F.4. W3C XHTML Validation Service

Programming Web-based applications can be complex, and XHTML documents must be written correctly to ensure that browsers process them properly. To promote correctly written documents, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provides a validation service (validator.w3.org) for checking a document's syntax. Documents can be validated either from a URL that specifies the location of the file or by uploading a file to the site validator.w3.org/file-upload.html. Uploading a file copies the file from the user's computer to another computer on the Internet. Figure F.2 shows main.html (Fig. F.1) being uploaded for validation. The W3C's Web page indicates that the service name is MarkUp Validation Service, and the validation service is able to validate the syntax of XHTML documents. All the XHTML examples in this book have been validated successfully using validator.w3.org.

Figure F.2. Validating an XHTML document. (Courtesy of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).)

By clicking Browse..., users can select files on their own computers for upload. After selecting a file, clicking the Validate this file button uploads and validates the file. Figure F.3 shows the results of validating main.html. This document does not contain any syntax errors. If a document does contain syntax errors, the validation service displays error messages describing the errors.

Figure F.3. XHTML validation results. (Courtesy of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).)

Error Prevention Tip F 1

Most current browsers attempt to render XHTML documents even if they are invalid. This often leads to unexpected and possibly undesirable results. Use a validation service, such as the W3C MarkUp Validation Service, to confirm that an XHTML document is syntactically correct.

F 5 Headers



    Introduction to Computers, the Internet and Visual C#

    Introduction to the Visual C# 2005 Express Edition IDE

    Introduction to C# Applications

    Introduction to Classes and Objects

    Control Statements: Part 1

    Control Statements: Part 2

    Methods: A Deeper Look


    Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look

    Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance

    Polymorphism, Interfaces & Operator Overloading

    Exception Handling

    Graphical User Interface Concepts: Part 1

    Graphical User Interface Concepts: Part 2


    Strings, Characters and Regular Expressions

    Graphics and Multimedia

    Files and Streams

    Extensible Markup Language (XML)

    Database, SQL and ADO.NET

    ASP.NET 2.0, Web Forms and Web Controls

    Web Services

    Networking: Streams-Based Sockets and Datagrams

    Searching and Sorting

    Data Structures



    Appendix A. Operator Precedence Chart

    Appendix B. Number Systems

    Appendix C. Using the Visual Studio 2005 Debugger

    Appendix D. ASCII Character Set

    Appendix E. Unicode®

    Appendix F. Introduction to XHTML: Part 1

    Appendix G. Introduction to XHTML: Part 2

    Appendix H. HTML/XHTML Special Characters

    Appendix I. HTML/XHTML Colors

    Appendix J. ATM Case Study Code

    Appendix K. UML 2: Additional Diagram Types

    Appendix L. Simple Types


    Visual C# How to Program
    Visual C# 2005 How to Program (2nd Edition)
    ISBN: 0131525239
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2004
    Pages: 600

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