Chapter Seven Review

Lesson Summary

Entering Resource Overtime Rates

Verify that a resource is able to work overtime before you schedule it.

To Enter Resource Overtime Rates: Click in the Ovt. Rate field of the resource you want to add overtime to. Enter the resource's overtime rate and press Enter.

Specifying Pay Rates for Different Dates

To Specify Pay Rates for Different Dates: Select the resource and click the Resource Information button on the Standard toolbar. Click the Costs tab and enter the date in the Effective Date field. Enter the new pay rate in the Standard Rate field and enter any other costs (Overtime Rate, Per Use Cost) as necessary. Click OK when you're finished.

Adding Pay Rates for a Resource

To Add a New Pay Rate for a Resource: Select the resource and click the Resource Information button on the Standard toolbar. Click the Costs tab, click a pay rate table tab, and enter the new pay rate in the Standard Rate field. Enter other costs (Overtime Rate, Per Use Cost) as necessary, and click OK when you're finished.

Applying a Different Pay Rate to an Assignment

To Apply a Different Pay Rate to an Assignment: Select View Assignment Information button on the Standard toolbar. Click the Cost rate table list arrow, select the table you want to use, and then click OK.

Using Material Resource Consumption Rates

To Apply a Variable Consumption Rate to a Material Resource Assignment: Select the task you want to assign the resource to and click the Assign Resources button on the Standard toolbar. Enter the variable consumption rate in the Units field of the material resource, click the Assign button, and then click Close.

To View Material Resource Costs: Select View Assignment Information button on the Standard toolbar.

Entering Task Fixed Costs

To Enter a Fixed Cost for a Task: Select View View Viewing Project Costs

To View Project Costs: Select View Task Sheet view, and click Apply. Select Tools View tab. Click the Show Project summary task check box, click OK, and then select View Project Project Statistics button.


  1. What field should you enter resource overtime into?

    1. The Ovt. Rate field

    2. The Ovt. Value field

    3. The Assigned Ovt. field

    4. The Work Ovt. field

  2. You cannot change the pay rate for different periods of the project. (True or False?)

  3. You can assign up to ___ different pay rates for a single resource.

    1. Three

    2. Five

    3. Four

    4. Six

  4. A variable consumption rate means an absolute quantity of the resource will be used, no matter how long the task takes. (True or False?)

  5. A fixed cost is:

    1. a cost that has been changed to meet budget guidelines.

    2. a cost that has been assigned to an overallocated resource.

    3. a cost that has been spayed or neutered.

    4. a cost that has been assigned to a task that will not change with duration, work, or material.


  1. Start Microsoft Project 2003.

  2. Navigate to your practice files and open the Homework 7 project.

  3. Give the Bill Gates resource an overtime rate of 150/h.

  4. Give the Snoogie resource a 25% increase in pay rate on 2/18/02.

  5. Go to Resource Usage view and then go back to Gantt Chart view.

  6. Select the "Make a pretty sign" task and click the Assign Resources button on the Standard toolbar. You plan on making quite a few drafts, so adjust the consumption rate of the construction paper resource to 8 units per hour.

  7. Give the "Buy lemons" task a fixed cost of $50.

  8. Close Homework 7 without saving your changes.

Quiz Answers

  1. A. Enter a resource's overtime into the Ovt. Rate field.

  2. False. You can change the pay rate for different periods of the project.

  3. B. You can assign up to five different pay rates for a single resource.

  4. False. A fixed consumption rate means that an absolute quantity of the resource will be used. A variable consumption rate means that the quantity of the resource will vary, depending on the duration of the task.

  5. D. A fixed cost does not change, even if the amount of work, materials, or duration needed to finish the task changes.

CustomGuide Inc - Project 2003 Personal Trainer
Project 2003 Personal Trainer
ISBN: 0596008546
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 156 © 2008-2017.
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