
MethodAttributes CF 1.0, ECMA 1.0, serializable, flag

System.Reflection (mscorlib.dll) enum

These attributes can be placed on methods . The behavior of most of these is obvious and the same as for FieldAttributes . The others are used for specifying the structure of the object vTable .

 public enum  MethodAttributes  {  ReuseSlot = 0x00000000  ,  PrivateScope = 0x00000000  ,  Private = 0x00000001  ,  FamANDAssem = 0x00000002  ,  Assembly = 0x00000003  ,  Family = 0x00000004  ,  FamORAssem = 0x00000005  ,  Public = 0x00000006  ,  MemberAccessMask = 0x00000007  ,  UnmanagedExport = 0x00000008  ,  Static = 0x00000010  ,  Final = 0x00000020  ,  Virtual = 0x00000040  ,  HideBySig = 0x00000080  ,  NewSlot = 0x00000100  ,  VtableLayoutMask = 0x00000100  ,  CheckAccessOnOverride = 0x00000200  ,  Abstract = 0x00000400  ,  SpecialName = 0x00000800  ,  RTSpecialName = 0x00001000  ,  PinvokeImpl = 0x00002000  ,  HasSecurity = 0x00004000  ,  RequireSecObject = 0x00008000  ,  ReservedMask = 0x0000D000  } 


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable , System.IFormattable , System.IConvertible) MethodAttributes

Returned By


Passed To

System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.{DefineGlobalMethod( ) , DefinePInvokeMethod( )} , System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.{DefineConstructor( ) , DefineDefaultConstructor( ) , DefineMethod( ) , DefinePInvokeMethod( )}

C# in a Nutshell
C # in a Nutshell, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596005261
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 963 © 2008-2017.
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