
Process marshal by reference, disposable

System.Diagnostics (system.dll) class

This class represents a system process. Use it to start, stop, and interact with a process. To launch a new process, create an instance of ProcessStartInfo , set its properties, and pass it to the single-argument form of the static Start( ) method. This offers a great deal of control over process creation. To launch a process without customizing its StartInfo , simply call the one-string or two-string argument form of the static Start( ) method. The first string argument is the name of the program, batch file, or document to start, and the optional second argument contains any command-line arguments. You can also explicitly create a new instance of Process , set its StartInfo property, and call the Start( ) method to start the process.

GetCurrentProcess( ) creates a Process instance that represents the current process. Enumerate all running processes on the system by using GetProcesses( ) . Use GetProcessesByName( ) to get all processes for a given program. GetProcessById( ) retrieves a Process given its process ID.

Use CloseMainWindow( ) to shut down a process that has a user interface. You can terminate a process with Kill( ) , but this forces an abnormal termination, which may result in data corruption. If you would like to raise an event when the process finishes executing, use Exited ( EnableRaisingEvents must be set to true ).

Most of the properties allow you to access general information about the running process. However, this information is populated at the time you associate a Process object with a running process. You can call Refresh( ) each time you need to update this information. Modules allows you to inspect the code modules the process has loaded into memory, and MainModule returns the module that started the process. StandardInput , StandardOutput , and StandardError allow access to the default I/O streams (see the ProcessStartInfo.Redirect* methods ). Threads returns the threads in use by the process, and WorkingSet returns the physical memory usage of the process.

 public class  Process  : System.ComponentModel.Component {  // Public Constructors  public  Process  ( );  // Public Instance Properties  public int  BasePriority  {get; }    public bool  EnableRaisingEvents  {set; get; }    public int  ExitCode  {get; }    public DateTime  ExitTime  {get; }    public IntPtr  Handle  {get; }    public int  HandleCount  {get; }    public bool  HasExited  {get; }    public int  Id  {get; }    public string  MachineName  {get; }    public ProcessModule  MainModule  {get; }    public IntPtr  MainWindowHandle  {get; }    public string  MainWindowTitle  {get; }    public IntPtr  MaxWorkingSet  {set; get; }    public IntPtr  MinWorkingSet  {set; get; }    public ProcessModuleCollection  Modules  {get; }    public int  NonpagedSystemMemorySize  {get; }    public int  PagedMemorySize  {get; }    public int  PagedSystemMemorySize  {get; }    public int  PeakPagedMemorySize  {get; }    public int  PeakVirtualMemorySize  {get; }    public int  PeakWorkingSet  {get; }    public bool  PriorityBoostEnabled  {set; get; }    public ProcessPriorityClass  PriorityClass  {set; get; }    public int  PrivateMemorySize  {get; }    public TimeSpan  PrivilegedProcessorTime  {get; }    public string  ProcessName  {get; }    public IntPtr  ProcessorAffinity  {set; get; }    public bool  Responding  {get; }    public StreamReader  StandardError  {get; }    public StreamWriter  StandardInput  {get; }    public StreamReader  StandardOutput  {get; }    public ProcessStartInfo  StartInfo  {set; get; }    public DateTime  StartTime  {get; }    public ISynchronizeInvoke  SynchronizingObject  {set; get; }    public ProcessThreadCollection  Threads  {get; }    public TimeSpan  TotalProcessorTime  {get; }    public TimeSpan  UserProcessorTime  {get; }    public int  VirtualMemorySize  {get; }    public int  WorkingSet  {get; }  // Public Static Methods  public static void  EnterDebugMode  ( );    public static Process  GetCurrentProcess  ( );    public static Process  GetProcessById  (int   processId   );    public static Process  GetProcessById  (int   processId   , string   machineName   );    public static Process[ ]  GetProcesses  ( );    public static Process[ ]  GetProcesses  (string   machineName   );    public static Process[ ]  GetProcessesByName  (string   processName   );    public static Process[ ]  GetProcessesByName  (string   processName   , string   machineName   );    public static void  LeaveDebugMode  ( );    public static Process  Start  (ProcessStartInfo   startInfo   );    public static Process  Start  (string   fileName   );    public static Process  Start  (string   fileName   , string   arguments   );  // Public Instance Methods  public void  Close  ( );    public bool  CloseMainWindow  ( );    public void  Kill  ( );    public void  Refresh  ( );    public bool  Start  ( );    public override string  ToString  ( );  // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component  public bool  WaitForExit  (int   milliseconds   );    public void  WaitForExit  ( );    public bool  WaitForInputIdle  ( );    public bool  WaitForInputIdle  (int   milliseconds   );  // Protected Instance Methods  protected override void  Dispose  (bool   disposing   );  // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component  protected void  OnExited  ( );  // Events  public event EventHandler  Exited  ; } 


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component(System.ComponentModel.IComponent, System.IDisposable) Process

C# in a Nutshell
C # in a Nutshell, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596005261
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 963 © 2008-2017.
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