8 Bibliography

8 Bibliography

[BRE 00] Breton L., Zucker J.-D., Clement E. (dir.), A multi-agent approach for the resolution of equations in granular physics. Multi-agent systems and agent-based simulation , Springer Verlag , Boston , 2000 .

[CHE 00] Chevaleyre Y., Zucker J.-D., ˜Noise-Tolerant Rule Induction from Multi-Instance Data , Proceedings of the ICML-2000 Workshop on Attribute-Value and Relational Learning: Crossing the Boundaries , Stanford , p. 47 “52 , 2000 .

[CHE 01] Chevaleyre Y., Zucker J.-D., ˜A Framework for Learning Multiple-Instance Decision Trees and Rule Sets , European Conference on Machine Learning , 2001 .

[DEN 92] Deneubourg J.-L., Theraulaz G., Beckers R., ˜Swarm-Made Architectures in Towards a Practice of Autonomous Systems , MIT Press , Cambridge (Mass.) , p. 123 “133 , 1992 .

[DRO 98] Drogoul A., Zucker J.-D., Methodological Issues for Designing Multi-agent Systems with Machine Learning Techniques: Capitalizing Experiences from the RoboCup Challenge , LIP6, Paris , 1998 .

[ISH 97] Ishii H., Ullmer B., ˜Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms , Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'97 ), ACM , Atlanta , 1997 .

[LEL 01] Lelarge V., Zucker J.-D., Multi-Agent Learning in the Bar El Farol Problem: In Preparation , 2001 .

[MOU 96] Moukas A., ˜Amalthaea: Information discovery and filtering using a multiagent evolving ecosystem , in Proceedings of PAAM'96 , London , 1996 .

[PAC 00] Pachet F., Roy P., ˜Musical harmonization with constraints , Constraints journal , Kluwer , 2000 .

[PIC 97] Picard R., Affective Computing , MIT Press , Cambridge , 1997 .

[SAI 01] Saitta L., Zucker J.-D., ˜A Model of Abstraction in Visual Perception , Applied Artificial Intelligence , 2001 .

[SPA 00] Sparacino F., Davenport G., Pentland A., ˜Media in performance: interactive spaces for dance , theater and museum exhibits , IBM Systems Journal , vol. 39 , n ° 3 “4 , MIT Media Laboratory , 2000 .

[TUF 83] Tufte E.R., The Visual Display of Quantitative Information , Graphics Press , Cheshire , 1983 .

[WAN 00] Wang J., Zucker J.-D., ˜Solving Multiple-Instance Problem: A Lazy Learning Approach , International Conference on Machine Learning , Stanford, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers , 2000 .

[WEI 93] Weiser M., ˜Some computer science issues in ubiquitous computing , Commun. ACM , vol. 36 , n ° 7 , p. 75 “84 , July 1993 .

[ZUC 00] Zucker J.-D., Chevaleyre Y., Solving multiple-instance and multiple-part learning problems with decision trees and decision rules. Application to the mutagenesis , Paris, France , LIP6, 2000 .

Communicating With Smart Objects(c) Developing Technology for Usable[... ]stems 2003
Linux Troubleshooting for System Administrators and Power Users
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