Working with Effects

[ LiB ]

Working with Effects

Chapter 6 discusses how you can apply insert effects, send effects, and EQ to a channel through its Inspector area. Working with effects in the Mixer is no different. The only difference is that all the channels are side-by-side (in SX), making it easier to adjust the different settings of several tracks. SL users can use the Channel Setting panel described in the following section. This won't allow you to see all the effect settings side-by-side in the same window, but you'll get a bird's eye view of all the effects ( inserts , EQ, and sends) in the same window.

When working on a mix, it is important to understand that the more effects you have running simultaneously in real time (online as opposed to offline), the more processing power it requires from your computer. With this in mind, it is highly recommended that you use the send effects (through FX channels) whenever possible, rather than using the inserts, if you're going to apply the same effect more than once while using the same settings. By doing so, you will use fewer computer resources, which will allow you to save these resources for when you really need them.

[ LiB ]

Cubase SX. SL 2 Power.
Cubase SX/SL 2 Power!
ISBN: 1592002358
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 154
Authors: Robert Guerin © 2008-2017.
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