

IAS, 175-176, 251

Ibex-30, 190

IBM, 281, 156

IBS, 141-142, 144, 150

ILO, 43, 52

Immelt, Jeffrey, 205

Imports and Internet, 149

Indonesia, low wages in, 50-51

Industrial Revolution, 77, 118

third, 260

Infomediaries, 151

Information technology, 259-262

network grids, 261

neural networks, 262

quantum computing, 262

Informational Revolution, 77

Innovation, scientific, 9-10, 123-126. See also Technology

Insider trading, 177-180

Institutional Investor research, 195

Institutional investors. See Investors

Insurers, healthcare, 158

Intel, 281

Interest rates, deregulation and unliberalized, 245

International Accounting Standards (IAS), 175-176, 251

International Monetary Fund, 202

International Program for the Elimination of Child Labor (IPEC) (ILO), 52

Internet. See also specific companies and websites

air travel industry and, 129, 133-139

automobile industry and, 128-129, 143-149, 151, 159-160

bubble, bursting of, 3, 168, 177

consumer power and, 127-129

corporate websites and, 155

discussion panel, 161-164

disease education websites and, 155-156

European market and, 149

healthcare industry and, 128-129, 153-157

healthcare professionals websites, 156

imports and, 149

management and, 127

marketing and, 128, 130-131

Nike, Inc. criticisms and, 54

OEM websites and, 141-142

product websites and, 155

small businesses before, 133-134

"Super Sites" and, 128, 146-147

third-party independent sites and, 141-143, 150

Internet Buying Service (IBS), 141-142, 144, 150

Intertainment (German company), 177

Investment styles, investor activism and new, 206-207


Africa and, 27

boards of directors and, 170


corruption related to, 221

institutional, 225-226

retail, 224-225

sophistication of, 224

European institutional

activism of, 204-208

equity of, 201

issues of, open, 208-210

pension reform and, 201-204

rise of, 201-204

management and, 169-170

protection of stock market, 169-170

U.S. institutional, 204-205

value for, 91-92, 200

"Wall Street Rule" and, 204

IPEC (ILO), 52

IPOs, European, 177, 187-189


boards of directors in, 190

financial system of, 207-208

institutional investor activism in, 207-208

mutual funds in, 208

Old-Age Dependency ratio in, 202

public pension system in, 202

Telecom Italia takeover, 193, 195-196

Management[c] Inventing and Delivering Its Future
Management[c] Inventing and Delivering Its Future
ISBN: 7504550191
Year: 2005
Pages: 55 © 2008-2017.
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