
You always need to be prepared in the event of an emergency; having a disaster recovery plan in place and knowing that plan works will make it much easier to handle such an emergency. This chapter has covered a lot of material, but two of the most important points are to have a disaster recovery plan in place and to consistently test your plan to make sure it works. That can't be stressed enough.

You learned about disaster recovery as it applies to Team Foundation Server, and delved into the different recovery modes of SQL Server 2005. It is very important that you select the appropriate recovery mode for SQL Server 2005 to ensure your data is backed up the way you want it and in the timeframe you need it.

Finally, you were presented with detailed instructions on how to back up and restore Team Foundation Server, including how to restore to the same data-tier machine or to a new server.

This chapter concludes Part I of this book, "Deployment and Administration." Now that you know how to set up your Team Foundation Server, it's time to move into how to use it. Part 2, "Project Creation," goes into the details of how to create your team projects and the different methods used by Team Foundation Server.

Professional Team Foundation Server
Professional Team Foundation Server
ISBN: 0471919306
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 168 © 2008-2017.
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