Adding a Table



Double-click the table object on the slide.


PowerPoint displays the Insert Table dialog box. Type the number of columns you want in the table.


Type the number of rows you want in the table.


Click OK .


A table is a great way to organize data, especially data suited for multiple columns and rows. PowerPoint tables are composed of intersecting columns and rows that form cells . Cells commonly hold text, but can also hold pictures or clip-art images. The easiest way to add a table is to choose a slide layout that includes a table object.


Finding a Table Layout

Under the category Other Layouts in the Slide Layout pane, you can find a layout that includes a title and a table. Many of the other layouts include the versatile object menu that allows you to add different slide objects.



PowerPoint creates the table and displays the Tables and Borders toolbar.


Click inside a table cell and start typing to add text to the table. You can press the Tab key to move from cell to cell .


Drawing Your Own Table

To create custom tables, click the Tables and Borders button on the Standard toolbar; this opens the Tables and Border toolbar with the Draw Table button selected. Then, click and drag to create the table border, and click and drag within the table border to create columns and rows. Alternatively, open the Insert menu and choose Table , and specify the number of columns and rows.


Deleting a Table

To remove a table you no longer need, click the table border to select the entire table, and press the Delete key on your keyboard. This removes the table and any text contained within the table cells.

Easy Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
Easy Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
ISBN: 0789729644
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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