What Is a Lock?


Physically, a lock is one of three things: a latch, a mark on the wall, or a RAM record.


A latch is a low-level on-off mechanism that ensures two processes or threads can't access the same object at the same time. You can make latches with, for example, the MS Windows NT API CreateMutex or CreateSemaphore functions. Consider the following situation (we'll call it Situation #1).

  • Transaction #1 reads the first byte of a row in shared memory.

  • Transaction #2 interrupts and clears the row.

  • Transaction #1 continues to read, and probably crashesunacceptable!

To avoid the crash, Situation #1 must change. Here's what should happen.

  • Transaction #1 gets a latch associated with the row it's going to read.

  • Transaction #1 reads the first byte of the row in shared memory.

  • Transaction #2 interrupts and tries to get the same latch.

  • Transaction #2 fails to acquire the latch so it goes back to sleep.

  • Transaction #1 continues to read, and does not crash.

  • Transaction #1 releases the latch.

  • Transaction #2 interrupts again, gets the latch, and clears the row.

  • Transaction #2 releases the latch.

More concisely, the second situation uses mutexes or semaphores or EnterCriticalSection calls so that, when one thread starts to read a row, other threads are prevented from interrupting the read and changing the end of the row. MySQL uses a single statement latch for all processes, which means that two SQL statements cannot execute at the same time. The rest of the Big Eight are less extreme; they latch only while reading and writing bits of shared memory.

A latch must be on for every shared bit of memory and must go off as soon as the memory has been read/written. Generally a transaction holds a maximum of one latch at any time, and that time is less than one millisecond. A second transaction that tries to get the same latch is blocked, so it must either spin (i.e., retry after an interval), or it must be enqueued (i.e., get in line). The words "blocked," "spin," and "enqueued" are forgettable jargon, but "latch" is a vital word because all multi-thread or multi-process DBMSs use latches.

Marks on the wall

A mark on the wall (properly known as an ITL slot ) is used occasionally, primarily by Oracle, to mark a row in a page of a data file. By putting a mark right beside the row accessed by a transaction, the DBMS ensures that no other transaction has to spend much time checking whether the row is locked. This mechanism only works when the number of locks in a page is small enough to fit in the page, so marks on the wall are appropriate mostly for exclusive locks (see "Lock Modes" later in this chapter).

RAM records

A RAM record (or lock record ) is the usual mechanism for locks of rows, pages, or tables. The RAM record is a permanent memory area that contains data describing what's locked, and how. For example, Microsoft's 32-byte lock records contain the information shown in Figure 15-1.

Figure 15-1. A Microsoft lock record


Keeping lock records in memory can cause high overhead. For example, if lock records are in order by time of creation rather than in order by RID or indexed by RID, they're quite a jumble . When the DBMS wants to lock a row, it must first scan all the lock records to see whether another transaction already has a lock on that row. So if Transaction #1 has done a scan and locked all of a table's rows (assume there are 50,000 rows), and then Transaction #2 does a scan of the same table, Transaction #2 must, on average, check 50,000/2 locks for each page for a total of 50,000 * (50,000/2) = 1,250,000,000 checks. To prevent such unacceptable situations, a DBMS will reduce lock longevity and lock count through practices like escalation. We'll discuss escalation later in this chapter.

When the DBMS encounters a lock that it can't pass, it has two choices: it can return an error to the user (NO WAIT), or it can try spinning and enqueuing (WAIT). Oracle lets you choose whether you want NO WAIT or WAIT. Other DBMSs insist on WAIT, but they will time out if a specific period expires (say, one minute). Generally the DBMS vendors think it's better to WAIT, because users who receive an error message will probably just try again from the beginning of the transaction.

Lock Modes

Lock mode (or lock type ) is the term for the type of lock a DBMS has arranged for a transaction. When DBMS makers pretend to offer a bizarre plethora of lock modes, we must force the truth from them: there are only three lock modes, and usually two are enough. The rest are fine distinctions and nuances , and we won't discuss them here. The three lock modes are shared, update, and exclusive.

A lock's mode determines (a) what other locks can coexist with this lock and (b) whether other transactions have read and/or write permission when this lock exists. (For the record, a latch is an exclusive lock on anything. In this section, though, we're discussing only the non-latch locksthose used for locking rows, pages, or tablesand we'll use the generic word "object" to mean a row, a page, or a table.)

The coexistence rules for locks are simple.

  • A shared lock may coexist with any number of other shared locks, or with one update lock on the same object.

  • An update lock may coexist with any number of shared locks, but not with another update lock nor with an exclusive lock on the same object.

  • An exclusive lock on an object may not coexist with any other lock on that object.

Table 15-1 shows these rules graphically.

The lock rules for read and/or write permission are not so simple. It's often said that you need a shared or update lock to read, and you need an exclusive lock to write, but that's not always true. In this context, "read" means either "access" or "add to result set," while "write" means "data change"it doesn't imply "physical write to disk," though that can certainly happen. In simple terms, though, these are the rules.

Table 15-1. Lock Modes and Coexistence
Locks on One Object Comment
Shared Shared Shared Shared Shared n shared locks may coexist with one another
Shared Shared Update Shared Shared n shared locks may coexist with one update lock
Exclusive         one exclusive lock may not coexist with any other lock
  • Shared locks are for reading. At most levels you can't read an object unless you have a shared lock on it.

  • Update locks are for reading when updating is planned. They're not strictly necessary, but are used by most DBMSs. Despite the name , if you have an update lock on an object you can not write the object. Update locks are like shared locks for permissions, but like exclusive locks for coexistence.

  • Exclusive locks are for writing. If you have an exclusive lock on an object, you can write that object. Because of this, some people call exclusive locks "intent-to-update" locks, a term you should avoid, because there are other locks with similar names . You need an exclusive lock to write, and an exclusive lock will prevent other transactions from acquiring shared locks in order to read. Exclusive locks are thus the barriers to concurrency.

Usually a transaction reads an object before it tries to write the object, so an exclusive lock is normally an upgrade from a shared or update lock. For example, assume a transaction reads a table and gets a shared lock on Row #1. Later on, the transaction does a data change, so it changes the shared lock on Row #1 to an exclusive lock on Row #1. We'll look at how locks affect read/write permissions in greater detail later in this chapter.


The description of lock modes applies to all of the Big Eight except InterBase and Oracle. These DBMSs do use exclusive locks, and they do use shared locks for tables, but they have a variation: sometimes they don't use shared locks for rows. Instead, they use versioning , also known as Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC). Here's how Oracle handles MVCC.

  • The DBMS keeps a log of data changes. A changed page has two versions: the original is in the log file, and the new version is in the main file.

  • The DBMS also keeps a global big-integer serial number called the System Change Number (SCN). When a new transaction starts, Oracle increments the SCN and assigns the incremented integer as the SCN for that transaction.

  • When a page is written, Oracle stores the transaction's SCN in the page, and the transaction's SCN becomes the SCN for that page.

Given this description, consider the following scenario.

  • Page #1 has SCN = 500.

  • Transaction #1 starts. It gets SCN = 1000.

  • Transaction #2 starts. It gets SCN = 1001.

  • Transaction #2 reads Page #1 (SCN = 500).

  • Transaction #2 writes the page. Thus Page #1 gets SCN = 1001 (the same as Transaction #2). Now there are two versions of the page, as shown in Figure 15-2. The new version, with SCN = 1001, is in the main file, while the old version, with SCN = 500, is in the log file.

    Figure 15-2. Two versions of the same page under MVCC


  • Transaction #1 reads Page #1.

  • Transaction #1 compares its own SCN (1000) to the page's SCN (1001). Because the transaction's SCN is less than the page's SCN, Transaction #1 knows it must search the log file for the original copy of the page (in Oracle-speak, this log is called the ROLLBACK SEGMENT or "undo tablespace"). Why? Because the higher SCN for the page means that another transaction has performed an uncommitted data change and it isn't safe for Transaction #1 to base its work on such possibly transient data.

  • Transaction #1 reads the Page #1 copy in the log file, and continues.

What's significant about this scenario is that Transaction #2's change doesn't block Transaction #1's read, because in the end Transaction #1 reads the original, prechange row. Thanks to this method, Transaction #2 doesn't have to worry whether Transaction #1 might read the page, and so there is no need for a shared lock: blocking is impossible !

Versioning works if there is a mechanism to keep previous versions available (such as a log), and if there is only one transaction that does the writing while all other transactions are readers. Versioning fails if two transactions are writers (because one of them must be writing an obsolete page), so exclusive locks are still needed. Still, either you can hope that Transaction #2 will end with ROLLBACK, or you can check whether Transaction #2 really affected the row that Transaction #1 wants.

Versioning bogs down if Transaction #1 lasts for hours, because as time goes on there are more changed pages, and every changed page causes multiple reads of the main file and the log file.

Bottom line: Versioning's great when there's only one data-change transaction and zero long- lasting transactions.

You'll have noted that using versioning instead of locking implies a fair amount of difference in the way DBMSs handle concurrent transactions. Because this chapter is specifically about lockingthat is, non-versioning DBMSswe'll ignore these differences during our discussion and summarize the InterBase/Oracle versioning exceptions in another sidebar.


The granularity of a lock refers to the size of the locked area. If you lock a row, the granularity is small. If you lock a table, the granularity is large. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

  • When you lock a row, the chances are that you won't block other transactions; thus concurrency is high. On the other hand, there are many locks, so overhead is greater.

  • When you lock a table, the chances are that you will block other transactions; thus concurrency is low. On the other hand, there are only a few locks, so overhead is smaller.

Consider the chart shown in Figure 15-3. It shows that, as lock granularity moves from the database level to the column level, overhead increases. (Overhead goes up because there are more locks to manage as you move from large to small granularity; i.e., there are more columns than tables, so column locks take extra work.) It also shows that concurrency increases as granularity gets smaller. Where do you want to be on Figure 15-3's line? Well, we made another chart to show what each DBMS actually allows; see Table 15-2.

Figure 15-3. Concurrency versus overhead


Notes on Table 15-2:

  • Some versions of IBM support page locks.

    Table 15-2. DBMS Granularity Support
      Database Lock Extent Lock Table Lock Page Lock Row Lock Column Lock
    IBM Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
    Informix Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    Ingres Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    InterBase Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    Microsoft Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
    MySQL Yes Yes Yes No No No
    Oracle Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    Sybase Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
  • Microsoft and Sybase support simplistic row-level locking only for inserts . Extent locks occur only when table size increases.

  • MySQL supports page locking only for Berkeley DB (BDB) tables.

One way to encourage row-level locking is to ensure that there are few rows in a page. You can do this by shrinking the page size or by declaring that some of the page should be left blank at first with the DBMS's PCTFREE/FILLFACTOR setting.


Escalation is the act of consolidating several real or potential small-grain locks into a single big-grain lock. Concurrency gets worse , but overhead gets better.

DBMSs will escalate page locks to table locks if:

  • There is a full table scan

  • A large number of page locks exists. (For example, for Microsoft the figure is either 200 or half the pages in the table; the "large number" is called the lock escalation threshold and is often a value that DBAs can reset.)

DBMSs also support explicit locking of tables, either with one of these non-standard SQL extension-statements:


or a similar SQL extension, like Ingres's SET LOCKMODE, InterBase's RESERVED clause in the SET TRANSACTION statement, Microsoft's (hint) in the DML statements, and Sybase's LOCK {DATAROWS DATAPAGES ALLPAGES} clauses in the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. To keep it simple, we'll call all these options "the LOCK statement" throughout this book.

The LOCK statement exists because programmers may be able to predict escalation better than the DBMS can. For example, suppose a transaction starts with an SQL statement that reads 100 rows and ends with a statement that reads 10,000 rows. In that case, it makes sense to issue a LOCK statement right at the beginning of the transaction so that the DBMS doesn't waste time making page locks that it will then have to escalate. For another example, suppose that during the night there are very few transactions. In that case, it also makes sense to issue a LOCK statement, because the overhead will go down without affecting concurrency (because there's no concurrency to affect). As a general rule, if there are no concurrent transactions, then throughput is not a problem, so you might as well concentrate on response time. It does not make sense to use a LOCK statement on a regular basis, though, because overhead is cheap until there are many thousands of lock records in memory.

Of course, the first thing to do is tune your query to reduce concurrency problems. Explicit LOCK escalation is what you do if you can't tune further.

Intent Locks

If Table1 contains Page #1, and there's already a shared lock on Page #1, then the Law of Contagion says another transaction can't get an exclusive lock on Table1 . [1] Implicitly, any small-grain lock implies a shared big-grain lock.

[1] The Law of Contagion is a principle of magic. See Sir James George Frazer, The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion , chapter 3, "Sympathetic Magic."

Most DBMSs turn this principle into an explicit rule: if there is one or more locks on pages belonging to a table, then there will also be a lock on the table itself, as a separate lock record. The usual name of the big-grain lock is intent lock . Thus, a small-grain lock implies a corresponding intent lock on all coarser granularity levels.

You have no control over intent locks; we only mention them by way of reassurance. If you try to lock a table, the DBMS won't have to search umpteen dozen page locks looking for conflict; it only needs to look for an intent lock on the table. Intent locks are thus a way to lessen overhead, and it's up to the DBMS to decide whether to deploy them. Some DBMSs make intent locks for indexed searches only.

Table 15-3 summarizes the level of support the Big Eight provide for locks and lock modes.

The Bottom Line: Locks

A shared lock on an object may coexist with any number of other shared locks, or with one update lock. Shared locks are for reading.

Table 15-3. DBMSs, Lock Modes, and Granularity: A Summary
  Shared Lock Update Lock Exclusive Lock Intent Lock Default Granularity
IBM Yes Yes Yes Yes Row
Informix Yes Yes Yes Yes Page
Ingres Yes Yes Yes Yes Row or page
InterBase Yes Yes Yes Yes Row
Microsoft Yes Yes Yes Yes Row
MySQL Yes Yes Yes Yes Table
Oracle Yes No Yes No Row
Sybase Yes Yes Yes Yes Row

An update lock on an object may coexist with any number of shared locks, but not with another update lock nor with an exclusive lock. Update locks are for reading when updating is planned.

An exclusive lock may not coexist with any other lock on the same object. Exclusive locks are for writing. Usually a transaction reads an object before it tries to write it, so an exclusive lock is normally an upgrade from a shared or update lock.

Exclusive locks are the barriers to concurrency.

Implicitly, any small-grain lock implies a shared big-grain lock. DBMSs make explicit locks, called intent locks, to reflect this. Thus, if a page of a table is locked, there will also be an intent lock on the table. You have no control over intent locks.

The granularity of a lock refers to the size of the locked area. If you lock a row, the granularity is small. If you lock a table, the granularity is large.

When you lock a row, the chances are that you won't block other transactions, thus concurrency is high. On the other hand, there are many locks, so overhead is greater.

When you lock a table, the chances are that you will block other transactions, thus concurrency is low. On the other hand, there are only a few locks, so overhead is smaller.

One way to encourage row-level locking is to ensure that there are few rows in a page. You can do this by shrinking the page size or by declaring that some of the page should be left blank at first.

Escalation is the act of consolidating several small-grain locks into a single big-grain lock. Concurrency gets worse, but overhead gets better.

Use the SQL-extension LOCK statement to force big-grain locks in situations where you can predict escalation.

If there are no concurrent transactions, then throughput is not a problem, so you might as well concentrate on response time.


SQL Performance Tuning
SQL Performance Tuning
ISBN: 0201791692
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 125

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