

Reads a string from a file

 #include <stdio.h> char *fgets ( char * restrict buffer , int n , FILE * restrict fp  ); 

The fgets( ) function reads a sequence of up to n - 1 characters from the file referenced by the FILE pointer argument, and writes it to the buffer indicated by the char pointer argument, appending the string terminator character '\0'. If a newline character ('\n') is read, reading stops and the string written to the buffer is terminated after the newline character.

The fgets( ) function returns the pointer to the string buffer if anything was written to it, or a null pointer if an error occurred or if the file position indicator was at the end of the file.


 FILE *titlefile; char title[256]; int counter = 0; if ((titlefile = fopen("titles.txt", "r")) == NULL)   perror( "Opening title file" ); else {   while ( fgets( title, 256, titlefile ) != NULL )   {     title[ strlen(title) -1 ] = '\0';       // Trim off newline character.     printf( "%3d: \"%s\"\n", ++counter, title );   }   /* fgets( ) returned NULL: either EOF or an error occurred. */   if ( feof(titlefile) )     printf("Total: %d titles.\n", counter); } 

If the working directory contains an appropriate text file, the program produces output like this:

   1: "The Amazing Maurice"   2: "La condition humaine"   3: "Die Eroberung der Maschinen" Total: 3 titles. 

See Also

fputs( ), puts( ), fgetc( ), fgetws( ), fputws( )

C(c) In a Nutshell
C in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596006977
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 473

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