propstat> </D:response> 

The owner property may be a rather widely available piece of information, depending on a system's policy. Users who can read a file sometimes need to see who the owner is to ask that the permissions be changed. It's common for this property to be visible to any principal who can read the resource.

13.2.3 Getting ACLs

Since each resource has a single ACL, retrieving the ACL is done through a simple PROPFIND for the acl property. Each acl property contains a number of ace elements, one for each principal to whom access privileges are granted or denied (see Listing 13-2).

Listing 13-2 Example value for acl property.
 <D:acl>    <D:ace>       <D:principal>          <D:href>http://www.example.com/principals/ids/hr-group/          </D:href>       </D:principal>       <D:grant> <D:privilege> <D:write/> </D:privilege> </ D:grant>    </D:ace>    <D:ace>       <D:principal>          <D:all/>       </D:principal>       <D:grant> <D:privilege> <D:read/> </D:privilege> </ D:grant>    </D:ace> </D:acl> 

In this example, the hr-group (and all its members) may write the resource, and all principals may read the resource. That means that members of the hr-group can also read the resource. Although the read privilege can be explicitly granted to the group, it need not be.

13.2.4 Privileges Vary

Not all systems have privileges as straightforward as "read" and "write." In fact, read and write aren't that simple themselves. Does "read" mean that the user can read the resource body? Can the user read the resource properties? Can the user read the acl property? On some systems, the answer would be yes, but on most systems, access to the acl property is not granted to all users with access to the resource body.

The ACL designers quickly realized that with privileges, one size does not fit all. Nobody could agree on a single list of privileges with well-defined meanings. Some systems had as few as three or four privileges on a resource, while others had closer to 20. Some pure WebDAV implementations had already exposed access control through some nonstandard method such as Web-based administration pages. Other WebDAV implementations were built to expose a pre-existing file system, complete with its ACL information. For example, Apache permissions have always been respected by mod_dav, and MS IIS5 exposed resources in NTFS with NTFS ACLs. There is necessarily a semantic gap between any standard list of privilege definitions and the "real world" as found in various file systems and repositories.

If a WebDAV resource is an object that can be exposed through other protocols as well (FTP, SMB, CIFS), it's very important that the permissions be consistent across all protocols. It's already hard enough to administer permissions correctly without having variation in what permissions are granted through different protocols.

The complexity of existing systems leads to the requirement for a very flexible system for specifying what privileges can be granted. Thus, the privilege list on a server can be defined by that server and published so that client software can see what privileges may be granted or denied on that server. The ACL specification can attempt to define a standard list of privileges, but some implementations will deviate from the standard list.

13.2.5 Standard Privileges

The WebDAV ACL specification does define a list of standard privileges, because if a server can support the standard list, client interoperability with that server should be easier.

A standard list of privileges can be very simple and coarse; for example, read, write, and administer. At the other extreme, a standard list of privileges could attempt to be more granular than any actual implementation by defining a large number of extremely specific privileges. The WebDAV ACL specification took the Goldilocks approach, attempting to come up with a reasonable list of privileges, not too coarse and not too granular.

  • read: Read a resource body, or if a collection, list its children, or read ordinary properties.

  • write-properties: Change value of ordinary properties of the resource.

  • write-content: Write a resource body, or if a collection, change its list of children by adding, removing or renaming a child.

  • write: Both write-properties and write-content, and including also lock resource.

  • unlock: Remove a lock without having to be the owner of the lock.

  • read-acl: Read the acl property.

  • read-current-user-privilege-set: Read the current-user-privilege-set property.

  • write-acl: Use the ACL method to modify the acl property.

  • all: All of the above privileges.

Note that two of these standard privileges contain others. That's because it might be syntactically and semantically possible to grant all but deny write-acl. The all privilege is a shortcut to make setting access control easier. The "'write" privilege contains both write-properties and write-content.

Writing Properties

The entire set of properties is covered by a single write-properties privilege. It's rare to have separate write privileges apply to individual properties on a resource. However, it is still possible for the server software to enforce a different server policy on certain properties. For example, the server can prevent the creationdate property from being changed by anyone. That kind of policy doesn't require a specific privilege or ACE for that property. It is a protected property and "immune" from access control. Similarly, some properties could be restricted by policy only to be written by the resource owner. To help interoperability, any custom or dead properties should be directly governed by the standard write-properties permission.

13.2.6 Privilege Composition

The standard list of privileges can also serve as a basis for understanding a custom list of privileges. A custom list of privileges probably has at least some relationship to standard concepts like "read" and "write." Therefore, the WebDAV ACL specification defines a way to show these relationships. Servers can advertise how their custom ACL model maps to the standard privileges.

Information for Rich and Automated Clients

A "dumb" client might simply present the server's list of custom privileges to a user and give the user no assistance in selecting or understanding those privileges. That's not acceptable to rich client designers, and it's impossible for automated clients to use. For these reasons, custom privileges are defined in terms of standard privileges.

Based on the WebDAV standard privileges, which are not too coarse and not too granular, there are four basic approaches for a server implementation:

  • The most obvious and interoperable approach is for a WebDAV ACL implementation to expose exactly this list of privileges. The server advertises to clients that it supports exactly the standard meaning of each standard privilege. That makes it easy for WebDAV clients to display and change ACLs.

  • If a server implementation must have custom privileges that are more coarse than the standard privileges, the server can advertise a set of privileges that are composed of the standard privileges. One custom privilege can tie together two standard privileges. A client implementation can still deal with this in a number of ways. Possibly the client would show all the standard privileges, but when the user grants one privilege that is tied to a second, the client automatically shows the second privilege as being granted as well.

  • If a server implementation must have custom privileges that are more fine-grained than the standard privileges, the server can advertise its custom privilege as a subset of the standard privilege. Two custom privileges can both be subsets of the same standard privilege. Again, a client implementation can deal with this in a number of ways. Possibly the client would show all the standard privileges. When a user attempts to grant a standard privilege, the client would grant both of the custom privileges that map to the standard privilege.

  • Finally, it's possible that a server implementation will have some custom privileges that are more coarse and others that are more fine-grained than the standard privileges. If the previous two models are supported, this could also be supported. The custom privileges are advertised as either subsets or compositions of the standard privileges.

Since the server must advertise what privileges it supports and how its custom privileges relate to standard privileges, WebDAV ACLs define a property to advertise this information. The property with this information is the supported-privilege-set property. It can have a different value on each resource in a repository because the repository may have different privileges defined for collections, regular resources, or other resource types.

The supported-privilege-set property contains a tree of supported-privilege elements, including every one of the standard privileges. The tree is a way of showing hierarchy.

  • If a standard privilege contains one or more custom privileges, then the custom privileges are subsets, or more granular.

  • If one or more standard privileges are contained by a custom privilege, then the custom privilege is a composition, or more coarse.

  • The all privilege must be at the root of the tree.


Even if the standard privilege is not directly supported, it must appear in the tree. To show that the standard privilege is not directly supported, it is marked as "abstract." The server will not permit clients to directly grant or deny an abstract privilege. If a server defines a standard privilege as abstract, then it must define at least one custom privilege that is either a composition or a subset of that standard privilege.

If a custom privilege is a composition including an abstract standard privilege, then that standard privilege can only be granted by granting the custom privilege. This also grants whatever else that concrete privilege entails. For example, a server may define read-acl as abstract, and define the concrete privilege administer as a superset of read-acl. From this definition of administer, the client can understand that granting the administer privilege will include the permission to read ACLs.

If an abstract standard privilege contains custom privileges, then the custom privileges are a subset of the standard privilege. To get the effect of granting the standard privilege, grant all the concrete privileges that it contains. For example, a server may define read as abstract, and define the concrete privileges read-content and read-comments as subsets of the read privilege. From this definition, the client can understand that in order to grant read, it must grant both read-content and read-comments.

Listing 13-3 is a full example value for the supported-privilege-set property. This example illustrates a server implementation with very simplistic and limited permissions, only supporting read, write, and the custom privilege administer. Most of the standard privileges are declared as abstract or not directly supported.

Listing 13-3 Example value for supported-privilege-set.
 <supported-privilege-set xmlns="DAV:">    <supported-privilege>       <privilege> <all/> </privilege> <abstract/>       <supported-privilege>          <privilege> <read> </privilege>       </supported-privilege>       <supported-privilege>          <privilege> <write/> </privilege>          <supported-privilege>             <privilege> <write-properties/> </privilege> <abstract/>          </supported-privilege>          <supported-privilege>             <privilege> <write-content/> </privilege> <abstract/>          </supported-privilege>       </supported-privilege>    </supported-privilege>    <supported-privilege>       <privilege><C:administer xmlns:C="http:// www.example.com/"/>       </privilege>       <description xml:lang="en">Administer the permissions and          locks of this resource</description>       <supported-privilege>          <privilege> <read-acl/> </privilege> <abstract/>       </supported-privilege>       <supported-privilege>          <privilege> <write-acl/> </privilege> <abstract/>       </supported-privilege>       <supported-privilege>          <privilege><read-current-user-privilege-set/>          </privilege> <abstract/>       </supported-privilege>       <supported-privilege>          <privilege> <unlock/> </privilege> <abstract/>       </supported-privilege>    </supported-privilege> </supported-privilege-set> 

Note that all privileges are abstract except read, write, and the custom administer privilege. The custom privilege is defined in the http://www.example.com/ namespace, not in the DAV: namespace. Here's an English explanation of this example:

  • The all abstract privilege encompasses everything else, but it's not directly supported.

  • The read privilege is a standard privilege that is supported normally.

  • The standard write privilege is also directly supported.

  • The write-content and write-properties privileges are not supported, so they're declared abstract, and shown as subsets of write because that's how they're defined in the specification.

  • The custom administer privilege includes the permission to read ACLs, write ACLs, and unlock other users' locks on the resource. Thus, four more standard privileges are shown as abstract to show that they are not directly supported.

Figure 13-1 is another way to view the same supported-privilege-set property value. The read, write, and administer privileges the only privileges that can be granted are shown in bold. All of the privileges in the model are directly from the ACL standard except the administer privilege, which is custom.

Figure 13-1. Privilege containment.


Based on these relationships, a client ought to be able to take the user's intent, and as long as it's not more complicated than the model allows, translate that intent into privileges the server supports.

  • If a user wants to grant the write-content privilege, the client can't grant that privilege directly. It can only offer the ability to grant the write privilege, in which case the write-properties privilege is also granted.

  • If a user wants to grant the read-acl privilege, the client must grant administer privilege, which also grants the ability to do write-acl and unlock as well.

  • If a user wants to grant all privileges at once, the client must separately grant read, write, and administer.

Thus, standard ACL clients can still use the server with this limited set of privileges. The simple permission model maps clearly onto the standard WebDAV ACL privilege set, and this mapping can be explained by showing how concrete privileges encompass abstract privileges.

Text Description of Custom Privileges

The supported-privilege-set property has optional descriptions for each privilege. The client has the option to show the user the server's description (choosing the most appropriate language option available from the server), and hope the user can figure it out.

The text description is most useful when the custom permissions are more granular than the standard permissions. For example, a server could define two custom privileges called read-content and read-properties inside read. The client software can't know what these custom privileges mean, but with a description, a human may be able to figure it out.

Because this mechanism for defining privileges allows so much flexibility for server implementation, there is added risk that interoperability will suffer. Client implementors may decide that the privilege model hierarchy is too complicated to parse and understand. We'll see how it plays out as client implementations develop and mature.

13.2.7 Finding Current User's Permissions

Typically, users are not allowed to read the entire ACL for a resource owned by somebody else. Sometimes this is a security precaution to limit users from finding out who they would have to impersonate to gain more access. Still, it would be pretty convenient for the client software to see what privileges are granted before attempting operations. A smart client wouldn't attempt operations known to be forbidden. In fact, a smart client would not even present those operations to the user. (Typically in GUI clients, operations that are forbidden are shown gray and are unclickable, to prevent the user from attempting an operation that will fail.)

It's easy to resolve this dilemma, because there is no security concern if the client can find out what the current authenticated user is allowed to do. (The client could find this out anyway through trial and error.) The current-user-privilege-set property contains this information, in the form of a list of privileges granted. This property must be supported on any resource that supports ACLs (see Listing 13-4).

Listing 13-4 Example value for current-user-privilege-set property.
 <D:current-user-privilege-set>    <D:privilege> <D:read/> <D:write/> </D:privilege> </D:current-user-privilege-set> 


This value is shown for the same resource used in Listing 13-2 to show the ACL property value. The current user is authenticated as a member of the group hr-group, so the write privilege granted only to members of hr-group is granted to the current user. The current user can do read and write operations, but not view or change the ACL for the resource.

Servers supporting ACLs should return this property with a value even when it's requested by an unauthenticated user. Thus, if the user is unauthenticated and the resource is publicly readable, the privilege set would include read.

WebDAV. Next Generation Collaborative Web Authoring
WebDAV. Next Generation Collaborative Web Authoring
ISBN: 130652083
Year: 2003
Pages: 146

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