

page breaks, 358

page header and footer graphics area, 432

page setup and Page Setup dialog box, 353–354, 354

for graphics, 440–441, 440

for headers, footers, and legends, 355–356, 355–356

Margins tab, 354, 354

Page tab, 354, 354

for printing, 89–90, 89

View tab, 358, 358

Page tab, 354, 354

parallel activities

defined, 737

in schedule development, 27

parent elements, 737

parent objects, 688

Password Length setting, 483

password-protected files, opening, 86

passwords in Web Access, 540–541, 540

pasting and Paste Special dialog box, 442–444, 443–444

for embedding, 426–427, 427

for Excel objects, 434–436, 442

for graphics, 437, 441

for linking, 429

for PowerPoint objects, 436

paths, 737

payloads, virus, 623

per-use costs, 737

percent complete information, 232, 237–238, 238

percentages for resources, 154


defined, 737

earned value analysis for, 241–245, 243–245

in project management, 29

as project parameter, 4

Period setting, 366


for public folders, 313

for users, 470–473, 473

Permissions tab, 313

Personal Address Book dialog box, 296

personalized menus and toolbars, 597–598, 597

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique), 257–258

calculations in, 261–262, 262

defined, 738

developing estimates in, 258–260, 259–260

duration estimates in, 260–261, 260–261

in schedule development, 27–28

views in, 261–262, 262

weights in, 262, 263

PERT Analysis toolbar, 259–260

PERT Entry form, 260, 646

PERT Entry Sheet, 259, 259

pessimistic task duration, 258

pessimistic view in PERT, 261

phases, 737

pictures of projects, copying, 374–375, 375

pivot tables, 411–413, 413

Places bar, 84, 84

planned activities, 737

planned costs, 737

Planning Wizard

for constraints, 147, 147

for subprojects, 281, 281


for activities, 43–47, 43–47

communicating, 55–58, 56–58


creating, 253–254

defined, 732

storing, 255, 255

for enterprise-wide projects, 499–503

interim, 229–230, 229, 735

optimizing, 51–55, 52–55

for tasks, 108

bottom-up, 109

top-down, 108–109

PMI (Project Management Institute), 4, 738

pools, resource. See resource pools

Portfolio Analyzer

configuring, 563–564, 565

defined, 737

for resource analysis, 570, 571

viewing projects with, 565–567, 566–567

Portfolio Managers, 474, 503

Portfolio Model Property Toolbox, 562, 562

Portfolio Modeler, 738

portfolios and portfolio models, 558–559

analyzing, 560–567, 561, 565–567

comparing, 562–563, 563

creating, 559–560, 559–560

defined, 737

modifying, 562, 562

viewing, 560

positive float time, 738

post-implementation reviews, 67, 738

posting files to public folders, 313, 313

postmortems, 67

pound signs (#) in columns, 116, 116

PowerPoint objects, inserting, 435–436, 436

precedence diagrams, 28

predecessor tasks, 128–129, 128–129

creating, 135–136, 136

defined, 738

entering, 133, 134

in schedule development, 27

Predecessors tab, 133, 134, 138, 282, 283

predesigned contours, 199–204, 200–204

Preferences tab, 307

preparing for projects, 456

presentations, inserting, 435–436, 436

previous versions, importing from, 391–392

Print Blank Pages feature, 358

Print dialog box, 56, 356–358, 357

Print Preview, 58, 58, 87–89, 88, 356, 357


calendars, 100–101, 101

graphic objects, 370

in macros, 618–619

page setup for, 89–90, 89, 353–356, 354–357

previewing, 87–89, 88

reports, 57–58, 57–58

resources and costs, 176

summary reports, 240–241, 240–241

views, 56–57, 56–57, 356–358, 357–358


of projects, 43, 94

in resource leveling, 52, 219

probabilistic estimated duration, 257

problem definition, 448

problem identification stage in project cycle

characteristics of, 5

defined, 738

reviewing, 447

procedures in VBA, 656, 660, 663–664

creating, 664–665, 664

for Gantt bar color, 666–667, 666

help for, 665–666, 665

processes planning, 500

Professional version

features in, 9–11

resource assignments in, 194

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), 257–258

calculations in, 261–262, 262

defined, 738

developing estimates in, 258–260, 259–260

duration estimates in, 260–261, 260–261

in schedule development, 27–28

views in, 261–262, 262

weights in, 262, 263

programmability features, 14

Progress Lines dialog box, 241, 241

progress tracking, 231

adjustments from, 246

baseline data for, 226–228, 227–228

data collection for, 32–34, 33

performance analysis in, 241–245, 243–245

reviewing variances from baseline, 239, 239

summary reports for, 240–241, 240–241

updating tasks with actual data, 231–238, 234–238

Project 2002

application window in, 71–72, 72

collaboration and enterprise functionality in, 15–17, 16

communication from, 294

ease of use, 13–15, 14

editions and architecture, 9–12

help in, 79–83, 80

new features in, 12–14

Project 98, exporting to, 409–410, 410

Project Central, 460, 463

project cycle

defined, 738

development stage, 7–8

evaluation stage, 8

implementation stage, 8

problem definition stage, 5–6

problem identification stage, 5

project design stage, 6–7

Project Definition screen

for exporting data, 417, 417, 420

for importing data, 400, 400, 404

project design stage

characteristics of, 6–7

defined, 738

Project Explorer, 658–659, 658

Project Guide, 39, 40, 71, 72

defined, 738

working with, 75, 75

Project Information dialog box

for budgets, 55

for calendars, 94

for general information, 276, 276

for new projects, 92, 92

for outline codes, 518–520, 519

for properties, 42–43, 42

for start date, 54

project management, 3–4, 19–20

activity analysis in, 20–25, 21, 24–25

cost estimates in, 27

defined, 738

information communication in, 29–30

performance standards in, 29

schedule development in, 27–28, 28

security management in, 30

tasks in. See tasks and task lists

time identification in, 25–27, 26

tools in, 8–9

Web help for, 728–730

Project Management Institute (PMI), 4, 738

Project Managers, 474, 502, 503, 738

Project Map option, 82

Project object, 693–694

Project object model, 688–690, 689

Application object, 689–693

Assignment object, 695

Cell and Selection objects, 695–697

Project object, 693–694

Resource object, 694–695, 695

Task object, 694, 694

Project Office template, 602

project proposals, 738

project reviews

in closing projects, 447–449

defined, 738

Project Server. See Server version

project-specific settings, 586

Project Statistics dialog box, 94–95, 95,
236, 236

for budgets, 55, 55, 64, 64, 67

for schedule, 64, 64, 67

Project Summary reports, 360, 450, 451

Project Templates tab, 600, 600

project triangle, 177–178, 178, 738

project update fields, 232–234

projects, 4–5, 91–92

building, 39, 40

calendar for

additional, 100, 100

options for, 96–97, 96

printing, 100–101, 101

selecting, 94

standard, 95–96, 96

for working times, 97–99, 98–99

closing. See closing

cost estimates in, 50–51, 51

defined, 738

defining, 40–43, 40–43

information setup for, 92–94, 92–94

managing. See project management

opening, 72–73

optimizing, 51–55, 52–55

options for, 585–586, 585

for calculations, 592, 592

for calendar, 589–590, 590

for collaboration, 593, 594

for editing, 588–589, 589

general, 587–588, 588

for interface, 595, 595

for saving, 594–595, 594

for schedules, 590–592, 591

for spelling, 593, 593

types of, 586, 586

for views, 586–587, 587

plan communication in, 55–58, 56–58

planning activities, 43–47, 43–47

preparing for, 456

project cycle in, 5–8

properties for

Content tab, 103, 103

creating, 104–105

customizing, 104, 104

deleting, 105

General tab, 102, 103

modifying, 105

Statistics tab, 102

Summary tab, 102, 102

resources for. See resources

reviewing, 447–449, 738

schedules. See schedules

statistics display for, 94–95, 95

tasks in. See tasks and task lists

tracking, 58–59

closing projects, 67

communication in, 59–63, 59–63

resources, 66–67, 66

schedule and costs, 64–65, 64–65

scope in, 63–64

in VBA, 656, 660

Projects tab, 538

promoting to-do lists, 557–558, 558


for buttons, 700–701, 700

for documents, 704–705, 705

for projects

Content tab, 103, 103

creating, 104–105

customizing, 104, 104

deleting, 105

General tab, 102, 103

modifying, 105

Statistics tab, 102

Summary tab, 102, 102

setting, 42–43, 42–43

in VBA, 661–662, 662

Properties dialog box, 40, 40, 313, 658, 658

Prorated cost-accrual methods, 170

public folders, posting files to, 313, 313

public subroutines, 710

publicly creatable objects, 689

Publish New and Changed Assignments dialog box, 60–61, 61–62, 64, 300–302, 300–302

Published versions, 520

Mastering Microsoft Project 2002
Mastering Microsoft Project 2002
ISBN: 0782141471
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 241 © 2008-2017.
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