Securing PHP Code

At the end of this chapter, we will provide you with some common security flaws in PHP code and show you how to avoid them. We will also cover some general security issues that are independent from PHP.


The php.ini setting register_globals = On is believed to be one of the reasons why PHP has so many fans nowadays. Working with form data, cookies, or sessions was so easyjust use $name, and you had access. Unfortunately, this also made many users create really stupid code. Following is one example, a modified version of the password checks from earlier in the chapter:

 if ($name == "php5" && $pass == "cool") {   $auth = true; } if ($auth) {   $_SESSION["username"] = $user;   // now, the redirection stuff   // ... } 

At first glance, this code works well. If the wrong username/password combination is provided, the variable $auth is not set and the session variable is not created. However, what if a malicious (or experimenting) user were to call this script like this: http://servername/login.php?auth=1what would be the effect?

The answer is that because of the GET variable auth, the variable $auth would already exist, the user would be believed as already logged in, and the session variable would be set. A security compromise was achieved by adding seven characters to a URL.

Some might say that the basic reason for the security flaw is that the variable $auth has not been initialized yet. And yes, if the code is changed so that $auth has a default value of false, the exploit does not work any longer:

 $auth = false; if ($name == "php5" && $pass == "cool") {   $auth = true; } if ($auth) {   $_SESSION["username"] = $user;   // now, the redirection stuff   // ... } 

However, there is danger right around the corner. If register_globals is set to on, the check whether a user is already logged in could be changed, as wellfrom

 if (!isset($_SESSION["username"])) { 


 if (!isset($username)) { 

You might guess how this could be overcome: http://servername/page.php?username=Bill. All you wanted is to access the session variable username, but $username does also grant access to the GET variable username, enabling the exploit.

Therefore, one recommendation for secure PHP code is to turn register_globals off. This has the following advantages:

  • No more cheap exploits by adding data to the URL.

  • You then have to explicitly access the variable using $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER, and so on. If you want to read out a cookie, you get only cookies, no GET or POST data.

  • Using $_GET, $_POST, and the like works independently of the PHP configuration. If you rely, however, on register_globals and your hosting partner decides to turn this feature off, you have to rewrite your code.

It has to be noted that the decision to turn register_globals off by default (introduced in PHP version 4.2.0) was not an easy one; many core developers found that an unnecessary step. The most prominent one is Rasmus Lerdorf, himself, by the way.

Although this configuration change was noted with bold letters in the release note and also mentioned on the home page, there are still articles from 2003 where globals are used. The authors obviously have a rather old PHP installation, with globals still turned on. New users, on the other hand, have globals turned off, and the scripts will not work. So make it better than bad authorsturn register_globals off on all your machines. You may have to type a little bit more, but your script then should work almost everywhere.


If you do want to use globals, one secret is that the PHP function import_request_variables() converts the superglobals into the variable names you once were used to.

Maximum Error

Let's get back to the example with the globals once more. In the first faulty code, all could have been avoided if there was a warning when uninitialized variables are used. Unfortunately, the standard error reporting value in php.ini is the following:

 error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE 

That means that all errors are reported, but no notices. In many cases, this is a bad idea. If you access an uninitialized variable, this sometimes happens as intended; however, at other times this could be a typo. Therefore, tune error_reporting to maximum reporting. Nobody likes error messages, but it should be your primary goal to write code that creates zero error messages and warnings. Here is the appropriate setting:

 error_reporting = E_ALL 

Again, think of providers that set error_reporting at their will. You might work with E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE at home, but your hoster could use E_ALL, which would result in ugly notices within your code. To be compatible with all settings of error_reporting, set your system to E_ALL.


If you do not want to use maximum error reporting (or if you have inherited a lot of code and cannot change it over the weekend), the PHP function error_reporting() lets you set error reporting on a per-page basis.

New in PHP 5 is the error level E_STRICT (value: 2048). This is even stricter than E_ALL and includes additional warnings when deprecated PHP functions are used.

When you are finished with an application and want to go live with it, you should disable error reporting completely. But that does not mean that you should change the configuration value for error_reporting; instead, you should tell PHP not to send any errors to the client:

 display_errors = Off 

However, you do want these errors to appear in your Web server's error log; therefore, set log_errors to On.

Trust No OneEspecially Not User Data

Whenever you get data from your users, prepare for the worst. In a perfect world, all users enter perfect data (in perfect forms). However, you cannot assume that this will happen. Conclusion: check all user data thoroughly. If a user enters his or her age, you should check itis it numerical at all?

 if (!is_numeric($_POST["my_age"])) {   // error handling goes here } 

Are you prompting the user to provide the email address, and then you write it into a database field? If the database field accepts 50 characters, but the email address is longer than that, something bad might happen. Either the information gets truncated, or even worse, you get a database error message. Therefore, you should first trim() the data and then check its length.


For a more sophisticated checking of user input, regular expressions are an excellent tool.

Printing User Data

One specialized case for potentially malicious user data is when you output this data. As a general rule, always check your output! Imagine a guest book where users can leave messages. If you output the text without previously checking it, this might lead to some undesirable results, especially if HTML formatting is used. A <table> element that is not closed leads to a blank page on Netscape 4; imagine what JavaScript code could do to the page layout. Either use strip_tags() to remove all HTML markup, or even better, convert the user data to printable text using htmlspecialchars().

Working with Files

If at any point in your Web application you are working with files, there is a possible danger. A lot of CMS (content management systems) work with URLs like this:


So far, so good, but what happens if a nonexisting filename is provided?


A PHP error message such as could not open stream should be avoided. Catch the error and provide a custom error message or maybe even an automated email to the Webmastereither it's a dead link or it might be a cracking attempt, but both scenarios are worth noticing.

However, there is one more thing to note. Imagine the same script is called like this:


or like this:


If you just read in a template, replace some placeholders, and then print everything to STDOUT, some sensitive files might be at risk. Therefore, do not only check whether an existing file is to be opened, also check whether the file may be opened.

Note, too, that each file operation is a system call. Maybe someone tries to give you a shell command as a filename. Then this command would be executed, if you do no thorough checking. If in doubt, apply the PHP function escapeshellarg(), which puts single quotes around the parameter and escapes special characters.

Working with Databases

Extremely nasty security flaws occur when databases come into play. On many pages, something like this appears:

 db_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id"]); 

Nice try, but what if the ID parameter has the value "0; DELETE FROM table"? Therefore, use at least quotes:

 db_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id='" . $_GET["id"]) . "'"; 

But this code could be broken, as well; ID must just have this value: "'; DELETE FROM table; SELECT * FROM table WHERE id='".

It is fairly easy to guess how the parameter has to look to at least break the code. Just using an apostrophe generates error messages on far too many pages. Therefore, check user data; check SQL statements.

Some love it, some hate itPHP's magic quotes. To all special characters in user data, backslashes are added; "McDonald's" becomes "McDonald\'s", and so on. If magic quotes are turned on, you do not have to worry about adding slashes by yourself; if not, use addslashes(), which does the same task for you.

This is rather MySQL specific; some other database systems, however, offer two differences:

  • Single quotes within a SQL string must not be escaped using the backslash, but by doubling them: 'McDonald's' is wrong; 'McDonald''s' is correct.

  • Other special characters must be disabled, such as square brackets.

For this case, use one or more regular expressions to escape these characters:

 $str = preg_replace("'", "''", $str); 


An efficient way to do multiple replacing is using strtr().

Also, check for database errors and catch them. Getting an error message that reads connection to database failed is bad enough; a more detailed error message, maybe including the name of the database server and its port, is even worse, because that gives an attacker additional information about your installation.

PHP 5 Unleashed
PHP 5 Unleashed
ISBN: 067232511X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 257 © 2008-2017.
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