Call Them Official Data

On-demand creation of data reports triggered data integrity issues. Some were time sensitive when the database was continuously updated. As a result, data reports differ depending on when the database was queried. There were times when impulsive senior officials publicized enrollment figures before the closing of registration activities. Other times a snapshot of the data set was hastily included in reports to funding agencies. The very nature of the public announcement of the data sealed them as official data. This undermined the integrity of the Management Database, which was used to generate reports for auditing activities. Discrepancies between information in the audit report and the "official" data were frequent sources of embarrassment. In the more serious cases, disagreement between the initial best available data set, and the final data set reported in subsequent years jeopardized funding. Users who were unaware of the time sensitivity of certain types of data questioned the integrity of the information system, while the data discrepancy problem could be the combined results of data query method, data analysis method, and data report generation timing. The result was a widespread distrust on the overall data quality of the institution.

Eventually, the Computer Center adopted the practice of data certification at predefined point in time. For example, a sample of all enrollment data two weeks after the end of registration period was set aside as the certified data. The certified data was recommended for all official data reports regardless of subsequent updates to the database. The certified data set protected the Computer Center from accusation of mismanagement of the database, and provided a consistent reference for generating external data reports. Unfortunately, the Institutional Research Office was designated to announce the official data. A vacant position of the Institutional Researcher left the university without official data for over two years! However, many users were unaware of the existence and the role of the certified data, and circulation of multiple versions of data reports continued.

Challenge Six: Management must take an active role in controlling the flow of organizational data, both within the organization and to the external environment. Management should consider endorsement of an official organizational data to ensure consistency rather than leaving official data report to random actions. This is especially important in cultural setting where it is impractical to correct public statements of social leaders regardless of facts.

Managing Globally with Information Technology
Managing Globally with Information Technology
ISBN: 193177742X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 224 © 2008-2017.
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