View Options

When you combine multiview presentation methods with application models, you get a number of permutations. Here are some of them:

  • SDI application with splitter window, single view class This chapter's first example, EX20A, covers this case. Each splitter window pane can be scrolled to a different part of the document. The programmer determines the maximum number of horizontal and vertical panes; the user makes the split at runtime.

  • SDI application with splitter window, multiple view classes The EX20B example illustrates this case. The programmer determines the number of panes and the sequence of views; the user can change the pane size at runtime.

  • SDI application with no splitter windows, multiple view classes The EX20C example illustrates this case. The user switches view classes by making a selection from a menu.

  • MDI application with no splitter windows, single view class This is the standard MDI application you've seen already in Chapter 18. The New Window menu item lets the user open a new child window for a document that's open already.

  • MDI application with no splitter windows, multiple view classes A small change to the standard MDI application allows the use of multiple views. As example EX20D shows, all that's necessary is to add a menu item and a handler function for each additional view class available.

  • MDI application with splitter child windows This case is covered thoroughly in the online documentation. The SCRIBBLE example illustrates the splitting of an MDI child window.

Programming Visual C++
Advanced 3ds max 5 Modeling & Animating
ISBN: 1572318570
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1997
Pages: 331
Authors: Boris Kulagin © 2008-2017.
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