

Calculate event, 147, 157, 158
CalculatedFields object, 809
CalculatedItems object, 809
CalculatedMember object, 809
Calculation property, 211
calculational functions, 635
calculational programs, worksheet, 572-73
calculations, time- intensive , 357-59, 360
CalculationState property, 360-61
calendars, 40, 262-65
Call Stack, 374-75
CallByName method, 51, 129
CalloutFormat object, 809
Cancel parameter, 146
Cancel property, 407
Cancel to True property, 35
CancelUpdate method, 661, 667
Caption property, 218, 469
Car_Template.xlt file, 607, 610
car-sharing club balance sheet. See balance sheet example
cascades, of forms, 449-50
Case branches, 115
categories, function, 308
CBool function, 245
CCur function, 241, 245
CDate function, 245, 248, 251
CDbl function, 241, 245, 251, 266
CellFormat object, 49, 200, 810
cells , 186-214
accessing, 190-91, 213
borders of, 208-10
content and format of, 194-99, 214
fonts of, 208
formats for times, 257
Goalseek tool, 211-12
inserting and deleting data in, 214
macro for simplifying input to, 15-17
moving, 201
notes/comments, 193
overview, 186
protecting in smart forms, 498
ranges of
accessing, 187-88, 190-91
adding and deleting, 193-94
addresses of, 213
combining, 204-5
compound range, editing all cells of, 206-7
copying, 202, 228-30
cutting, 228-30
determining address of, 192-93
editing, 201-4
moving, 202
named ranges, 213
pasting, 228-30
Range object, 186-87
rectangular, editing all cells of, 205-6
searching for text within, 200
selecting, 201-4, 213
selection of a range, 188-90
searching, 200-201
setting, 201
syntax summary, 212-14
Cells method, 188-89, 190, 201, 205-6, 591
chains of forms, 450-51
Change AutoShape command, 482
Change event, 147, 157, 410
ChangeOldEntry procedure, 616
changes, undoing, 80
active workbook, 146
cells, 147
drives , 271
folders, 271
selections, 147
sheets, 145-46
tools, 14
character strings, 235-46, 244-45, 647, 651-53, 666
& operator, 238
in binary files, 282-83
comparison of, 238, 240
country-specific features, 238
euro symbol, 239
and format functions, 242-43
functions for working with, 236
input and output, 240-41
new functions in Excel 2000, 237
overview, 235
pattern-matching , 239
properties whose names given as, 129
syntax summary, 243-46
transforming into numbers , 241-42
transforming numbers into, 242
Characters method, 194, 207
Characters object, 810
chart events, 158
Chart object, 151, 537, 538
hierarchy, 798-99
methods and properties, 810
chart objects, 541
chart templates, 338
ChartArea object, 530, 535, 536, 537, 538, 811
ChartColorFormat object, 811
ChartFillFormat object, 811
ChartGroup object, 538, 811, 812
ChartGroups object, 812
ChartObject object, 537, 540, 541, 812
ChartObjects object, 812
ChartObjects( ).Delete procedure, 714
charts , 528-34
aligning, 542
chart elements (chart objects)and formatting options, 530-34
chart sheets versus charts embedded in worksheets, 528
Chart wizard, 528
copying, 541
deleting, 541-42
displayed in Visual Basic via ActiveX, 767-72, 770-71
in Excel 2000, 52
exporting, 543-44
formatting differences, 63
inserting, 541
printing, 534, 543-44
programming, 535-44
Macro Recorder, 535
object hierarchy, 536-40
overview, 535
techniques, 540-44
in smart forms, 504
stacked , 848
syntax summary, 558-59
trendlines in, 856
types of, 529-30
Charts method, 219
Charts object, 812
Charts( ).Delete procedure, 714
Charts.Add. SetSourceData procedure, 713
ChartTitle object, 536, 537, 813
ChartType keyword, 529
ChartWizard method, 127, 540, 551-53
Chart.xls components , 547-48
ChDir command, 271, 304
ChDrive command, 271, 304
check boxes, 419-20
CheckBox object, 813
CheckMSQueryData method, 723
CheckPivotTableData( ) method, 723-24
checks, in menu items, 475-76
Chr function, 242, 246, 300
CInt function, 233, 241, 244, 245
Cint function, 678
Class _Terminate procedure, 170
class hierarchies, 164
class modules, 159-60
in Excel 97, 55
interruptions in when error occurs, 74
program code for defining new, 68
Class_Initialize event, 173
Class_Initialize procedure, 164, 170
Class_Terminate event, 173
Class_Terminate procedure, 164
class1 class, 129
ClassAppEvents object, 152
generated by web services, 751-52
programming own, 159-74
class hierarchies with implements, 164
class modules, 159-60, 167-68
classes vs. objects, 160-61
Collection object, 165-66
equipping classes with events, 163
equipping classes with methods, 161
equipping classes with properties, 161-62
example for derived classes, 168-73
initialize and terminate procedures, 164
Instancing property, 164-65
keyword Me, 163
overview, 159
syntax summary, 173-74
Clear function, 200
Clear method, 193, 542
ClearComment method, 193
ClearContents method, 535, 542
ClearContents procedure, 681
ClearFormats method, 193, 535, 542
ClearMainSheet, 609
ClearNotes method, 193
ClearOutline function, 691
client, in ActiveX automation, 759, 761-63
client/server database systems, 571
data transfer via, 228-31
inserting new OLE objects from, 780
working with, 363
ClipBoard object
Excel program code, 773-74
installing, 772
using, 773
Visual Basic program code, 774-75
ClipboardFormats property, 228
CLng function, 233, 241, 244, 245
Close command, 278, 279, 305
Close method, 216, 217, 276, 303, 666, 667
Close option, 648
closing files, 145
closing windows , 74
cmbCars listbox, 612
cmbCars_Change event procedure, 613
cmbMembers listbox, 612
cmbMembers_Change event procedure, 613
comments in, 79
components of, 761
deactivating , 79
generating event procedures with, 152-55
indenting, 78
code1, ˆ’ 2 worksheet, 710
CodeModule object, 153, 813
CodePane object, 813
Collaps Project Hides Window option, 74
Collection object, 165-66, 174
in Excel 97, 56
methods and properties, 813
Collection points, 167
Color property, 32
colored text, in smart forms, 504
ColorFormat object, 563, 814
of buttons , 20
of syntax elements, 73
Column method, 276
Column parameter, 595
Column property, 191, 299, 303
ColumnDifferences method, 191
ColumnField range, 694
ColumnFields( ) method, 717, 728
ColumnGrand property, 716
ColumnRange property, 716
changing headings, 632
deleting, 632
in listboxes, 415-16
Columns method, 191
Columns.Count, 299
ColumnWidth property, 195
COM add-ins, 182, 317-18, 339, 736
ComAddIn object, 814
combination charts, 529
ComboBox object, 814
ComboBoxes. See listboxes
Comma [0] style, 196
Comma delimited format, 294, 295
Comma parameter, 291
Comma style, 196, 197
command buttons, 421-22
Command Button tool, 20
Command object, 649, 662, 814-15
command options, 326-27
CommandBar menus , 64
CommandBar object, 147, 556
accessing, 467
ActionControl property, 476, 483
BuiltIn property, 483
in Excel 97, 59
FindControl method, 471
hierarchy, 466
methods and properties, 815
Position property, 483
Protection property, 326, 478, 483
ShowPopup method, 483
types of, 467
Visible property, 473, 483
CommandBarButton object, 469, 484, 815
CommandBarComboBox object, 470, 484, 815
CommandBarControls object
accessing, 468
BeginGroup property, 484
BuiltIn property, 484
Copy method, 486-87
Id values of, 474
methods and properties, 815, 816
types of, 468
CommandBarPopup object, 816
CommandBars object, 816
CommandBars.Add method, 467
CommandButton object, 816
Commands tab, 12
CommandText character string, 722
CommandText command property, 640, 641, 668
CommandTimeout command property, 668
CommandType command property, 668
Comment indicator only option, 18
Comment object, 817
in cells, 193
in code, 79
inserting, 18
searching for information in, 583
Comments object, 817
Comments settings, 583
comparison operators, 175-76
compatibility problems, 59-64
compilation, controlling occurrence of, 74
Compile on Demand option, 10
Compile option, 74
Complete setting, 652
compound conditionals, 500-501
compound ranges of cells, 206-7
computing interest in savings account. See interest in savings account example
conditional compilation, 75
Conditional Compilation Arguments field, 75
conditionals, 60
compound, 500-501
logical, 113-14
configuration, custom, 326-27, 328-31
configuration files
in Excel {0}97, 61-62
in Excel 2000, 54, 61-62
saving data for, 338
user -specific , 332-33
conn variable, 648
Connection character string, 647, 722
Connection object, 647, 649, 650, 817
Connection parameters, 63
Connection property, 640, 641, 727
for ADO library, 650-53
between objects, 649
ConnectionString character string, 651, 652-53, 666
ConnectionString property, 650
ConnectionTimeout connection property, 651, 666
ConnectorFormat object, 560, 817
ConsecutiveDelimiter parameter, 291
Consolidate dialog, 599
Consolidate method, 601
Consolidate.xls file, 600
consolidating tables, 599-602
Const. keyword, 91
constants, 91, 95-96
contents parameter, 320
Continue button, 37
control language, in ActiveX automation, 759
Control object, 817
control output, 376
control toolbox, 20, 21
ControlFormat object, 443, 560, 818
controlling external programs with Excel, 44-45
ActiveX, 404-5, 432-34
building new, 406
as components of forms, 398-99
directing focus to particular, 403
integrated into smart forms, 504
in MS Forms library
check boxes, 419-20
command buttons, 421-22
common features, 407
frames , 422-23
images, 431-32
labels, 408-9
listboxes, 412-19
MultiPage, 424-29
option buttons, 419-20
scroll bars, 429-30
spin buttons, 429-30
text boxes, 409-11
toggle buttons, 421-22
naming, 398-99
problems with, 60
properties of, 400
sizing and positioning in form editor, 402
on Speedy invoice form, 511
tab order, 403-4
in worksheets
accessing via code, 442-43
advantages, 438-39
communication between, 443
disadvantages, 439
formatting, 441
positioning, 442
program code for, 445
working with, 439-41
Controls object, 818
Controls property, 467
Controls.Add method, 469, 471
ControlSource property, 407
ControTipText property, 407
ConvertFormula function, 616
ConvertFormula method, 192
ConvertNumberIntoEuro procedure, 353-54
coordinate axes, 52, 531
Copy method, 202, 220, 228, 274, 302, 363
Copy to Another Location option, 587
CopyFile method, 301
CopyFromRecordset method, 662-63
cells, 202, 228-30
charts, 541
files, 274
folders, 274
CopyPicture method, 544
Corners object, 530, 536, 818
Cos function, 244
count calculational function, 635
Count method, 124
Count property, 36, 160, 166, 167, 274
country-specific features, 238
crashes, 59
Create Links to Source Data command, 600
Create method, 276
CreateForm Letters command, 591
CreateBinaryFile method, 281
CreateDateFiles module, 548
CreateDummyFilesInIncoming procedure, 679, 684-85
CreateEventProc method, 153
CreateEventProc procedure, 155
CreateFolder method, 274
CreateObject method, 783
CreatePivotTable method, 711-12
CreateReports module, 548
CreateTextFile method, 277, 302
CreateTextStream method, 274
Criteria button, 579
criteria parameter, 595
Criteria Range field, 586
CriteriaAdd Criteria command, 632, 636
CriteriaRemove Criteria command, 636
CSng function, 241, 245, 251, 266
CStr function, 242, 245, 251, 266
CSV (Comma delimited) format, 294, 295
Ctrl + Page Up key combination, 78
Ctrl+ __ combination, 84
Ctrl+ letter key combination, 5
Ctrl+ Page Down key combination, 78
Ctrl+_ key combination, 78
Ctrl+_ key combination, 78
Ctrl+Break key combination, 81, 84, 118, 139
Ctrl+F key combination, 84
Ctrl+F8 key combination, 84
Ctrl+F9 key combination, 84
Ctrl+G key combination, 76, 81, 84, 86
Ctrl+H key combination, 84
Ctrl+Page Down key combination, 224
Ctrl+Page Up key combination, 224
Ctrl+R key combination, 71, 84
Ctrl+Return key combination, 20
Ctrl+Shift+F2 key combination, 78, 84
Ctrl+Shift+F8 combination, 84
Ctrl+Shift+Page Down key combination, 224
Ctrl+Shift+Page Up key combination, 224
Ctrl+Shift+X key combination, 84
Ctrl+spacebar combination, 84
Ctrl+spacebar key combination, 55, 77
Ctrl+Tab key combination, 84
Ctrl+Y key combination, 84
Ctrl+Z key combination, 80, 84
cube files, OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), 704-7
CubeField object, 717, 818
CubeField property, 729
CubeFields( ) method, 728
CubeFields object, 818
CurDir command, 304
Currency [0] style, 196
Currency style, 196, 197, 199
Currency variables , 88, 95, 282
current date, in smart forms, 503
current directory, 271
CurrentArray method, 191
CurrentArray property, 203
CurrentDir property, 271
CurrentPage property, 717, 729
CurrentRegion method, 191
CurrentRegion property, 203, 260, 588
cursor movement, in program code window, 77
CursorLocation property, 655, 656, 666, 667
CursorType property, 655, 656, 667
curves, in charts, 856-857
Custom Button command, 12
custom charts, 542-43
custom data types, 90-91, 96
Custom Menu Item entry, 81
(Custom) setting, 584
custom styles, linking with tools, 9-15
advanced concepts, 15
defining new tools, 12-13
deleting new toolbars , 14
modifying tools, 14
overview, 9-10
recording macros, 11-12
"Result" custom style, 10
CustomDocumentProperties property, 59
customer names, 632
Customer table, 621, 623-24, 625
Customize form, 12
CustomProperty object, 819
CustomView object, 819
CustomViews object, 819
Cut method, 202, 228
CutCopyMode property, 228
cutting cells, 202, 228-30
CVErr function, 384, 386
CVErr (xlErrValue), 311

Definitive Guide to Excel VBA
Linux Application Development For The Enterprise (Charles River Media Programming)
ISBN: 1584502533
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 134 © 2008-2017.
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