7.3 Managing mail-enabled groups

monitoring and managing microsoft exchange 2000 server
Chapter 8 - Addresses, Address Lists, and Offline Address Lists
Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server
by Mike Daugherty
Digital Press ?2001


For a user to send an e-mail message, the user must know the e-mail address of the intended recipients. Exchange includes two types of user lists that can facilitate addressing e-mail messages:

  • Address Lists . Address Lists contain information about selected objects ( especially users) from the Windows 2000 Active Directory. Address Lists contain information such as e-mail addresses, street addresses, telephone numbers, pager numbers, fax numbers , conference rooms, and web page addresses. Exchange administrators can define multiple shared Address Listseach containing a different subset of usersto meet the needs of the organization.

  • Offline Address Lists . Offline Address Lists are specially formatted files that contain selected sets of Address Lists. Users can download an Offline Address List to a desktop or laptop system, and then use the list to find recipient addresses while they are disconnected from the network.

When an Outlook user selects a recipient from an address list and requests to see the properties of the address list entry, Outlook displays a dialog box that includes the users name , address, department, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and so on. Exchange 2000 details templates define the appearance and content of this dialog box.

E-mail addresses must be generated for recipients before they can send or receive messages. With Windows 2000 and Exchange 2000, e-mail addresses are generated according to a set of rules known as recipient policies.

This chapter describes the creation and management of addresses, address lists, and offline address lists.


Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server
Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 155558232X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 113

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