

backgrounds, 227228
banding, 214
Bar Graph tool, 24
baseline shift, 125
beveled joins, 68
beveled objects, 191193
B zier curves, 85
bitmap (BMP) format, 252
bitmap objects, 255
bitmaps, 249263. See also raster images
applying effects for, 255263
applying filters for, 194196, 255263
blends and, 161
color , 254255
converting to vectors, 3536
converting vector graphics to, 253
cropping with masks, 176177
described, 5, 250251
distortion effects, 200201, 259260
editing, 254255
embedded, 4546, 256
file formats, 252253
fills, 177
illustrated , 5
importing, 45
linked, 4546, 4950, 256
opening, 251253
organizing, 4950
Pathfinder effects and, 77, 186
Photoshop and, 256
placing, 251252
preparing for Illustrator, 253254
printing and, 229
resizing, 253254
resolution, 229
as tracing layers , 4749
transparency and, 255
vs. raster graphics, 250
vs. vector graphics, 5, 250251
working with, 251254
zooming, 256
black, overprinting, 310
black-and-white images, 213
bleeds, 308, 330
Blend Options dialog box, 161165
Blend tool
anchor point blends, 167
bending blends, 168169
creating blends, 165166
described, 25
editing blends, 162
options, 161164
blending modes, 223225
blends, 159170
3-D effects, 161, 168
adjusting, 170
along spines, 168170
anchor points, 167
between anchors, 167
bending, 168169
bitmaps and, 161
described, 160
editing, 162, 166
expanding, 170
generating, 164166
groups, 170
options, 161164
orientation, 163164
paths, 163164, 168169
removing, 166167
reversing, 166, 169
selecting objects within, 167
shadows, 161, 168
smooth, 160162, 166
spacing, 161162
step, 160165
text and, 161
undoing, 166167
ungrouping and, 170
Bloat tool, 1718, 205206
blur effects, 258, 322
blur filters, 258
BMP format, 252. See also bitmaps
bounding boxes
cropping to, 304
described, 98, 100
flipping with, 101102
modifying objects with, 100101
rotating with, 101102
showing, 100101
using with fills, 237238
Bring Forward command, 158
Bring to Front command, 139, 158
brush stroke filters, 258259
brushes. See also Paintbrush tool; strokes
adding to Brushes palette, 67
angle of, 242
art, 245246
calligraphic, 242243
choosing, 66
custom, 249250
libraries, 67, 242, 249250
pattern, 233, 239249
scatter, 243245
size of, 242
stroke attributes, 68
symbols, 6667
Brushes palette, 6667, 233, 240250
butt caps, 68

How to Do Everything with Illustrator CS
How to Do Everything with Adobe Illustrator CS
ISBN: 0072230924
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 175
Authors: David Karlins © 2008-2017.
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