Machine policy level, 341

macros, IL, 568–574

managed code. See also interoperability

definition of, 81

generating type libraries from, 429–430

proxies for, 424–426

Managed Debugging Assistants (MDAs), 439

managed pointers, 35

managed threads, 355

manifest, assembly, 135, 138–141

mapping an assembly, 146

maps. See dictionaries

marker attributes, 516

marshaling, 434, 435–436

Match class, 488–489

Match method, Regex class, 484, 488

Matches method, Regex class, 484, 488

.maxstack directive, IL, 83

MDAs (Managed Debugging Assistants), 439

MemberRef section, assembly metadata, 136

members of types. See type members

memory consistency model, 388

memory corruption, type safety and, 11–12

memory fence, instruction reordering, 389

memory gates, 120

memory layout

for delegates, 521–522

for objects, 20–21

for structs, controlling, 29–30

for values, 21–22

memory management

allocation of memory, 115–120

definition of, 115

finalization, 123–124

garbage collection (GC), 120–123

interoperability and, 408–412

Out of Memory (OOM), 119–120

Stack Overflow (SO), 118–119

memory models

books about, 402

definition of, 388–390

memory pressure, 203–204, 416–417

memory streams, 279–280

MemoryStream class, 279–280

merging strings, 192

meta-characters, in regular expressions

alternations, 474–475

character classes, 473

comments, 474

conditionals, 475

definition of, 464, 469–470

greediness and, 479–481

grouping, 477–479

lookahead and lookbehind meta-characters, 476–477

positional matching, 464, 475–477

quantifiers, 464, 470, 481


in assembly

assembly identity, 137–138

definition of, 135, 136–137

manifest and, 138–141

signing assembly, 141–143

strong name, 141

emitting, 529–532

generated by compilation, 82–83

.method directive, IL, 83

method table, 21, 125

MethodDef section, assembly metadata, 136, 141

MethodInfo type, 503

MethodRef section, assembly metadata, 136, 141


abstract methods, 51

anonymous methods, 527–529

arguments of

definition of, 30

loading and storing from stack, 89–90

passing style of, 33–35

building, 530–531

calling, 93–97, 126–131

constrained calls, 95–96

definition of, 30–31

epilogue for, 129–130

exception handlers in, 38

indirect calls, 94, 129

info APIs for, 503–505

instance methods, 31

of interfaces, invocation of, 53

invoking, 504

locals of

definition of, 31–32

loading and storing from stack, 89–90

new slots, 37–38

output parameters, 34

overloading, 32

overriding, 36–37

parameters of, 30

private interface inheritance and, 55

prologue for, 129–130

return parameter of, 30

returning from, 94

sealing, 57

static calls, 93–94

static methods, 31

subclassing and, 35–38

tail calls, 94–95

variable argument methods, 35

virtual calls, 93–94

virtual methods

calling, 93–94, 128

definition of, 36–37

nonvirtual calls to, 96–97

Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), 423

Microsoft Windows APIs, history of, 3–4

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), 297

missed pulse, 384

MissingFieldException exception, 210

MissingMethodException exception, 210

mixed mode accessibility for properties, 45

mkrefany instruction, IL, 558

ML language

tail calls and, 94

typing strategy of, 13

MMC, modifying policy using, 341

Module class, 498

modules in assembly

definition of, 134–135

info APIs for, 498–500

money. See currency

monitor-based events, 383–384

monitors for objects, 369–372

Move method, files, 275

MoveTo method, directories, 275

mscoree.dll file, 136

MTA (Multi-Threaded Apartment), 390

MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server), 423

mul instruction, IL, 91, 559

multidimensional arrays, 217–220

multiple inheritance, 54

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), 297

mutexes, 372–373

Professional. NET Framework 2.0
Professional .NET Framework 2.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764571354
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 116
Authors: Joe Duffy

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