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1. (Conversion to Base 10) Convert each of the following numbers into its equivalent form in base 10:
2. (Conversion to Target Base) Convert each of the following base 10 numbers into its equivalent form in the indicated base:
53 to base 2
127 to base 8
1023 to base 16
500 to base 2
798 to base 8
4000 to base 16

3. (Conversion Between Base 2 and Base 8 or Base 16) Convert each of the following binary numbers to the indicated base:
11100112 to base 8
100111002 to base 16
10110112 to base 8
111100112 to base 16 10010001110001012 to base 8
111000110011000110002 to base 16

4. (Convert Between Base 8 or Base 16 and Binary) Convert each of the numbers in the indicated base to binary:

5. (Convert Between Base 8 and Base 16) Using the same numbers as in Exercise A.4, convert the numbers in base 8 to base 16 (a, c, e) and the numbers in base 16 to base 8 (b, d, f).

6. (Alternative Number Systems) People on the planet Mars use a quarternary number system, consisting of the digits 0, 1, 2, and 3 (that is, base 4). Perform the following conversions to and from base 4:
Convert 597 to base 4
Convert 320214 to base 10
Convert 2234 to base 2
Convert 322104 to base 8
Convert 12303224 to base 16
Convert AB016 to base 4
Convert 7718 to base 4
Convert 1100100112 to base 4
7. (Binary Addition) Perform the following additions in binary:
1001102 + 1112
1101112 + 1012
1111102 + 101112
1110012 + 100012
110111001102 + 100110012
101010102 + 11111112
8. (Binary Subtraction) Perform the following subtractions in binary:
1001102 - 1112
1101112 - 1012
1111102 - 101112
1110012 - 100012
110111001102 - 100110012
101010102 - 11111112
9. (Base Conversions) Perform the following base conversions. Use successive division where necessary.
20010 to base 7
20016 to base 3
3567 to base 2
A9DE16 to base 3
59110 to base 5
10010112 to base 4

10. (Addition/Subtraction in Different Bases) Perform the indicated arithmetic operations:
2003 + 223 in base 3
435 - 245 in base 5
10A16 + 2018 in base 16
778 - 2510 in base 8
9510 + 2113 in base 3
718 - 324 in base 8
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This file last updated on 07/16/96 at 05:10:10.

What is Sarbanes-Oxley[q]
What is Sarbanes-Oxley[q]
ISBN: 71437967
Year: 2006
Pages: 101

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