



SVG code templates, 285-286, 310-313, 360-361

XSL stylesheets and, 422, 438

Tennison, Jeni, 208

TetraPattern folder, contents described, 417


Bezier curve paths, code snippet for, 181-182

blur element and, 172-173

blur filter, code snippet for, 181

blur filters and, 178-179, 181

colored borders on, 167-168

continuous rotation of text string, animation, 199-201

drop-shadow effects, 171-172

in labeled grids for charts, 211-214

linear gradients and text display, 175-176

opacity and text display, 176-177

pattern matching in Perl, 483-484

rendering strings, code snippet for, 180-181

rotating text strings, 174-175, 181

rotation, code snippet for, 181

scaling and rotation of text string, animation, 201-203, 204-205

scaling animation, code snippet for, 204-205

split function in Perl and text strings, 477-478

strike through text, 168-169

style element and, 10

stylesheets and, 169

substrings, extracting in Perl, 476-477

text strings, rendering, 166

tspan element, 168-171

underlined text, 168-169

white space, removing from text strings in Perl, 475-476

word order, switching in Perl, 477

Text element, described, 165-166

Text files, converting to XML documents, 376

3D effects

in bar charts, 218-220

CircularArcCoil Pattern folder, contents described, 408

C3DEffectCoilPattern folder, contents described, 406

gradient shading, 67-68

Tic-tac-toe games, 269-273

Transformations, 6

animateTransform element, attributes of, 186

combining multiple functions, 129-134

described, 113-114

matrix function, 114, 128-129, 135-136

rotate function, 113, 116-118, 135

see also scaling; skew functions

Transform attribute, shifting g element with, 11-12

Translate function, 113, 114-116

code snippet for, 134-135

TrapezoidPattern folder, contents described, 418

Tree traversal in XSL, 424

TriangleLayersPattern folder, contents described, 419


recursion to render nested triangles, 361-364

shading to render triangular wedges, 17-18


blank browser screen, 34

CPU and memory issues, 284-285

debugging tips, 31, 240

default templates, overriding, 422

error checking in SVG document, 285

hard-coded values as problematic, 93

rendering problems, 34

-w switch in Perl, 462

y-axis orientation and, 7

Tspan element, 168-171


Fundamentals of SVG Programming. Concepts to Source Code
Fundamentals of SVG Programming: Concepts to Source Code (Graphics Series)
ISBN: 1584502983
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 362 © 2008-2017.
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