Stored Procedures

Understanding batches is a crucial prerequisite to understanding stored procedures, but you shouldn't confuse the two. Batches involve communication between a client program and SQL Server, and stored procedures are objects that exist only on the server. A stored procedure always executes within context of a single batch, but a single batch can contain calls to multiple stored procedures as well as other commands that are not part of stored procedures.

We've actually seen stored procedures in use quite a few times already. For example, we've looked at the output to the system stored procedures sp_help, sp_helpconstraint and sp_helpindex. The stored procedures that you can create are not too different from the system-supplied procedures. After I tell you a bit more about stored procedures, you'll be able to see exactly what the similarities and differences are between the procedures you write and the ones Microsoft supplies with SQL Server.

To create a stored procedure, you take a batch and wrap it inside a CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The procedure's definition can consist of any Transact-SQL commands, with nothing special except for declaring which parameters are passed to the procedure.

To demonstrate how easy it is to create a stored procedure, I've written a simple procedure called get_author that takes one parameter, the author ID, and returns the names of any authors that have IDs equal to whatever character string is passed to the procedure:

 CREATE PROC get_author @au_id varchar(11) AS SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_id=@au_id 

This procedure can be subsequently executed with syntax like the following:

 EXEC get_author '172-32-1176' 


 EXEC get_author @au_id='172-32-1176' 

As you can see, you can pass the parameters anonymously by including specific values for them. If the procedure is expecting more than one parameter and you want to pass them anonymously, you must specify their values in the order that the parameters were listed in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. Alternatively, you can explicitly name the parameters so that the order in which they're passed isn't important.

If executing the procedure is the first statement in the batch, using the keyword EXEC is optional. However, it's probably best to use EXEC (or EXECUTE) so that you won't wind up wondering why your procedure wouldn't execute (only to realize later that it's no longer the first statement of the batch).

In practice, you'll probably want a procedure like the one above to be a bit more sophisticated. Perhaps you'll want to search for author names that begin with a partial ID that you pass. If you choose not to pass anything, the procedure should show all authors rather than return an error message stating that the parameter is missing.

Or maybe you'd like to return some value as a variable (distinct from the result set returned and from the return code) that you can use to check for successful execution. You can do this by passing an output parameter, which has a pass-by-reference capability. Passing an output parameter to a stored procedure is similar to passing a pointer when you call a function in C. Rather than passing a value, you pass the address of a storage area in which the procedure will cache a value. That value is subsequently available to the SQL batch after the stored procedure has executed.

For example, you might want an output parameter to tell you the number of rows returned by a SELECT statement. While the @@ROWCOUNT system function provides this information, it's available for only the last statement executed. If the stored procedure has executed many statements, you must put this value away for safekeeping. An output parameter provides an easy way to do this.

Here's a simple procedure that selects all the rows from the authors table and all the rows from the titles table. It also sets an output parameter for each table based on @@rowcount. The calling batch retrieves the @@ROWCOUNT values through the variables passed as the output parameters.

 CREATE PROC count_tables @authorcount int OUTPUT, @titlecount int OUTPUT AS SELECT * FROM authors SET @authorcount=@@ROWCOUNT SELECT * FROM titles SET @titlecount=@@ROWCOUNT RETURN(0) 

The procedure would then be executed like this:

 DECLARE @a_count int, @t_count int EXEC count_tables @a_count OUTPUT, @t_count OUTPUT 


Parameters passed to a routine are treated much like local variables. Variables declared in a stored procedure are always local, so we could have used the same names for both the variables in the procedure and those passed by the batch as output parameters. In fact, this is probably the most common way to invoke them. However, the variables passed into a routine don't need to have the same name as the associated parameters. Even with the same name, they are in fact different variables because their scoping is different.

This procedure returns all the rows from both tables. In addition, the variables @a_count and @t_count retain the row counts from the authors and titles tables, respectively. After the EXEC statement inside the batch, we can look at the values in the two variables passed to procedure to see what values they ended up with:

 SELECT authorcount=@a_count, titlecount=@t_count 

Here's the output for this SELECT:

 authorcount titlecount ----------- ---------- 23 18 

When you create a stored procedure, you can reference a table, a view, or another stored procedure that doesn't currently exist. In the latter case, you'll get a warning message informing you that a referenced object doesn't exist. As long as the object exists at the time the procedure is executed, all will be fine.

Nested Stored Procedures

Stored procedures can be nested and can call other procedures. A procedure invoked from another procedure can also invoke yet another procedure. In such a transaction, the top-level procedure has a nesting level of 1. The first subordinate procedure has a nesting level of 2. If that subordinate procedure subsequently invokes another stored procedure, the nesting level is 3, and so on, to a limit of 32 nesting levels. If the 32-level limit is reached, a fatal error occurs, the batch is aborted, and any open transaction is rolled back.

The nesting-level limit prevents stack overflows that can result from procedures recursively calling themselves infinitely. The limit allows a procedure to recursively call itself only 31 subsequent times (for a total of 32 procedure calls). To determine how deeply a procedure is nested at runtime, you can select the value of the system function @@NESTLEVEL.

Unlike with nesting levels, SQL Server has no practical limit on the number of stored procedures that can be invoked from a given stored procedure. For example, a main stored procedure can invoke hundreds of subordinate stored procedures. If the subordinate procedures don't invoke other subordinate procedures, the nesting level never reaches a depth greater than 2.

An error in a nested (subordinate) stored procedure isn't necessarily fatal to the calling stored procedure. When you invoke a stored procedure from another stored procedure, it's smart to use a RETURN statement and check the return value in the calling procedure. In this way, you can work conditionally with error situations (as shown in the upcoming factorial example).

Recursion in Stored Procedures

Stored procedures can perform nested calls to themselves, also known as recursion. Recursion is a technique by which the solution to a problem can be expressed by applying the solution to subsets of the problem. Programming instructors usually demonstrate recursion by having students write a factorial program using recursion to display a table of factorial values for 0! through 10!. Recall that a factorial of a positive integer n, written as n!, is the product of all integers from 1 through n. For example:

 8! = 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 40320 

(Zero is a special case—0! is defined as equal to 1.)

We can write a stored procedure that computes factorials, and we can do the recursive programming assignment in Transact-SQL:

 -- Use Transact-SQL to recursively calculate factorial -- of numbers between 0 and 12. -- Parameters greater than 12 are disallowed because the -- result overflows the bounds of an int. CREATE PROC factorial @param1 int AS DECLARE @one_less int, @answer int IF (@param1 < 0 OR @param1 > 12) BEGIN -- Illegal parameter value. Must be between 0 and 12. RETURN -1 END IF (@param1=0 or @param1=1) SELECT @answer=1 ELSE BEGIN SET @one_less=@param1 - 1 EXEC @answer=factorial @one_less -- Recursively call itself IF (@answer= -1) BEGIN RETURN -1 END SET @answer=@answer * @param1 IF (@@ERROR <> 0) RETURN -1 END RETURN(@answer) 

Note that when the procedure is initially created, a warning message like the one shown here will indicate that the procedure references a procedure that doesn't currently exist (which is itself in this case):

 Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current stored procedure because it depends on the missing object 'factorial'. The stored procedure will still be created. 

Once the procedure exists, we can use it to display a standard factorial:

 DECLARE @answer int, @param int SET @param=0 WHILE (@param <= 12) BEGIN EXEC @answer = factorial @param IF (@answer= -1) BEGIN RAISERROR('Error executing factorial procedure.', 16, -1) RETURN END PRINT CONVERT(varchar, @param) + '! = ' + CONVERT(varchar(50), @answer) SET @param=@param + 1 END 

Here's the output table:

 0! = 1 1! = 1 2! = 2 3! = 6 4! = 24 5! = 120 6! = 720 7! = 5040 8! = 40320 9! = 362880 10! = 3628800 11! = 39916800 12! = 479001600 

We stopped at 12! in the factorial procedure because 13! is 6,227,020,800, which exceeds the range of a 32-bit (4-byte) integer. Even if we changed the parameter @answer to be type decimal, we would still be limited to 12! because the value included in a RETURN statement must be type int.

Here's another version of the procedure that uses an output parameter for the answer and introduces a new variable to hold the returned status of the procedure. You can use a decimal datatype with a scale of 0 as an alternative to int for integer operations that require values larger than the 4-byte int can handle.

 CREATE PROC factorial @param1 decimal(38,0), @answer decimal(38,0) output AS DECLARE @one_less decimal(38,0), @status int IF (@param1 < 0 OR @param1 > 32) BEGIN -- Illegal parameter value. Must be between 0 and 32. RETURN -1 END IF (@param1=0 or @param1=1) SET @answer=1 ELSE BEGIN SET @one_less=@param1 - 1 EXEC @status=factorial @one_less, @answer output -- Recursively call itself IF (@status= -1) BEGIN RETURN -1 END SET @answer=@answer * @param1 IF (@@ERROR <> 0) RETURN -1 END RETURN 0 

To call this procedure, we can use the following code:

 DECLARE @answer decimal(38,0), @param int SET @param=0 WHILE (@param <= 32) BEGIN EXEC factorial @param, @answer output IF (@answer= -1) BEGIN RAISERROR('Error executing factorial procedure.', 16, -1) RETURN END PRINT CONVERT(varchar, @param) + '! = ' + CONVERT(varchar(50), @answer) SET @param=@param + 1 END 

Even though this procedure has removed the range limit on the result by using a decimal datatype to hold the answer, we can only go to 32! because we'd reach the maximum nesting depth of 32, which includes recursive calls. If we took out the condition OR @param1 > 32, this would allow an initial parameter > 32, which would result in a nesting level that exceeded the maximum. We would then get this error:

 Server: Msg 217, Level 16, State 1, Procedure factorial, Line 17 Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view-nesting level exceeded (limit 32). 

In C, you need to be sure that you don't overflow your stack when you use recursion. Using Transact-SQL shields you from that concern, but it does so by steadfastly refusing to nest calls more than 32 levels deep. You can also watch @@NESTLEVEL and take appropriate action before reaching the hard limit. As is often the case with a recursion problem, you can perform an iterative solution without the restriction of nesting or worries about the stack.

Here's an iterative approach. To illustrate that there's no restriction of 32 levels because it's simple iteration, we'll go one step further, to 33!. We'll stop at 33! because 34! would overflow the precision of a numeric(38,0) variable. So even though the iterative approach removes the nesting level limit, we can only go one step further because of the range limitations of SQL Server's exact numeric datatypes:

 -- Alternative iterative solution does not have the restriction -- of 32 nesting levels CREATE PROC factorial2 @param1 int, @answer NUMERIC(38,0) OUTPUT AS DECLARE @counter int IF (@param1 < 0 OR @param1 > 33) BEGIN RAISERROR ('Illegal Parameter Value. Must be between 0 and 33', 16, -1) RETURN -1 END SET @counter=1 SET @answer=1 WHILE (@counter < @param1 AND @param1 <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @answer=@answer * (@counter + 1) SET @counter=@counter + 1 END RETURN GO DECLARE @answer numeric(38, 0), @param int SET @param=0 WHILE (@param <= 32) BEGIN EXEC factorial2 @param, @answer OUTPUT PRINT CONVERT(varchar(50), @param) + '! = ' + CONVERT(varchar(50), @answer) SET @param=@param + 1 END 

And here's the output :

 0! = 1 1! = 1 2! = 2 3! = 6 4! = 24 5! = 120 6! = 720 7! = 5040 8! = 40320 9! = 362880 10! = 3628800 11! = 39916800 12! = 479001600 13! = 6227020800 14! = 87178291200 15! = 1307674368000 16! = 20922789888000 17! = 355687428096000 18! = 6402373705728000 19! = 121645100408832000 20! = 2432902008176640000 21! = 51090942171709440000 22! = 1124000727777607680000 23! = 25852016738884976640000 24! = 620448401733239439360000 25! = 15511210043330985984000000 26! = 403291461126605635584000000 27! = 10888869450418352160768000000 28! = 304888344611713860501504000000 29! = 8841761993739701954543616000000 30! = 265252859812191058636308480000000 31! = 8222838654177922817725562880000000 32! = 263130836933693530167218012160000000 33! = 8683317618811886495518194401280000000 

Because this factorial procedure is really producing a single valued result, we could have created it as a user-defined function. I'll show you how to do that a little later in this chapter.

Stored Procedure Parameters

Stored procedures take parameters, and you can give parameters default values. If you don't supply a default value when you create the procedure, an actual parameter will be required when the procedure is executed. If you don't pass a required parameter, you'll get an error like the following, which occurs when I try to call the factorial procedure without a parameter:

 Server: Msg 201, Level 16, State 3, Procedure factorial, Line 0 Procedure 'factorial' expects parameter '@param1', which was not supplied. 

You can pass values by explicitly naming the parameters or by furnishing all the parameter values anonymously but in correct positional order. You can also use the keyword DEFAULT as a placeholder when you pass parameters. You can also pass NULL as a parameter (or define it as the default). Here's a simple example:

 CREATE PROCEDURE pass_params @param0 int=NULL, -- Defaults to NULL @param1 int=1, -- Defaults to 1 @param2 int=2 -- Defaults to 2 AS SELECT @param0, @param1, @param2 GO EXEC pass_params -- PASS NOTHING - ALL Defaults (null) 1 2 EXEC pass_params 0, 10, 20 -- PASS ALL, IN ORDER 0 10 20 EXEC pass_params @param2=200, @param1=NULL -- Explicitly identify last two params (out of order) (null) (null) 200 EXEC pass_params 0, DEFAULT, 20 -- Let param1 default. Others by position. 0 1 20 

Note that if you pass parameters by value, you can't leave any gaps. That is, you can't pass only the first and third, using syntax like this:

 EXEC pass_params 0,, 20 -- You'll get a syntax error here 

Also, be aware of the difference between leaving a parameter value unspecified, using the keyword DEFAULT, and passing in an explicit NULL. In the first two cases, the procedure must have a default defined for the parameter in order to avoid an error. If you pass an explicit NULL, you will not get an error, but if there is a default value for the parameter, it will not be used. NULL will be the "value" used by the procedure.

Wildcards in Parameters

If you have a parameter that is of type character, you might want to pass an incomplete string as a parameter and use it for pattern matching. Consider this procedure that accepts an input parameter of type varchar and returns the title of any book from the titles table in the pubs database for which the title_id matches the input string:

 CREATE PROC gettitles @tid varchar(6) = '%' -- the parameter default means that if no parameter -- is specified, the procedure will return all the -- titles AS SELECT title FROM titles WHERE title_id LIKE @tid IF @@rowcount = 0 PRINT 'There are no titles matching your input' RETURN 

We can call this procedure in a number of different ways. You should be aware that in many cases, SQL Server is very smart about datatype conversion, and the following is an acceptable statement, even without quotes around the character parameter:

 EXEC gettitles bu1032 

The parser breaks the command into individual units of meaning, called tokens, by using spaces and other nonalphanumeric characters as separators. Since the parameter here is completely alphanumeric, the parser recognizes it as a single token and can then assume that it is a parameter of the procedure. The procedure expects a parameter of type varchar, so it just interprets the value it receives as a varchar.

If your parameter includes any nonalphanumeric characters, such as dashes or spaces, the parser will not be able to deal with it appropriately and you'll need to help it by enclosing such parameters in quotes or square brackets. So note what happens if we call the gettitles procedure with a % in the parameter:

 EXEC gettitles bu% RESULT: Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '%'. 

This error is not generated by the stored procedure but by the parser before the procedure is ever called. The parser is unable to determine that the bu% needs to be treated as a single token. If there are quotes around the parameter, the parser is satisfied and the procedure can be executed. Because the query inside the procedure uses LIKE instead of =, the pattern matching can be done and we get back all the titles for which the title_id starts with bu:

 EXEC gettitles 'bu%' RESULTS: title --------------------------------------------------------- The Busy Executive's Database Guide Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets You Can Combat Computer Stress! Straight Talk About Computers (4 row(s) affected) 

If you want your procedure to handle wildcards in parameters, you need to make sure not only that the search condition uses LIKE, but also that the type of parameter is varchar instead of char. You might not think that this would be necessary here because all of the title_id values are exactly six characters long. But suppose that in this gettitles example we had declared @tid to be char(6). This would mean that the procedure would need a parameter of exactly six characters. If we had passed in the three characters bu%, SQL Server would have had to pad the parameter with spaces ('bu% ') to get the full six characters. Then, when the comparison was made in the WHERE clause of the procedure's SELECT statement, SQL Server would look for title_id values that start with bu, are followed by anything (because of the %), and end with three spaces! Because none of the title_id values in the titles table end with three spaces, no rows would be returned.

The default of % in the procedure means that if no parameter is specified, the procedure will compare the title_id with % and return all the rows in the table. This is a useful technique to make the procedure more versatile. Many of our system procedures work this way; for example, if you execute sp_helpdb with a parameter, that parameter is considered the name of a database and you'll get back details about that database. With no parameter, sp_helpdb will return information about all your databases.

However, this technique works only for character string parameters because that is the only datatype that allows wildcards. What if I wanted to write a procedure to find all books with a particular value for price? If no price is specified, I want the procedure to return the names of all the books.

One solution is to define a parameter with a default of NULL. I could write the procedure as two completely separate SELECT statements, one for when the parameter has a non-null value and one without a WHERE clause for when the parameter is NULL. However, there is another way to do this in a single SELECT statement:

 CREATE PROC gettitle_by_price @cost money = NULL AS SELECT price, title FROM titles WHERE price = ISNULL(@cost, price) RETURN 

This procedure assigns a default value of NULL to the parameter, which prevents an error from being generated if no parameter is actually passed in. However, only a single SELECT statement is needed. The ISNULL function will end up comparing a price to itself if the parameter is NULL, and all values for price will be equal to themselves.

There is one little gotcha here, which is that the result from executing this procedure with no parameter is not exactly the same as executing a SELECT without a WHERE clause. A SELECT with no WHERE clause will return ALL the rows. The SELECT with the ISNULL in the WHERE clause will return all rows in which the value of price is equal to the parameter or equal to the same value for price. But what if price has no value? In the titles table, two rows have a nonvalue, in other words NULL, for the price, and will not be returned from the above procedure. In this situation, even setting ANSI_NULLS to OFF will not help. We'll try to find the rows WHERE price = price, and because NULL is never considered equal to NULL, the rows with NULL for price will not be returned. One alternative would be to write the WHERE clause like this:

 WHERE ISNULL(price, 0) = ISNULL(@cost, ISNULL(price, 0)) 

If we write the procedure with this condition, the results we will get from executing the procedure with no parameter will be the same as executing a SELECT without a WHERE clause; that is, all the rows will be returned. However, the drawback to this solution is that SQL Server might not be able to optimize this query and find a good execution plan. As we'll see in Chapter 16, if a column is embedded in a function call or other expression, the optimizer is very unlikely to consider using any indexes on that column. That means if our table has an index on the price column and we actually do pass in a value for price, SQL Server probably won't choose to use that index to find the rows in the table with the requested price.

Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000
ISBN: 0735609985
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 179
Authors: Kalen Delaney © 2008-2017.
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