Special Methods for Classes

Table B.13 represents the set of special methods that can be implemented to allow user-defined objects to take on behaviors and functionality of Python standard types.

Table B.13. Special Methods for Customizing Classes

Special Method


Basic Customization

C.__init__(self[, arg1, ...])

Constructor (with any optional arguments)

C.__new__(self[, arg1, ...])[a]

Constructor (with any optional arguments); usually used for setting up subclassing of immutable data types




Printable string representation; str() built-in and print statement


Evaluatable string representation; repr() built-in and '' operator


Unicode string representation; unicode() built-in

C.__call__(self, *args)

Denote callable instances


Define False value for object; bool() built-in (as of 2.2)


"Length" (appropriate for class); len() built-in

Object (Value) Comparison[c]

C.__cmp__(self, obj)

Object comparison; cmp() built-in

C.__lt__(self, obj) and C.__le__(self, obj)

Less than/less than or equal to; < and <= operators

C.__gt__(self, obj) and C.__ge__(self, obj)

Greater than/greater than or equal to; > and >= operators

C.__eq__(self, obj) and

Equal/not equal to;

C.__ne__(self, obj)

==,!= and <> operators


C.__getattr__(self, attr)

Get attribute; getattr() built-in

C.__setattr__(self, attr, val)

Set attribute; setattr() built-in

C.__delattr__(self, attr)

Delete attribute; del statement

C.__getattribute__(self, attr)[a]

Get attribute; getattr() built-in

C.__get__(self, attr)

Get attribute; getattr() built-in

C.__set__(self, attr, val)

Set attribute; setattr() built-in

C.__delete__(self, attr)

Delete attribute; del statement

Customizing Classes/Emulating Types

Numeric Types: binary operators[d]


C.__*add__(self, obj)

Addition; + operator

C.__*sub__(self, obj)

Subtraction; - operator

C.__*mul__(self, obj)

Multiplication; * operator

C.__*div__(self, obj)

Division; / operator

C.__*TRuediv__(self, obj)[f]

True division; / operator

C.__*floordiv__(self, obj)[e]

Floor division; // operator

C.__*mod__(self, obj)

Modulo/remainder; % operator

C.__*divmod__(self, obj)

Division and modulo; divmod() built-in

C.__*pow__(self, obj[, mod])

Exponentiation; pow() built-in; ** operator

C.__*lshift__(self, obj)

Left shift; << operator

C.__*rshift__(self, obj)

Right shift; >> operator

C.__*and__(self, obj)

Bitwise AND; & operator

C.__*or__(self, obj)

Bitwise OR; | operator

C.__*xor__(self, obj)

Bitwise XOR; ^ operator

Numeric Types: unary operators



Unary negation


Unary no-change


Absolute value; abs() built-in


Bit inversion; ~ operator

Numeric Types: numeric conversion


C.__complex__(self, com)

Convert to complex; complex() built-in


Convert to int; int() built-in


Convert to long; long() built-in


Convert to float; float() built-in

Numeric Types: base representation (string)



Octal representation; oct() built-in


Hexadecimal representation; hex() built-in

Numeric Types: numeric coercion


C.__coerce__(self, num)

Coerce to same numeric type; coerce() built-in

Sequence Types[d]



Number of items in sequence

C.__getitem__(self, ind)

Get single sequence element

C.__setitem__(self, ind, val)

Set single sequence element

C.__delitem__(self, ind)

Delete single sequence element

C.__getslice__(self, ind1, ind2)

Get sequence slice

C.__setslice__(self, i1, i2, val)

Get sequence slice

C.__delslice__(self, ind1, ind2)

Delete sequence slice

C.__contains__(self, val)[f]

Test sequence membership; in keyword

C.__*add__(self, obj)

Concatenation; + operator

Sequence Types[d]


C.__*mul__(self, obj)

Repetition; * operator


Create iterator class; iter() built-in

Mapping Types



Number of items in mapping


Hash function value

C.__getitem__(self, key)

Get value with given key

C.__setitem__(self, key, val)

Set value with given key

C.__delitem__(self, key)

Delete value with given key

[a] New in Python 2.2; for use with new-style classes only.

[b] New in Python 2.3.

[c] All except cmp() new in Python 2.1.

[d] "* " either nothing (self OP obj), "r " (obj OP self), or "i " for in-place operation (new in Python 2.0), i.e., __add__, __radd__, or __iadd__.

[f] New in Python 1.6.

[e] New in Python 2.2.

Core Python Programming
Core Python Programming (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0132269937
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 334
Authors: Wesley J Chun

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