If you've used Photoshop's rulers at all, you know that you have your choice of either a vertical or horizontal guide. That's not a bad thing, but there's one thing missinga diagonal guide. Since Photoshop doesn't have one, here's a tip for making your own: Start by creating a new layer, then set your Foreground to R=74, G=132, B=255 (the color Photoshop uses for its built-in guides). Switch to the Line tool found in the Shapes tools, and on this new layer draw a diagonal line where you want your guide to appear (make sure you have Create Filled Region selected in the Options Bar). It's not a bad idea to copy that layer into a separate document and save it on your driveso any time you need a diagonal line, you can just open that document and drag it right in.

    Photoshop CS Killer Tips
    The Digital Photography Book
    ISBN: 735713561
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2006
    Pages: 429
    Authors: Scott Kelby © 2008-2017.
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