

RandomAccessFile, Running the Java Client
reading messages, Simple Message Queue Operations in .NET
Receive method, Simple Message Queue Operations in .NET, Creating a Web Service Interface for MSMQ, Using JMS to Access WebSphere MQ Queues
receiving messages, WebSphere MQ, Running the Sample, Running the Sample Code
records, DIME, DIME and WS-Attachments
redirection, shared sessions, Creating a Registration Process, Shared Authentication, How the Shared Authentication Solution Works
RedirectToURL key, Creating a Registration Process
referralCache.config, Setting Up the .NET Intermediary, WS-Referral
referrals, Web services routing, WS-Referral
reflection, The Java Client Sample Code
described, Generating an XSD from an existing class in Java
Register.aspx file, How the Shared Authentication Solution Works
JMS objects, JMS, WebSphere MQ, and Interoperability, Using JMS Pub/Sub to Access WebSphere MQ Topics
REGISTRATIONID, Viewing the Data Stored in SQL
registrations, shared sessions, Viewing the Data Stored in SQL, Deciding Where to Store the Shared Session Data, Creating a Registration Process, Shared Authentication, How the Shared Authentication Solution Works
registries (UDDI directory)
examples, Installing the Solution
overview, UDDI Registries
underlying structure, Exploring the UDDI Registry
RegistryException exception, Unauthorized Java Client to .NET Web Service
reliable messaging, Reliable Messaging, Looking ahead to WS-Reliable Messaging
SupportPac MA0R, IBM SupportPac MA0R
remote connected network properties, Configuring the MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge
remote definition managers
WebSphere MQ server configuration, Configuring the WebSphere MQ Server
Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Chapter 4: Connectivity with .NET Remoting
Remote Method Invocation over Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (RMI-IIOP), Chapter 4: Connectivity with .NET Remoting
remote queue manager names , Creating the Queues in WebSphere MQ
remote queue names, Creating the Queues in WebSphere MQ
remoting.config files, Developing an Application That Uses .NET Remoting
.NET client to EJB sample, The .NET Client Sample Code
.NET client to Java object sample, The .NET Client Sample Code
Java client to .NET remoted object sample, The .NET Server Sample Code
Remoting.Corba, .NET Remoting and CORBA Interoperability
Remove method, Creating a Shared Session API for ASP.NET and JSP/Servlets
replacing presentation tier, Interoperability at the Presentation Tier
replacing presentation tiers, Requirements for Interoperating at the Presentation Tier
ReplyTo QMNAME, Configuring the MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge
RequestSoapContext method, How the Samples Work
interoperability, Chapter 2: Business Requirements for Interoperability, Technology-Aligned Development, Interoperability at the Presentation Tier, Reuse of Business Tier Components , Performance Issues, Business Tier Resource Sharing, Point-to-Point Interoperability, Resource Tier Interoperability
resending messages, avoiding, Reliable Messaging
resource sharing
business tier, Business Tier Resource Sharing
resource tier
business tier resource sharing, Business Tier Resource Sharing
described, Technology-Aligned Development
resource tier interoperability
overview, Resource Tier Interoperability
retrieving messages, WebSphere MQ, WebSphere MQ Support for Java, WebSphere MQ Support for .NET, Using JMS to Access WebSphere MQ Queues, Using the MA7P to Send a Message to a JMS Listener
reusing business tier components, Reuse of Business Tier Components, Performance Issues
RMI (Remote Method Invocation), Chapter 4: Connectivity with .NET Remoting
described, What Is an XML Web Service?
RMI-IIOP (Remote Method Invocation over Internet Inter-ORB Protocol), Chapter 4: Connectivity with .NET Remoting
assigning, Installing ASP.NET on Windows Server 2003
Rotor, Java and J2EE Fundamentals for Microsoft .NET Developers
routers., see intermediaries
background information, Chapter 15: Web Services Interoperability, Part 3: Routing
routing support, MSMQ-MQSeries bridge, Installing MSMQ with Active Directory and Routing Support, Setting Up Sites and MSMQ Routing Support
routing., see also web services routing
RoutingHandler class, Setting Up the .NET Intermediary

Microsoft. NET and J2EE Interoperability Toolkit
Microsoft .NET and J2EE Interoperability Toolkit (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735619220
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 132
Authors: Simon Guest © 2008-2017.
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