Section 34.6. Conclusion

34.6. Conclusion

This section summarizes the conclusions of our case study.

34.6.1. Failure of Standard Interface Design

The results seen in our case study support our hypothesis that the standard model of user interface design, represented here by PGP 5.0, is not sufficient to make computer security usable for people who are not already knowledgeable in that area. Our 12 test participants were generally educated and experienced at using email, yet only one-third of them were able to use PGP 5.0 to correctly sign and encrypt an email message when given 90 minutes in which to do so. Furthermore, one-quarter of them accidentally exposed the secret they were meant to protect in the process, by sending it in email they thought they had encrypted but had not.

In the earlier section "Defining Usability for Security," we defined usability for security in terms of four necessary qualities, which translate directly to design priorities. PGP 5.0's user interface fails to enable effective security where it is not designed in accordance with those priorities: test participants did not understand the public key model well enough to know that they must get public keys for people to whom they wish to send secure email; many who knew that they needed to get a key or to encrypt still had substantial difficulties in figuring out how to do so; some erroneously sent secrets in plain text, thinking that they had encrypted; and many expressed frustration and unhappiness with the experience of trying to use PGP 5.0, to the point where it is unlikely that they would have continued to use it in the real world.

All this failure is despite the fact that PGP 5.0 is attractive, with basic operations neatly represented by buttons with labels and icons, and pull-down menus for the rest, and despite the fact that it is simple to use for those who already understand the basic models of public key cryptography and digital signature-based trust. Designing security that is usable enough to be effective for those who don't already understand it must thus require something more.

34.6.2. Usability Evaluation for Security

Because usable security requires user interface design priorities that are not the same as those of general consumer software, it likewise requires usability evaluation methods that are appropriate to testing whether those priorities have been sufficiently achieved. Standard usability evaluation methods, simplistically applied, may treat security functions as if they were primary rather than secondary goals for the user, leading to faulty conclusions. A body of public work on usability evaluation in a security context would be extremely valuable, and will almost certainly have to come from research sources, as software developers are not eager to make public the usability flaws they find in their own products.

In our own work, which has focused on personal computer users who have little initial understanding of security, we have assigned a high value to learnability, and thus have found cognitive walkthrough to be a natural evaluation technique. Other techniques may be more appropriate for corporate or military users, but are likely to need similar adaptation to the priorities appropriate for security. In designing appropriate user tests, it may be valuable to look to other fields in which there is an established liability for consumer safety; such fields are more likely to have a body of research on how best to establish whether product designs successfully promote safe modes of use.

34.6.3. Toward Better Design Strategies

The detailed findings in our case study suggest several design strategies for more usable security, which we are pursuing in our ongoing work. To begin with, it is clear that there is a need to communicate an accurate conceptual model of the security to the user as quickly as possible. The smaller and simpler that conceptual model is, the more plausible it will be that we can succeed in doing so. We thus are investigating pragmatic ways of paring down security functionality to that which is truly necessary and appropriate to the needs of a given demographic, without sacrificing the integrity of the security offered to the user.

After a minimal yet valid conceptual model of the security has been established, it must be communicated to the user, more quickly and effectively than has been necessary for conceptual models of other types of software. We are investigating several strategies for accomplishing this, including the possibility of carefully crafting interface metaphors to match security functionality at a more demanding level of accuracy.

In addition, we are looking to current research in educational software for ideas on how best to guide users through learning to manage their security. We do not believe that home users can be made to cooperate with extensive tutorials, but we are investigating gentler methods for providing users with the right guidance at the right time, including how best to make use of warning messages, wizards, and other interactive tools.

Security and Usability. Designing Secure Systems that People Can Use
Security and Usability: Designing Secure Systems That People Can Use
ISBN: 0596008279
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 295 © 2008-2017.
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