
GroupCollection CF 1.0, serializable

System.Text.RegularExpressions (system.dll) class

This class is a collection of the captured groups in a regular expression. A GroupCollection is indexed by either a string with the name of the capture group, or with an integer number of the capture group as determined in the regular expression (give a name to a capture group by putting ?<name> immediately after the opening parenthesis). So, Match.Groups["name"] would retrieve a capture from the subexpression (?<name>expr) , and Match.Groups[1] would be the result from the first explicitly grouped subexpression. The entire regular expression is the zero-indexed group (an expression without any groupings is treated as a single group). A GroupCollection is returned by Match.Groups .

 public class  GroupCollection  : ICollection, IEnumerable {  // Public Instance Properties  public int  Count  {get; }  // implements ICollection  public bool  IsReadOnly  {get; }    public bool  IsSynchronized  {get; }  // implements ICollection  public object  SyncRoot  {get; }  // implements ICollection  public Group  this  [string   groupname   ]{get; }    public Group  this  [int   groupnum   ]{get; }  // Public Instance Methods  public void  CopyTo  (Array   array   , int   arrayIndex   );  // implements ICollection  public IEnumerator  GetEnumerator  ( );  // implements IEnumerable  } 

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C# in a Nutshell
C # in a Nutshell, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596005261
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 963 © 2008-2017.
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