Section 96. Using PDF Presets

#96. Using PDF Presets

A PDF preset is a predefined collection of PDF export settings that balances file size and resolution to produce a PDF file that's appropriate for a particular use, such as high-resolution output or onscreen display and review. When you install InDesign, five default PDF presets are included. Here's a brief description of each:

  • Smallest File Size: Produces PDFs that are suitable for electronic distribution and onscreen display. This preset is not appropriate for high-resolution printing.

  • High Quality Print: Produces PDFs that are suitable for printing proofs to laser and inkjet printers.

  • Press Quality: Produces PDFs that are suitable for high-resolution output.

  • PDF/X-1a 2001: Creates a PDF file that conforms to the PDF/X-1a standard that is commonly used for ads provided to print publications.

  • PDF/X-3 2002: Creates a PDF file that conforms to the PDF/X-3 standard, which is similar to PDF/X-1a.

When you export an InDesign layout as PDF, you must choose a PDF preset in the Export Adobe PDF dialog box. You can either use the default settings of the selected PDF preset as is, or you can modify them, and you can save modified settings as a custom PDF preset.

To save a custom PDF preset, modify the settings in the Export Adobe PDF dialog box, and then click Save Preset. Assign a name in the Save Preset dialog box. After you save a PDF preset, it's displayed in the Adobe PDF Preset menu in the Export Adobe PDF dialog box, along with the five default presets and any other presets you've created or received from your print service provider.

Sharing PDF Presets

The Save As button in the Adobe PDF Presets dialog box lets you save a PDF preset as a .joboptions file that you can share with other InDesign users. PDF presets are stored in a specific folder that InDesign (and other Adobe Creative Suite applications) accesses when it displays a list of available presets (for example, in the Adobe PDF Presets dialog box). On a Macintosh computer, the file path to the PDF presets folder is \Library\Application Support. Adobe PDF\Settings. On a Windows computer, the file path is <default drive>:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents. Adobe PDF\Setting. You can drag .joboptions files to the PDF folder, or you can simply double-click a .joboptions file to automatically move it to the correct folder. You can also use the Load button in the Adobe PDF Presets dialog box to move a .joboptions file to the folder that contains PDF presets.

You can also create a custom PDF preset by choosing File > Adobe PDF Presets > Define. The Adobe PDF Presets dialog box (Figure 96) displays a list of currently available presets. Click New to create a new preset, or select a preset in the list and click Edit to modify it.

Figure 96. The Adobe PDF Presets dialog box displays a list of available PDF presets, and includes controls for adding new presets, editing and deleting existing presets. and loading and saving PDF preset (.joboptions) files.

Adobe InDesign CS2 How-Tos(c) 100 Essential Techniques
Adobe InDesign CS2 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques
ISBN: 0321321901
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 142 © 2008-2017.
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