Call Stack window, 32, 410

case study. See payment processing case study

CaseStudy_Load package

ACH Control Flow, 635–638

ACH processing, 643–645

ACH validation, 639–643

description of, 595, 610–611

e-mail Data Flow processing, 648–651

e-mail payment processing, 645–647

File System tasks for, 612–616

Lockbox Control Flow, 616–622

Lockbox processing, 631–635

Lockbox validation, 622–631

naming conventions for, 611

setting up, 612–616

testing, 651

CaseStudy_Process package

description of, 595–596, 651–652

high-confidence matching, Data Flow for, 654–659

medium-confidence matching, Data Flow for, 659–662

results of, interpreting, 663–664

setting up, 652–654

Catch block, 227–228

Character Map transformation

configuring, 94

data cleansing and, 354

definition of, 13, 94

as streaming, non-blocking transformation, 319

Check Constraints option, Bulk Insert task, 47

CheckpointFilename property, 280


checkpoint file generated by, 290–292

configuring, 411–412

in Data Flow, 280, 305

definition of, 280, 411

enabling, 280

examples of

in containers with transactions, 285–288

failing package, not sequence, 290

failing parent and package, 288–289

failing parent, not package, 288.

list of, 290

in simple Control Flow, 280–285

without transactions, 289

CheckpointUsage property, 280, 411

Chinese characters, converting to simplified or traditional, 94

circles for breakpoints, 409–410

cleansing (scrubbing) data

definition of, 354

example of

Conditional Split transformation, 130–131

connection for, 127–129

Data Flow for, 129

Derived Column transformation, 129–130

description of, 125–127

error handling, 134–138

Lookup transformation, 132

sending data to destination, 133–134

Union All transformation, 132–133

transformations used for, 354–357

Cleanup method, 424

clients, 3

CLSCompliant attribute, 470–471

column chart Data Viewer, 116

ColumnDelimiter option, Bulk Insert task, 46

comma-delimited files as data source. See Flat File source

Command window, 32

comments in scripts, 217

communication mechanism of transformations, 319, 324–328

Completion constraint value, 9

components, pipeline

building, 426–432

connection-time components, 425


definition of, 461

design-time, 462–463

runtime, 463–466

definition of, 417

design-time components

definition of, 419–420

DeleteInput method, 421

DeleteOutput method, 421

InsertInput method, 421

InsertOutput method, 421

MapInputColumn method, 421

MapOutputColumn method, 421

OnInputPathAttached method, 423

OnOutputPathAttached method, 423

PerformUpgrade method, 422

ProvideComponentProperties method, 420

RegisterEvents method, 422

RegisterLogEntries method, 422

ReinitializeMetaData method, 420

SetComponentProperty method, 422

SetExternalMetadataColumnDataType Properties method, 421

SetExternalMetadataColumnProperty method, 422

SetInputColumnProperty method, 422

SetInputProperty method, 421

SetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties method, 421

SetOutputColumnProperty method, 422

SetOutputProperty method, 421

SetUsageType method, 422–423

Validate method, 420

examples of

destination adapter, 419, 454–461

source adapter, 418, 432–443

transformation, 418, 443–454

runtime components

Cleanup method, 424

definition of, 423

DescribeRedirectedErrorCode method, 425

PostExecute method, 424

PreExecute method, 424

PrepareForExecute method, 423

PrimeOutput method, 424

ProcessInput method, 424

user interface (UI) for

assembly for, 468–471

column properties for, 488–489

component properties for, 484–486

configuring component for, 468, 475–476

error handling, 486–488

form for, 468, 476–481

IDtsComponentUI interface, implementing, 467–468, 471–475

procedure for, 467–468

runtime connections for, 482–484

conditional expressions, precedence constraints, 9, 34, 393–396

Conditional Split transformation

configuring, 94–97

data cleansing and, 354

definition of, 13, 94

example using, 130–131, 351–352

as streaming, non-blocking transformation, 319

Configuration object, 511–512

Configurations object, 511

configurations, package

changing at runtime, 148–150

creating, 510–511

nonstatic configuration, 146

programming, 511–512

types of, 509

Configure Error Output property, 350

Configure SSIS Logs dialog box, 413

Connection Manager

for Access database, 251–252

configuring offline, 7

creating, 120–122

destinations specified in, 84

sources specified in, 80

Connection Managers tab, SSIS Package Designer, 36

Connection option

Analysis Services Execute DDL task, 70

Bulk Insert task, 46

Execute SQL task, 45, 145


data source

for Access database, 251–252

acquiring programmatically, 425, 433–435, 455–456

for Analysis Services Execute DDL task, 70

for Bulk Insert task, 46

configuring offline, 7

creating, 36, 120–122

for Execute SQL task, 45, 145

for File System task, 53

releasing programmatically, 425

for runtime components, 482–484

shared connections, adding to Connection Manager, 36

shared connections, creating, 120–122

shared connections, residing in project, 28

FTP, 54

HTTP, 63

Connections property, Dts object, 219

connection-time components, pipeline, 425

ConnectionType option, Execute SQL task, 45, 145

Constraint option, EvalOp property, 9, 34

constraints, precedence. See also paths

arrow indicators for, 391–392

conditional expressions for, 9–10, 34, 393–396

constraint values, 9, 34

creating, 33–34

definition of, 5, 9–10

error handling using, 391–398

multiple, 397–398


checkpoints in, 285–288

creating, 35

definition of, 5, 10, 73

failing when task fails, 44

For Loop container

configuring, 75

definition of, 10, 74

example using, 75–78

Foreach Loop container

definition of, 10, 78

example using, 78–80, 139–140

types of, 78

logging, 413

sequence container, 10, 73–74

task host container, 10, 73

in transactions, 285–288

types of, 10

Control Flow. See also tasks

adding tasks to, 43

bound to Data Flow by Data Flow task, 32

checkpoints in, 280

compared to Data Flow, 312–314

definition of, 312

parallel processing in, 315–316

synchronous task execution in, 315–316

Control Flow scripting, 208

Control Flow tab, SSIS Package Designer, 33–36

Copy Column transformation

configuring, 97

definition of, 13, 97

as streaming, non-blocking transformation, 319

CorporationLoad.dtsx file, 127

correlation, data, 348–354

Count Distinct operation, Aggregate transformation, 91

Count Distinct Scale option, Aggregate transformation, 92

Count operation, Aggregate transformation, 91

Create Temp Table task, 157–159

CreateFolderOnDtsServer method, Application object, 494

CreateFolderOnSqlServer method, Application object, 494

CreateOutputAndMetaDataColumns method, 439–440

CreationDate system variable, 38

CreationName property, 434

Currency Conversion service, 265–272

Customer table, payment processing database, 603–604

CustomerLookUp table, payment processing database, 605–606

Professional SQL Server 2005 Integration Services
Wireless Java : Developing with Java 2, Micro Edition
ISBN: 189311550X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 182

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