Integration with Microsoft Office 2003

Using Office 2003, you can integrate with the team portal in interesting ways:

  • Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 - FrontPage is used primarily to customize the team portal and create analysis reports. You can also add data driven Web Parts to the portal using FrontPage 2003.

  • Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 - You can use Outlook 2003 to manage online calendars and contact lists.

  • Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and Access 2003 - Excel and Access can be used to edit lists on the Windows SharePoint site. For example, you can download the list into Excel and manipulate it in a number of ways. Using Access, you can link a list to a database table.

Professional Team Foundation Server
Professional Team Foundation Server
ISBN: 0471919306
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 168 © 2008-2017.
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