About the Author


Brian Kennemer has been working with and supporting Microsoft Project since 1997. In 1998, Microsoft awarded him the recognition of Most Valued Professional (MVP) for his work in the Microsoft newsgroups that support Project. Brian currently works for QuantumPM (www.quantumpm.com) as a Project Server Specialist, where he consults with customers on the deployment, installation, and configuration of Microsoft Project Server. Through QuantumPM, he has been consulting with the Microsoft Project development team creating deployment documentation and training materials for Project Server 2002 and 2003. Brian is the technical editor of seven books on Microsoft Project, including the last three versions of Que's Special Edition Using Microsoft Project . Prior to working with QuantumPM, Brian was a support lead, program manager, and project manager for Pacific Edge Software (www.pacificedge.com), a company that develops project portfolio management software. In his free time, Brian also writes about Project- and Project Server- related topics on his weblog at www.projectified.com. Brian lives on a small farm north of Seattle, Washington, with his beautiful wife Alicia and their wonderful kids Riley, Jesse, and Alivia.

Show Me. Microsoft Office Project 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Project 2003
ISBN: 0789730693
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204

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