dark spyrit, Barnaby Jack, dspyrit@beavuh.org, "Win32 Buffer Overflows: Location, Exploitation and Prevention" (paper), 341
data, distinction from instructions, 5
.data section (DLLs), 108
.data section overflows, 188 “190
.data segment, 5, 84
data translation, 411 “412
database server software attacks
application layer, 520 “521
network layer, 510 “520
running operating system commands, 521 “522
Slammer worm, 528
database servers
DB2 Remote Command Server facility, 523 “525
IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority, 523
running operating system commands, 523
Microsoft SQL Server
3-Byte Patch, 477 “481
running operating system commands, 521 “522
xp_cmdshell , 521 “522
Alert 57, 406, 410
Alert 29, 407, 410
extproc overflow, 406 “410
running operating system commands, 522 “523
SQL*Plus, 526
Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) protocol, 510
TZ_OFFSET overflow, 416
security, 509 “510
Structured Query Language (SQL), 509
vulnerabilities, 510
Datarescue Interactive Disassembler Pro (IDA Pro), 452 “454
DB (define byte) directive, 50
DB2 Remote Command Server facility (IBM DB2), 523 “525
dcedump utility, 112
DCE-RPC recon
SPIKE tool, 112 “114
Todd Sabin's DCE-RPC tools, 112
tunneling, 113 “114
DCOM (Distributed Common Object Model)
AT service, 111 “112
Interface Description Language (IDL) file, 110 “111
DCOM exploits
popen() attacks, 114
system() attacks, 114
DCOM interfaces. See DCE-RPC recon
DCOM-RPC bug (MS03-26), 411
ddb kernel debugger, 554 “555
debug.exe debugger, 337 “338
ddb, 554 “555
debug.exe , 337 “338
fault monitoring, 360 “361
gdb (GNU Debugger), 335
OllyDbg, 106, 118, 335, 504
SoftICE, 118, 335 “336
Visual C++, 336
Visual Studio, 118
WinDbg, 118, 335
Unicode, 210 “212
Windows shellcode, 123 “124
XOR decoder (Tru64 shellcode), 308 “310
decompilation, 468
default unhandled exception handler, overwriting, 71
define byte (DB) directive, 50
delay slot (SPARC processor), 219
delimiting logic (fault injection), 355 “357
denial-of-service (DOS) attacks, 422 “423
DEPEND fault injection system, 349
dest, source mnemonic (Intel), 124
Detours suite (Microsoft), 432
different- sized integer conversions, 398 “399
DilDog, The Tao of Windows Buffer Overflow (article) , 341
direct parameter access, 67 “69, 80
disassembler, 340, 452 “454
Distributed Common Object Model (DCOM)
AT service, 111 “112
Interface Description Language (IDL) file, 110 “111
DLL-hell, 107
DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries)
ADVAPI.dll , 129
.data section, 108
defined, 107
function hooking, 431
functions, 107 “108
heaps, 108 “109
initialization function, 108
kernel32.dll , 125
PE-COFF files, 107 “108
viewing, 340
Win32 API, 107
ws2_32.dll , 129 “131
dlmalloc, 83
DOCTOR fault injection system, 349
DOS attacks, 422 “423
double free bugs , 87, 368, 400
double-decode flaw (Microsoft IIS), 467
Dowd, Mark, crackaddr function vulnerability in Sendmail, 392
dtlogin heap double-free, 499
.DTORS section
heap overflows, 101
overwriting entries, 71, 81
dumpbin tool, 149
dup system call (Solaris), 222
DuplicateHandle() function, 147
DuplicateTokenEx() function, 116
dynamic analysis during fuzzing, 372
dynamic heaps, 167
Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs)
ADVAPI.dll , 129
.data section, 108
defined, 107
function hooking, 431
functions, 107 “108
heaps, 108 “109
initialization function, 108
kernel32.dll , 125
PE-COFF files, 107 “108
viewing, 340
Win32 API, 107
ws2_32.dll , 129 “131
dynamic linking
Linux, 270
Solaris/SPARC, 270
dynamic linking (Solaris/SPARC), 269
dynamic string ( dynstr ) table (Solaris/SPARC), 270

The Shellcoder's Handbook. Discovering and Exploiting Security
Hacking Ubuntu: Serious Hacks Mods and Customizations (ExtremeTech)
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 198
Authors: Neal Krawetz

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