26.14 Starting the Package


If you go back and look at the output from cmviewcl , you will notice that the package is not started by default, even though we had an option in the configuration file called AUTO_RUN and the default value was YES . Serviceguard will not start the application when it is first added to the cluster. After a subsequent restart of the cluster, applications with AUTO_START set to YES will automatically start on the first available node. Before we actually start the package, we need to have a quick word about two switching parameters: AUTO_RUN and NODE SWITCHING .

  • AUTO_RUN : Every package has an attribute called AUTO_RUN , which determines if a package can be run automatically among nodes in the cluster. If AUTO_RUN is disabled, the package will not move to other nodes, even if the node was enabled to receive the package.

  • Node Switching : Every node has an attribute per package called SWITCHING , which determines if that package can be received (switched to) by that node. If SWITCHING is disabled on a node for a particular package, that package will not move to that particular node, even though the package is enabled for package switching.

With AUTO_RUN and NODE_SWITCHING in mind, we actually have two options to start the package. Let's consider both by revisiting the output from cmviewcl “v “p clockwatch :


 root@hpeos001[clockwatch] #  cmviewcl -v -p clockwatch  UNOWNED_PACKAGES     PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN     NODE     clockwatch   down         halted       disabled     unowned       Policy_Parameters:       POLICY_NAME     CONFIGURED_VALUE       Failover        configured_node       Failback        manual       Script_Parameters:       ITEM       STATUS   NODE_NAME    NAME       Subnet     up       hpeos001       Subnet     up       hpeos002       Node_Switching_Parameters:       NODE_TYPE    STATUS       SWITCHING    NAME       Primary      up           enabled      hpeos001       Alternate    up           enabled      hpeos002 root@hpeos001[clockwatch] # 

As we can see, AUTO_RUN is disabled . When enabled, the package will automatically run on the first node that is enabled to run it (also the package will fail over to an adoptive node should it have to). If we look near the bottom of the output from cmviewcl , we can see that both nodes have SWITCHING enabled for this package. This means that both nodes are able to receive the package when it is started. To start the package, I could either use cmrunpkg “v clockwatch simply to run the package on the first available node, or cmmodpkg “v “e clockwatch to enable package switching, i.e., set AUTO_RUN to enable. So the question is "Should I use cmrunpkg , which seems the obvious choice, or should I run cmmodpkg ?" I agree that cmrunpkg does seem the obvious choice, but if we use cmrunpkg we will be left with the situation that package switching ( AUTO_RUN ) is still disabled. In the event of a failure, the application will not fail over to an adoptive node. If we are to use cmrunpkg , we will have to use cmmodpkg as well, as in this example:


 # cmrunpkg v clockwatch # cmmodpkg v e clockwatch 

The alternative is simply to run cmmodpkg to enable package switching. If we think about it and review the output from cmviewcl , everything else is in place and ready to go. If we simply enable package switching, Serviceguard will realize that the package is currently not running and there are nodes able to receive it. The result will be that the package is switched to the first available node, i.e., it is started. This is what I chose to do, and here is the output from cmmodpkg and cmviewcl .


 root@hpeos001[clockwatch] #  cmmodpkg -v -e clockwatch  Enabling switching for package clockwatch. cmmodpkg  : Successfully enabled package clockwatch. cmmodpkg  : Completed successfully on all packages specified. root@hpeos001[clockwatch] # root@hpeos001[clockwatch] #  cmviewcl -v -p clockwatch  PACKAGE      STATUS       STATE        AUTO_RUN     NODE     clockwatch   up           running      enabled      hpeos001       Policy_Parameters:       POLICY_NAME     CONFIGURED_VALUE       Failover        configured_node       Failback        manual       Script_Parameters:       ITEM       STATUS   MAX_RESTARTS  RESTARTS   NAME       Service    up                  0         0   clock_mon       Subnet     up                             Node_Switching_Parameters:       NODE_TYPE    STATUS       SWITCHING    NAME       Primary      up           enabled      hpeos001     (current)       Alternate    up           enabled      hpeos002 root@hpeos001[clockwatch] # 

We can also check the logfile /etc/cmcluster/clockwatch/clockwatch.cntl.log to ensure that all the necessary steps were undertaken and executed properly. Here is an extract from my logfile:


 root@hpeos001[clockwatch] #  more clockwatch.cntl.log  ########### Node "hpeos001": Starting package at Sat Aug  9 01:42:22 BST 2003 ########### Aug  9 01:42:22 - "hpeos001": Activating volume group /dev/vg01 with exclusive option. Activated volume group in Exclusive Mode. Volume group "/dev/vg01" has been successfully changed. Aug  9 01:42:23 - Node "hpeos001": Checking filesystems:    /dev/vg01/db    /dev/vg01/progs /dev/vg01/rdb:file system is clean - log replay is not required /dev/vg01/rprogs:file system is clean - log replay is not required Aug  9 01:42:25 - Node "hpeos001": Mounting /dev/vg01/db at /clockwatch/logs Aug  9 01:42:26 - Node "hpeos001": Mounting /dev/vg01/progs at clockwatch/bin Aug  9 01:42:27 - Node "hpeos001": Adding IP address to subnet Attempting to start clockwatch Starting Clockwatch ; logfile = /clockwatch/logs/watchlog Aug  9 01:42:28 - Node "hpeos001": Starting service clock_mon using    "/etc/cmcluster/clockwatch/CLOCKWATCH.sh monitor"         ########### Node "hpeos001": Package start completed at Sat Aug  9 01:42:28 BST graphics/ccc.gif 2003 ########### 

If you spend some time studying the control script, you will uncover toward the end of the script the sequence of events that the control script goes through in order to start an application. Here is an excerpt from my control script:


 if [[  = "start" ]]         then                 print "\n\t########### Node \"$(hostname)\": Starting package at $(date) ###########"           verify_physical_data_replication   # add hook for MetroCluster           activate_volume_group           activate_disk_group           check_and_mount           verify_ha_nfs      # add hook for NFS           add_ip_address           get_ownership_dtc           customer_defined_run_cmds           start_services           start_resources 

When stopping a package, the control script essentially performs the same steps but in reverse order:


 elif [[  = "stop" ]]         then                 print "\n\t########### Node \"$(hostname)\": Halting package at $(date) ###########"           stop_resources           halt_services           customer_defined_halt_cmds           disown_dtc           remove_ip_address           verify_ha_nfs   # add hook for NFS           umount_fs           deactivate_volume_group           deactivate_disk_group 

Pretty neat, don't you think? Let's move on to start testing whether the package will behave as we expect.

HP-UX CSE(c) Official Study Guide and Desk Reference
HP-UX CSE(c) Official Study Guide and Desk Reference
Year: 2006
Pages: 434

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