Multiple File PHP Scripts

It is always good practice to make your scripts as modular as possible, designing your functions in such a way that they can be used in other PHP scripts. In this respect, and as you accumulate an ever-growing library of functions, the need to organize them becomes more and more paramount. In PHP, this organization is accomplished by separating your scripts into multiple files and including them when appropriate. Furthermore, by storing sensitive static information such as database login information in separate files, they can be safely placed outside the Web tree of the server and thus be inaccessible by the public.

Regardless of the reasons, inclusion of external files is accomplished through the include, include_once, require, and require_once PHP statements. As you may suspect, of these four statements only the include and require statements actually differ with any great significance, and it is those differences that I'll focus on. First, let's discuss how each of the two flavors work.


The only difference between the include/require and include_once/require_once statements is how many times a given file will actually be loaded. When the include_once/require_once statements are used, the file cannot be loaded or executed multiple times. If an attempt is made to load a file twice using one of these two methods, it will be ignored. Because it is unacceptable to define the same function multiple times within a script, these functions allow the developer to include a script as needed without having to check whether it has been previously loaded.

The general syntax of both the include and require statements are as follows:

 include "file_to_load.php"; include_once "file_to_load.php"; 


 require "file_to_load.php"; require_once "file_to_load.php"; 

Note that for every file inclusion function previously listed, the file to load can be a string constant or a variable containing the name of the file.


If URL wrappers are enabled in PHP (see Chapter 20, "Working with the File System," and Chapter 21, "Network I/O"), the filename provided to the include statement can be a HTTP address of the file to be loaded.

As I mentioned earlier, it is good practice to separate functions and code that are used in multiple scripts into a separate file. Following that logic, I'll assume that a PHP file exists called, which contains the is_leapyear() function defined in Listing 1.19. Note that although this file is designed to be "included" rather than directly executed by PHP, it still conforms to all the rules of a normal PHP script. This means that all PHP code must be in appropriate tags, and so on. Note that non-PHP files (such as HTML files) may also be included; they will be dumped into the output as you would expect.

Assuming that is in the same directory as the actual script, you could use your is_leapyear() function that exists within the file, as shown in Listing 1.24:

Listing 1.24. Using include to Load Files in PHP
 <?php     include ('');     // Parentheses are optional      $leap = is_leapyear(2003); ?> 


In most practical situations, files that are included into PHP scripts are not in the same directory as the script that actually requires them. Often, all the includable files are stored in a directory that is then designated part of the PHP include file search path. When a file is requested to be included by a PHP script, PHP first checks the current directory for the file followed by the include file path before returning an error.

Likewise, the require statement may also be used to include the file, as shown in Listing 1.25:

Listing 1.25. Using require to Load Files in PHP
 <?php     require ('');     // Parentheses are optional     $leap = is_leapyear(2003); ?> 

If both statements will allow the current script to execute the code in a separate file, what is the difference between the two? There are two major differences: the first is the capability to return values and the second is under what circumstances the requested file is loaded. When an include statement is used, PHP delays the actual loading of the requested file until the script reaches the point of executing the include statement and replaces the include statement with the contents of the file. Conversely, in the case of the require statement, the require statement is replaced with the contents of the requested file regardless of whether the require statement (and thus the contents of the file) would have executed in the normal progression of the script.

That is all fine, but what exactly does it mean to return a value from an external file? Consider the code shown in Listing 1.26, which we'll assume is stored in the file and its associated script includetest.php:

Listing 1.26. Behavior of Files Included Using include
 <?php     /* file */     echo "Inside the included file<BR>";     return "Returned String";     echo "After the return inside the include<BR>"; ?> <?php     /* includetest.php file */     echo "Inside of includetest.php<BR>";     $ret = include ('');     echo "Done including<BR>";     echo "Value returned was '$ret'"; ?> 

When includetest.php is executed, what is the result? In this case, the result would be the following:

 Inside of includetest.php Inside the included file Done including Value returned was 'Returned String' 

As you can see, not only are external files useful for storing libraries of common PHP functions, they can actually be PHP "functions" when using the include statement. Note that when the return statement was executed from within your includetest.php file, the execution of the remainder of the file terminated.


The capability to return values from external files is limited only to the include and include_once statements. The require and require_once statements cannot be used in this fashion.

PHP 5 Unleashed
PHP 5 Unleashed
ISBN: 067232511X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 257 © 2008-2017.
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