Using the Smooth Tool

Once you have created a path, you may want to delete extra points so that the path is smoother.


If you are familiar with Illustrator's Smooth tool, you will find it easy to use the Smooth tool in InDesign.

To smooth paths with the Smooth tool:


Select the path that you want to smooth.


Click the Smooth tool in the Toolbox .

The Smooth tool in the Toolbox.


Press and drag the Smooth tool along the path.


Release the mouse. The path is redrawn with fewer points .

Drag the Smooth tool along a path to remove points and eliminate small bumps and curves.

You can change how the Smooth tool responds to the movements of the mouse as you drag.

To set the preferences for the Smooth tool:


Double-click the Smooth tool in the Toolbox to open the Smooth Tool Preferences dialog box .

The Smooth Tool Preferences allow you to control how much the Smooth tool affects the appearance of paths.


Use the slider or field to set the Fidelity amount. The lower the amount, the more the new path will follow the original path.


Use the slider or field to set the Smoothness amount. The higher the setting, the more curved the path.


Check Keep Selected to keep the path selected after you have smoothed it. This makes it easier to increase the smoothness of the path.

Deleting or Removing Points: Which tools or commands do what?

You may find yourself confused by all the different tools and commands for deleting or removing points and segments.

When does the action cause a break in a path? When does an action remove points without opening the path?

See the table on the next page for a review of how points are removed from paths, and the result.

InDesign CS2 for Macintosh and Windows(c) Visual QuickStart Guide
InDesign CS4 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide
ISBN: 0321573579
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 309
Authors: Sandee Cohen © 2008-2017.
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