Enforcing Security Policy

Chapter 1 discussed security expectations and how they affect a system. Now you can take those concepts and develop a more detailed understanding of how security expectations are enforced in a security policy. Developers implement a security policy primarily by identifying and enforcing trust boundaries. As an auditor, you need to analyze the design of these boundaries and the code implementing their enforcement. In order to more easily address the elements of the security policy, enforcement is broken up into six main types discussed in the following sections.


Authentication is the process by which a program determines who a user claims to be and then checks the validity of that claim. A software component uses authentication to establish the identity of a peer (client or server) when initiating communication. A classic example is requiring the user of a Web site to enter a username and password. Authentication isn't just for human peers, either, as you can see in the previous discussion of SSL certificates. In that example, the systems authenticated with each other to function safely over an untrustworthy interface.

Common Vulnerabilities of Authentication

One notable design oversight is to not require authentication in a situation that warrants it. For example, a Web application presents a summary of sensitive corporate accounting information that could be useful for insider trading. Exposing that information to arbitrary Internet users without asking for some sort of authentication would be a design flaw. Note that "lack of authentication" issues aren't always obvious, especially when you're dealing with peer modules in a large application. Often it's difficult to determine that an attacker can get access to a presumably internal interface between two components.

Typically, the best practice is to centralize authentication in the design, especially in Web applications. Some Web applications require authentication for users who come in through a main page but don't enforce authentication in follow-on pages. This lack of authentication means you could interact with the application without ever having to enter a username or password. In contrast, centralized authentication mitigates this issue by validating every Web request within the protected domain.

Untrustworthy Credentials

Another common mistake happens when some authentication information is presented to the software, but the information isn't trustworthy. This problem often happens when authentication is performed on the client side, and an attacker can completely control the client side of the connection. For example, the SunRPC framework includes the AUTH_UNIX authentication scheme, which basically amounts to fully trusting the client system. The client simply passes along a record that tells the server what the user and group IDs are, and the server just accepts them as fact.

UNIX systems used to include a RPC daemon called rexd (remote execute daemon). The purpose of this program was to let a remote user run a program on the system as a local user. If you were to connect to the rexd system and tell the rexd program to run the /bin/sh command as the user bin, the program would run a shell as bin and let you interact with it. That's about all there was to it, with the exception that you couldn't run programs as the root user. Typically, getting around this restriction takes only a few minutes after you have a shell running as bin. More recently, a remote root flaw was exposed in the default installation of sadmind on Solaris; it treated the AUTH_UNIX authentication as sufficient validation for running commands on behalf of the client.


The bug in sadmind is documented at www.securityfocus.com/bid/2354/info.

Many network daemons use the source IP address of a network connection or packet to establish a peer's identity. By itself, this information isn't a sufficient credential and is susceptible to tampering. UDP can be trivially spoofed, and TCP connections can be spoofed or intercepted in various situations. UNIX provides multiple daemons that honor the concept of trusted hosts based on source address. These daemons are rshd and rlogind, and even sshd can be configured to honor these trust relationships. By initiating, spoofing, or hijacking a TCP connection from a trusted machine on a privileged port, an attacker can exploit the trust relationship between two machines.

Insufficient Validation

An authentication system can be close to sufficient for its environment but still contain a fundamental design flaw that leaves it exposed. This problem isn't likely to happen with the typical authentication design of requiring username/password/mom's maiden name, as it's easy to think through the consequences of design decisions in this type of system.

You're more likely to see this kind of design flaw in programmatic authentication between two systems. If a program makes use of existing authentication mechanisms, such as certificates, design-level problems can arise. First, many distributed client/server applications authenticate in only one direction: by authenticating only the client or only the server. An attacker can often leverage this authentication scheme to masquerade as the unauthenticated peer and perform subtle attacks on the system.

Homemade authentication with cryptographic primitives is another issue you might encounter. From a conceptual standpoint, making your own authentication seems simple. If you have a shared secret, you give the peer a challenge. The peer then sends back a value that could be derived only from a combination of the challenge and shared secret. If you're using public and private keys, you send a challenge to a peer, encrypting it with the peer's public key, and anticipate a response that proves the peer was able to decrypt it.

However, there's plenty of room for error when creating authentication protocols from scratch. Thomas Lopatic found an amusing vulnerability in the FWN/1 protocol of Firewall-1. Each peer sends a random number R1 and a hash of that random number with a shared key, Hash(R1+K). The receiving peer can look at the random number that was sent, calculate the hash, and compare it with the transmitted value. The problem is that you can simply replay the R1 and Hash(R1+K) values to the server because they're made using the same shared symmetric key.


Authorization is the process of determining whether a user on the system is permitted to perform a specific operation within a trust domain. It works in concert with authentication as part of an access control policy: Authentication establishes who a user is, and authorization determines what that user is permitted to do. There are many formal designs for access control systems, including discretionary access control, mandatory access control, and role-based access control. In addition, several technologies are available for centralizing access control into various frameworks, operating systems, and libraries. Because of the complexity of different access control schemes, it's best to begin by looking at authorization from a general perspective.

Common Vulnerabilities of Authorization

Web applications are notorious for missing or insufficient authorization. Often, you find that only a small fraction of a Web site's functionality does proper authorization checks. In these sites, pages with authorization logic are typically main menu pages and major subpages, but the actual handler pages omit authorization checks. Frequently, it's possible to find a way to log in as a relatively low-privileged user, and then be able to access information and perform actions that don't belong to your account or are intended for higher-privileged users.

Authorities That Aren't Secure

Omitting authorization checks is obviously a problem. You can also run into situations in which the logic for authorization checks is inconsistent or leaves room for abuse. For example, say you have a simple expense-tracking system, and each user in the company has an account. The system is preprogrammed with the corporate tree so that it knows which employees are managers and who they manage. The main logic is data driven and looks something like this:

Enter New Expense for each employee you manage    View/Approve Expenses

This system is fairly simple. Assuming that the initial corporate tree is populated correctly, managers can review and approve expenses of their subordinates. Normal employees see only the Enter New Expense menu entry because they aren't in the system as managing other employees.

Now say that you constantly run into situations in which employees are officially managed by one person, but actually report to another manager for day-to-day issues. To address this problem, you make it possible for each user to designate another user as his or her "virtual" manager. A user's virtual manager is given view and approve rights to that user's expenses, just like the user's official manager. This solution might seem fine at first glance, but it's flawed. It creates a situation in which employees can assign any fellow employee as their virtual manager, including themselves. The resulting virtual manager could then approve expenses without any further restrictions.

This simple system with an obvious problem might seem contrived, but it's derived from problems encountered in real-world applications. As the number of users and groups in an application grows and the complexity of the system grows, it becomes easy for designers to overlook the possibility of potential abuse in the authorization logic.


Accountability refers to the expectation that a system can identify and log activities that users of the system perform. Nonrepudiation is a related term that's actually a subset of accountability. It refers to the guarantee that a system logs certain user actions so that users can't later deny having performed them. Accountability, along with authorization and authentication, establishes a complete access control policy. Unlike authentication and authorization, accountability doesn't specifically enforce a trust boundary or prevent a compromise from occurring. Instead, accountability provides data that can be essential in mitigating a successful compromise and performing forensic analysis. Unfortunately, accountability is one of the most overlooked portions of secure application design.

Common Vulnerabilities of Accountability

The most common accountability vulnerability is a system's failure to log operations on sensitive data. In fact, many applications provide no logging capability whatsoever. Of course, many applications don't handle sensitive data that requires logging. However, administrators or end usersnot developersshould determine whether logging is required.

The next major concern for accountability is a system that doesn't adequately protect its log data. Of course, this concern might also be an authorization, confidentiality, or integrity issue. Regardless, any system maintaining a log needs to ensure the security of that log. For example, the following represents a simple text-based log, with each line including a timestamp followed by a log entry:

20051018133106 Logon Failure: Bob 20051018133720 Logon Success: Jim 20051018135041 Logout: Jim

What would happen if you included user-malleable strings in the log entry? What's to prevent a user from intentionally sending input that looks like a log entry? For instance, say a user supplied "Bob\n20051018133106 Logon Success: Greg" as a logon name. It looks like a harmless prank, but it could be used for malicious activity. Attackers could use fake entries to cover malicious activity or incriminate an innocent user. They might also be able to corrupt the log to the point that it becomes unreadable or unwriteable. This corruption could create a denial-of-service condition or open pathways to other vulnerabilities. It might even provide exploitable pathways in the logging system itself.

Manipulating this log isn't the only problem. What happens when attackers can read it? At the very least, they would know at what times every user logged in and logged out. From this data, they could deduce login patterns or spot which users have a habit of forgetting their passwords. This information might seem harmless, but it can be useful in staging a larger attack. Therefore, unauthorized users shouldn't be able to read or modify the contents of a system log.


Chapter 1 described confidentiality as the expectation that only authorized parties can view data. This requirement is typically addressed through access control mechanisms, which are covered by authentication and authorization. However, additional measures must be taken when communication is performed over a channel that's not secure. In these cases, encryption is often used to enforce confidentiality requirements.

Encryption is the process of encoding information so that it can't be read by a third party without special knowledge, which includes the encryption process and usually some form of key data. Key data is a piece of data known only to the parties who are authorized to access the information.

The topic of validating cryptographic algorithms and processes is not covered in this book because the mathematics involved are extremely complex and encompass an entire field of study. However, the knowledge you need to identify certain vulnerabilities in implementing and applying cryptography is covered throughout this book, including memory management issues in cryptographic message handling and how to validate specification requirements against an implementation.

Your biggest concern from a design perspective is in determining if a particular cryptographic protocol is applied correctly. The protocol must be strong enough for the data it's protecting and must be used in a secure manner. If you're interested in more information on the appropriate use of cryptography, you can read Practical Cryptography (Wiley, 2003) by Bruce Schneier and Niels Ferguson. If your interest lies in algorithms and implementation, consider Bruce Schneier's other book, Applied Cryptography (Wiley, 1996).

Encryption Algorithms

Encryption has a long history, dating all the way back to ancient cultures. However, because you're concerned with modern cryptographic protocols that can be used to protect data communications effectively, this chapter focuses on two major classes of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric.

Symmetric encryption (or shared key encryption) refers to algorithms in which all authorized parties share the same key. Symmetric algorithms are generally the simplest and most efficient encryption algorithms. Their major weakness is that they require multiple parties to have access to the same shared secret. The alternative is to generate and exchange a unique key for each communication relationship, but this solution quickly results in an untenable key management situation. Further, asymmetric encryption has no means for verifying the sender of a message among any group of shared key users.

Asymmetric encryption (or public key encryption) refers to algorithms in which each party has a different set of keys for accessing the same encrypted data. This is done by using a public and private key pair for each party. Any parties wanting to communicate must exchange their public keys in advance. The message is then encrypted by combining the recipient's public key and the sender's private key. The resulting encrypted message can be decrypted only by using the recipient's private key.

In this manner, asymmetric encryption simplifies key management, doesn't require exposing private keys, and implicitly verifies the sender of a message. However, these algorithms are more complex and tend to be computationally intensive. Therefore, asymmetric algorithms are typically used to exchange a symmetric key that's then used for the duration of a communication session.

Block Ciphers

Block ciphers are symmetric encryption algorithms that work on fixed-size blocks of data and operate in a number of modes. You should be aware of some considerations for their use, however. One consideration is whether the block cipher encrypts each block independently or uses output from the previous block in encrypting the current block. Ciphers that encrypt blocks independently are far more vulnerable to cryptanalytic attacks and should be avoided whenever possible. Therefore, a cipher block chaining (CBC) mode cipher is the only appropriate fixed-block cipher in general use. It performs an XOR operation with the previous block of data, resulting in negligible performance overhead and much higher security than modes that handle blocks independently.

Stream Ciphers

One of the most inconvenient aspects of block ciphers is that they must handle fixed-size chunks of data. Any data chunks larger than the block size must be fragmented, and anything smaller must be padded. This requirement can add complexity and overhead to code that handles something like a standard TCP socket.

Fortunately, block ciphers can run in modes that allow them to operate on arbitrarily sized chunks of data. In this mode, the block cipher performs as a stream cipher. The counter (CTR) mode cipher is the best choice for a stream cipher. Its performance characteristics are comparable to CBC mode, but it doesn't require padding or fragmentation.

Initialization Vectors

An initialization vector (IV) is a "dummy" block of data used to start a block cipher. An IV is necessary to force the cipher to produce a unique stream of output, regardless of identical input. The IV doesn't need to be kept private, although it must be different for every new cipher initialization with the same key. Reusing an IV causes information leakage with a CBC cipher in only a limited number of scenarios; however, it severely degrades the security of other block ciphers. As a general rule, IV reuse should be considered a security vulnerability.

Key Exchange Algorithms

Key exchange protocols can get complicated, so this section just provides some simple points to keep in mind. First, the implementation should use a standard key exchange protocol, such as RSA, Diffie-Hellman, or El Gamal. These algorithms have been extensively validated and provide the best degree of assurance.

The next concern is that the key exchange is performed in a secure manner, which means both sides of the communication must provide some means of identification to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. All the key exchange algorithms mentioned previously provide associated signature algorithms that can be used to validate both sides of the connection. These algorithms require that both parties have already exchanged public keys or that they are available through some trusted source, such as a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) server.

Common Vulnerabilities of Encryption

Now that you have some background on the proper use of encryption, it's important to understand what can go wrong. Homemade encryption is one of the primary causes of confidentiality-related vulnerabilities. Encryption is extremely complicated and requires extensive knowledge and testing to design and implement properly. Therefore, most developers should restrict themselves to known algorithms, protocols, and implementations that have undergone extensive review and testing.

Storing Sensitive Data Unnecessarily

Often a design maintains sensitive data without any real cause, typically because of a misunderstanding of the system requirements. For instance, validating a password doesn't require storing the password in a retrievable form. You can safely store a hash of the password and use it for comparison. If it's done correctly, this method prevents the real password from being exposed. (Don't worry if you aren't familiar with hashes; they are introduced in "Hash Functions" later in this chapter.)

Clear-text passwords are one of the most typical cases of storing data unnecessarily, but they are far from the only example of this problem. Some application designs fail to classify sensitive information properly or just store it for no understandable reason. The real issue is that any design needs to classify the sensitivity of its data correctly and store sensitive data only when absolutely required.

Lack of Necessary Encryption

Generally, a system doesn't provide adequate confidentiality if it's designed to transfer clear-text information across publicly accessible storage, networks, or unprotected shared memory segments. For example, using TELNET to exchange sensitive information would almost certainly be a confidentiality-related design vulnerability because TELNET does not encrypt its communication channel.

In general, any communication with the possibility of containing sensitive information should be encrypted when it travels over potentially compromised or public networks. When appropriate, sensitive information should be encrypted as it's stored in a database or on disk. Encryption requires a key management solution of some sort, which can often be tied to a user-supplied secret, such as a password. In some situations, especially when storing passwords, hashed values of sensitive data can be stored in place of the actual sensitive data.

Insufficient or Obsolete Encryption

It's certainly possible to use encryption that by design isn't strong enough to provide the required level of data security. For example, 56-bit single Digital Encryption Standard (DES) encryption is probably a bad choice in the current era of inexpensive multigigahertz computers. Keep in mind that attackers can record encrypted data, and if the data is valuable enough, they can wait it out while computing power advances. Eventually, they will be able to pick up a 128 q-bit quantum computer at Radio Shack, and your data will be theirs (assuming that scientists cure the aging problem by 2030, and everyone lives forever).

Jokes aside, it's important to remember that encryption implementations do age over time. Computers get faster, and mathematicians find devious new holes in algorithms just as code auditors do in software. Always take note of algorithms and key sizes that are inadequate for the data they protect. Of course, this concern is a moving target, so the best you can do is keep abreast of the current recommended standards. Organizations such as the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST; www.nist.gov) do a good job of publishing generally accepted criteria for algorithms and key sizes.

Data Obfuscation Versus Data Encryption

Some applicationsand even industry-wide security standardsdon't seem to differentiate between data obfuscation and data encryption. Put simply, data is obfuscated when attackers have access to all the information they need to recover encoded sensitive data. This situation typically occurs when the method of encoding data doesn't incorporate a unique key, or the key is stored in the same trust domain as the data. Two common examples of encoding methods that don't incorporate a unique key are ROT13 text encoding and simple XOR mechanisms.

The problem of keys stored in the same context as data is a bit more confusing but not necessarily less common. For example, many payment-processing applications store sensitive account holder information encrypted in their databases, but all the processing applications need the keys. This requirement means that stealing the backup media might not give attackers the account data, but compromising any payment server can get them the key along with the encrypted data. Of course, you could add another key to protect the first key, but all the processing applications would still require access. You could layer as many keys as you like, but in the end, it's just an obfuscation technique because each processing application needs to decrypt the sensitive data.


The PCI (Payment Card Industry) 1.0 Data Security Requirement is part of an industry-wide standard to help ensure safe handling of payment card data and transactions. These requirements are a forward-thinking move for the industry, and many of them are consistent with best security practices. However, the standard contains requirements that create exactly the confidentiality issue described in this chapter. In particular, the requirements allow storing encrypted data and the key in the same context, as long as the key is encrypted by another key residing in the same context.

One final point is that security by obscurity (or obfuscation) has earned a bad reputation in the past several years. On its own, it's an insufficient technique for protecting data from attackers; it simply doesn't provide a strong enough level of confidentiality. However, in practice, obfuscation can be a valuable component of any security policy because it deters casual snoopers and can often slow down dedicated attackers.


Chapter 1 defined integrity as the expectation that only authorized parties are able to modify data. This requirement, like confidentiality, is typically addressed through access control mechanisms. However, additional measures must be taken when communication is performed over a channel that's not secure. In these cases, certain cryptographic methods, discussed in the following sections, are used to ensure data integrity.

Hash Functions

Cryptographic data integrity is enforced through a variety of methods, although hash functions are the basis of most approaches. A hash function (or "message digest function") accepts a variable-length input and generates a fixed-size output. The effectiveness of a hash function is measured primarily by three requirements. The first is that it must not be reversible, meaning that determining the input based only on the output should be computationally infeasible. This requirement is known as the "no pre-image" requirement. The second requirement is that the function not have a second pre-image, which means that given the input and the output, generating an input with the same output is computationally infeasible. The final requirement, and the strongest, is that a hash must be relatively collision free, meaning that intentionally generating the same output for differing inputs should be computationally infeasible.

Hash functions provide the foundation of most programmatic integrity protection. They can be used to associate an arbitrary set of data with a unique, fixed-size value. This association can be used to avoid retaining sensitive data and to vastly reduce the storage required to validate a piece of data. The simplest forms of hash functions are cyclic redundancy check (CRC) routines. They are fast and efficient and offer a moderate degree of protection against unintentional data modification. However, CRC functions aren't effective against intentional modification, which makes them unusable for security purposes. Some popular CRC functions include CRC-16, CRC-32, and Adler-32.

The next step up from CRC functions are cryptographic hash functions. They are far more computationally intensive, but they offer a high degree of protection against intentional and unintentional modification. Popular hash functions include SHA-1, SHA-256, and MD5. (Issues with MD5 are discussed in more detail in "Bait-and-Switch Attacks" later in this chapter.)

Salt Values

Salt values are much the same as initialization vectors. The "salt" is a random value added to a message so that two messages don't generate the same hash value. As with an IV, a salt value must not be duplicated between messages. A salt value must be stored in addition to the hash so that the digest can be reconstructed correctly for comparison. However, unlike an IV, a salt value should be protected in most circumstances.

Salt values are most commonly used to prevent precomputation-based attacks against message digests. Most password storage methods use a salted hash value to protect against this problem. In a precomputation attack, attackers build a dictionary of all possible digest values so that they can determine the original data value. This method works only for fairly small ranges of input values, such as passwords; however, it can be extremely effective.

Consider a salt value of 32 random bits applied to an arbitrary password. This salt value increases the size of a password precomputation dictionary by four billion times its original value (232). The resulting precomputation dictionary would likely be too large for even a small subset of passwords. Rainbow tables, developed by Philippe Oechslin, are a real-world example of how a lack of a salt value leaves password hashes vulnerable to pre-computation attacks. Rainbow tables can be used to crack most password hashes in seconds, but the technique works only if the hash does not include a salt value. You can find more information on rainbow tables at the Project RainbowCrack website: http://www.antsight.com/zsl/rainbowcrack/.

Originator Validation

Hash functions provide a method of validating message content, but they can't validate the message source. Validating the source of a message requires incorporating some form of private key into the hash operation; this type of function is known as a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) function. A MAC is a function that returns a fixed-length value computed from a key and variable-length message.

An HMAC is a relatively fast method of validating a message's content and sender by using a shared secret. Unfortunately, an HMAC has the same weakness as any shared key system: An attacker can impersonate any party in a conversation by compromising only one party's key.

Cryptographic Signatures

A cryptographic signature is a method of associating a message digest with a specific public key by encrypting the message digest with the sender's public and private key. Any recipient can then decrypt the message digest by using the sender's public key and compare the resulting value against the computed message digest. This comparison proves that the originator of the message must have had access to the private key.

Common Vulnerabilities of Integrity

Integrity vulnerabilities are similar to confidentiality vulnerabilities. Most integrity vulnerabilities can, in fact, be prevented by addressing confidentiality concerns. However, some integrity-related design vulnerabilities, discussed in the following sections, merit special consideration.

Bait-and-Switch Attacks

Commonly used hashing functions must undergo a lot of public scrutiny. However, over time, weaknesses tend to appear that could result in exploitable vulnerabilities. The bait-and-switch attack is typically one of the first weaknesses found in an aging hash function. This attack takes advantage of a weak hash function's tendency to generate collisions over certain ranges of input. By doing this, an attacker can create two inputs that generate the same value.

For example, say you have a banking application that accepts requests to transfer funds. The application receives the request, and if the funds are available, it signs the transfer and passes it on. If the hashing function is vulnerable, attackers could generate two fund transfers that produce the same digest. The first request would have a small value, and the second would be much larger. Attackers could then open an account with a minimum balance and get the smaller transfer approved. Then they would submit the larger request to the next system and close out their accounts before anyone was the wiser.

Bait-and-switch attacks have been a popular topic lately because SHA-1 and MD5 are starting to show some wear. The potential for collision vulnerabilities in MD5 was identified as early as 1996, but it wasn't until August 2004 that Xiaoyun Wang, Dengguo Feng, Xuejia Lai, and Hongbo Yu published a paper describing successful collisions with the MD5 algorithm. This paper was followed up in March 2005 by Arjen Lenstra, Xiaoyun Wang, and Benne de Weger. They successfully generated a colliding pair of X.509 certificates with different public keys, which is the certificate format used in SSL transactions. More recently, Vlastimil Klima published an algorithm in March 2006 that's capable of finding MD5 collisions in an extremely short time.

The SHA family of algorithms is also under close scrutiny. A number of potential attacks against SHA-0 have been identified; however, SHA-0 was quickly superseded by SHA-1 and never saw significant deployment. The SHA-0 attack research has provided the foundation for identifying vulnerabilities in the SHA-1 algorithm, although at the time of this writing, no party has successfully generated a SHA-1 collision. However, these issues have caused several major standards bodies (such as the U.S.-based NIST) to initiate phasing out SHA-1 in favor of SHA-256 (also known as SHA-2).

Of course, finding random collisions is much harder than finding collisions that are viable for a bait-and-switch attack. However, by their nature, cryptographic algorithms should be chosen with the intention that their security will be viable far beyond the applicable system's life span. This reasoning explains the shift in recent years from hashing algorithms that had previously been accepted as relatively secure. The impact of this shift can even be seen in password-hashing applications, which aren't directly susceptible to collision-based attacks, but are also being upgraded to stronger hash functions.


Chapter 1 defined availability as the capability to use a resource when expected. This expectation of availability is most often associated with reliability, and not security. However, there are a range of situations in which the availability of a system should be viewed as a security requirement.

Common Vulnerabilities of Availability

There is only one type of general vulnerability associated with a failure of availabilitythe denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerability. A DoS vulnerability occurs when an attacker can make a system unavailable by performing some unanticipated action.

The impact of a DoS attack can be very dependant on the situation in which it occurs. A critical system may include an expectation of constant availability, and outages would represent an unacceptable business risk. This is often the case with core business systems such as centralized authentication systems or flagship websites. In both of these cases, a successful DoS attack could correspond directly to a significant loss of revenue due to the business's inability to function properly without the system.

A lack of availability also represents a security risk when an outage forces requirements to be addressed in a less secure manner. For example, consider a point-of-sale (PoS) system that processes all credit card transactions via a central reconciliation server. When the reconciliation server is unavailable, the PoS system must spool all of the transactions locally and perform them at a later time. An attacker may have a variety of reasons for inducing a DoS between a PoS system and the reconciliation server. The DoS condition may allow an attacker to make purchases with stolen or invalid credit cards, or it may expose spooled cardholder information on a less secure PoS system.

The Art of Software Security Assessment. Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
ISBN: 0321444426
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 194

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