Text on a Path

When you create an object such as a text frame, the outside shape of the frame is considered the object's path. Not only can InDesign fit text inside a text frame, it also lets you position text so that it runs along the outside of the frame.

To run text on the outside of a path:


Choose the Path Type tool in the Toolbox .

The Path Type tool in the Toolbox is used to add text to a path.


Move the tool so that it is near the path. A small plus sign appears next to the tool cursor .

The plus sign next to the Path Type cursor indicates you can click to add text to a path.


Click with the Path Type tool. A blinking insertion point appears on the path.


Type the text. Use any of the text controls to select or modify the text.


Use the Direct Selection tool to select the path and change its fill or stroke to None to make the path invisible. (See Chapter 7, "Pen and Beziers," for more information on modifying paths.)

Once you apply text to a path, you can drag to position the text.

To position text on a path:

  • Drag the indicator at the start or end of the text on a path to change the start or end point of the text .

    Drag the indicator line to move the text along a path.


    Drag the small indicator within the text to change the center point of the text. .

    The center point indicator allows you to move text or flip it from one side of the path to another.


    You can also drag the center point indicator to the other side of the path.


    You can use the Paragraph palette (see page 67) to change the alignment of the text between the start and end indicators.

To apply effects to text on a path:


Choose Type > Type on a Path > Options. This opens the Path Type Options dialog box .

The Path Type Options dialog box allows you to control how text is applied to a path.


Use the Effect menu to control how the text is positioned in relationship to the path .

The Effect menu controls the appearance of the text on the path.

The five effect settings applied to text on a path.

  • Rainbow positions the text in an arc along any curves in the path.

  • Skew distorts the text vertically as it is positioned along curves in the path.

  • 3D Ribbon distorts the text horizontally as it is positioned along curves in the path.

  • Stair Step aligns the individual baselines of each letter so that the text stays vertical as it is positioned along curves in the path.

  • Gravity uses the distortion of the path to distort the text as it is positioned along curves in the path.


Click the Flip checkbox to position the text on the other side of the path.


If the spacing of the text is uneven, use the spacing control to tighten the character spacing around sharp turns and acute angles on the path.


Higher values remove more space from between the characters.

You can also control where the letters are positioned vertically on the path.

To set the vertical alignment of text on a path:


Use the Align menu to control how the text is positioned in relationship to the path .

The Align menu controls how the text is positioned in relationship to the path.

The Align choices applied to text on a path.

  • Ascender positions the text so that the tops of the tallest letters touch the path.

  • Descender positions the text so that the bottoms of the lowest letters touch the path.

  • Center positions the text so that the middle of the text touches the path.

  • Baseline positions the text so that the baseline of the text touches the path.


Use the To Path menu to position the vertical alignment in one of the following positions :

The To Path menu positions the vertical alignment of the text on the path.

  • Top positions the text relative to the top of the path's stroke weight .

    The effect of the To Path settings on the position of text on a stroked path.

  • Center positions the text in the middle of the path's stroke weight .

  • Bottom positions the text relative to the bottom of the stroke weight .


If you do not see any changes between the To Path settings, try increasing the thickness of the stroke weight.


You can also use the Baseline Shift controls (see page 63) to move the text up or down relative to the path.

InDesign CS2 for Macintosh and Windows(c) Visual QuickStart Guide
InDesign CS4 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide
ISBN: 0321573579
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 309
Authors: Sandee Cohen

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