

BackColor control, assigning colors to, 259-260


painting for text, 51-54

background color

representing for LineNumberView object, 65

representing for View object, 68

representing with StyledTextArea class, 64

Background member of System.Threading.ThreadState enumeration, description of, 191

backslash (\), meaning of, 225

basic authentication

example of, 530

explanation of, 526-527

Begin game state, explanation of, 216

BeginDownload event, raising with DoDownload method, 384

BeginEdit method of DataRow class, explanation of, 461

BeginInit method of DataSet class, explanation of, 457

BeginTransaction method of Connection object in ADO.NET, explanation of, 440, 453

BeginUpload event, raising, 386

bin directory in BuyDirect application, explanation of, 548

binary transfer mode, changing to, 367, 385

BinaryFormatter class, overview of, 286-287

BindGrid method

using with EditCategory page of Admin section, 578

using with Search pages in ASP.NET, 561

using with ShoppingCart page in ASP.NET, 570-571

bits for color values, table of, 260

Boolean reverse, using with Doggie computer game, 224

bound columns in DataGrid controls, example of, 495

brackets ([]), meaning of, 215

Browse page in ASP.NET, using with BuyDirect application, 563

<browserCaps> configuration section in <system.web> section

description of, 505

example of, 506-507

Brush class of System.Drawing namespace, overview of, 262

Brush objects, using different end caps with, 268-270

Build.bat file

or FTP client application, 434

for UML class diagram editor, 331

BuildTree method, calling for use with XmlViewer class, 154

Button controls in Form1 class for StyledTextArea control, purpose of, 90-91

Button property, using with MDI applications, 134

BuyDirect application

accessing database for, 550-553

Admin section of, 575-580

Categories table in, 545

components of, 544

database for, 545-546

default page in ASP.NET, 558

directory structure of, 546-548

OrderDetails table in, 546

Orders table in, 545

page design of, 548-549

Products table in, 545

Search page in, 559-562

ShoppingItem class in, 549-550

user controls in, 554-557

byte streams, receiving for connected FTP servers, 355-359

Real World. NET Applications
Real-World .NET Applications
ISBN: 1590590821
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 82 © 2008-2017.
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