Setting the Advanced Options

The Advanced category lets you set the options for OPI and choose a transparency preset. OPI stands for Open Prepress Interface. The OPI controls are used when files are sent to Scitex and Kodak prepress systems.

To set the OPI controls:


In the OPI area, click the OPI Image Replacement checkbox .

Set the OPI Image Replacement options to control how images are handled during prepress.


Choose which types of images should be replaced during an OPI workflow. (An OPI workflow uses low-resolution images for the layout and swaps them with high-resolution images just before printing.)

When you use any of the transparency features, InDesign needs to flatten or convert those effects into vector and raster images as they are sent for output. The Transparency Flattener section of the Advanced category controls how InDesign flattens the image.

To set the flattener preset:


Use the Preset menu to choose one of the flattener settings .

Use the Preset menu in the Transparency Flattener area to set the resolution for converting transparency effects into rasterized images.


If you have used the Pages palette to flatten individual spreads, you can check Ignore Spread Overrides to override that setting. This means that the setting you choose in this dialog box will be used no matter what flattener settings you have applied to the individual pages.

InDesign CS2 for Macintosh and Windows(c) Visual QuickStart Guide
InDesign CS4 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide
ISBN: 0321573579
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 309
Authors: Sandee Cohen © 2008-2017.
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