

w variable, 135
Walls object, 530, 536, 538, 859
warnings, during macro execution, 360
watch expressions, 377-79
Watch object, 50, 860
Watch window, 82
Watches enumeration, 50
Watches object, 860
Web components
best for intranets , 743
definition of, 741
drawbacks, 742
in Excel 2000, 53
functions, 742
Web options dialog, 741
Web Service Description Language (WSDL), 749
Web services
example application, 750-54
glossary, 749
overview, 747-48
Toolkit 2.0, 748-49
Web tables, 739-40
WebOptions object, 744, 860
WebQuery (Import) object, 53
WeekDay function, 251, 265
WEEKDAY worksheet function, 253, 266
WeekdayName function, 252, 266
weeks, adding to dates, 254
WHERE condition, 668
WHERE query, 664
While condition, 118
While form, 118
While “Wend loop, 119, 280
whole numbers , computing with, 89-90
Width property, 218
window events, 147
Window object, 128
hierarchy, 795
methods and properties, 860-861
window-specific options, 328, 330
WindowFreeze Panes command, 19
WindowSplit command, 19
WindowUnhide command, 82
WindowActivate event, 147, 156, 157
WindowDeactivate event, 147, 156, 157
Windowpanes, 218
WindowResize event, 147, 156, 157
arranging, 18-19, 390
closing from project explorer, 74
docked , 74
important properties of, 218
methods for processing, 217
overlapping, 74
re-opening from project explorer, 74
splitting at current position of cell pointer, 222
transforming into icons, 221-22
Windows method, 217
Windows object, 861
WindowsFolder parameter, 272
WindowState property, 218
WinWordAddresses, 592, 593
With keyword, 134-35, 202
With End With keyword combination, 134
WithEvents keyword, 151, 160
Word application. See Microsoft Word
Workbook class, 50
workbook events, 157
Workbook object, 125, 144, 145, 154
in Excel 97, 56
file-specific options, 330
hierarchy, 795
methods and properties, 861
Workbook Open procedure, 609-10
Workbook_AddinInstall procedure, 735
Workbook_AddinUninstall procedure, 735
Workbook_BeforeClose procedure, 224, 556
Workbook_BeforePrint procedure, 145
Workbook_Close procedure, 145
Workbook_NewSheet procedure, 146
Workbook_Open procedure, 145, 224, 556, 609, 610, 723, 733
Workbook_SheetActivate procedure, 144, 146
Workbook_SheetDeactivate procedure, 146
WorkbookActivate event, 156
WorkbookActivate procedure, 481, 488-89, 491
WorkbookAddinInstall event, 156
WorkbookAddinUninstall event, 156
WorkbookBeforeClose event, 156
WorkbookBeforePrint event, 157
WorkbookBeforeSave event, 157
WorkbookDeactivate event, 157
WorkbookDeactivate procedure, 488-89, 491
WorkbookNewSheet event, 157
WorkbookOpen event, 157
workbooks, 215-16
changing active workbook, 146
methods and properties, 862
methods for processing, 216
opening, 221
properties of, 216
references to other workbooks, 133-34
Workbooks.OpenText, 304
worksheet calculational programs, difference from genuine database systems, 572-73
Worksheet class, 50
worksheet events, 157
worksheet functions, 232, 266
Worksheet object, 144, 145
hierarchy, 796
methods and properties, 862
Protect method of, 49
worksheet-specific options, 330
worksheet protection, 49
worksheet recalculation, 147
Worksheet_Activate procedure, 146, 152, 163
Worksheet_Deactivate procedure, 146
WorksheetFunction.Ceiling function, 244
WorksheetFunction.Days360 function, 265
WorksheetFunction.Even function, 244
WorksheetFunction.Floor function, 244
WorksheetFunction.Odd function, 244
WorksheetFunction.Round function, 244
WorksheetFunction.RoundDown function, 244
WorksheetFunction.RoundUp function, 244
WorksheetFunctions object, 862
WorksheetFunction.WeekDay function, 265
worksheets, 218-19
controls in
accessing via code, 442-43
advantages, 438-39
communication between, 443
disadvantages, 439
formatting, 441
positioning, 442
program code for, 445
working with, 439-41
data imported into, 630
invisible, 507-8
methods and properties, 63, 862
result, 672-73, 674
inserting data into, 684
result cells in, 677-78
survey, 674, 684
surveyresults, 679
Worksheets method, 219
Worksheets( ) object, 125
Worksheets( ).QueryTables.Add, 304
Worksheets( ).SaveAs, 304
Worksheets.Add, 155
Worksheets.Copy method, 291-92
Wrap text attribute, 576
WrapText property, 195
Write command, 278, 305
Write method, 276, 303
WriteAttributes procedure, 428
WriteBlankLines method, 276, 303
WriteLine method, 276, 303
WSDL (Web Service Description Language), 749
wsname variable, 155
ws.QueryTables.Add command, 643
ws.QueryTables(n) command, 643

Definitive Guide to Excel VBA
Linux Application Development For The Enterprise (Charles River Media Programming)
ISBN: 1584502533
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 134 © 2008-2017.
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