Event Handling

When you perform an action with an object, the object in turn raises events in the application. Clicking a button, for example, generates an event. Not all events are triggered by user actions, however. Changes in the environmentsuch as the arrival of an email message, modifications to a file, change in time, and completion of program executionalso trigger events.

Handling Events by Overriding the Virtual, Protected Method of the Base Class

When an ASP.NET page is dynamically compiled, it inherits from the Page class.

The following example demonstrates event handling by overriding the virtual, protected method of the base class:

  1. Add a new text file to project 315C02 and name it Example2_3.aspx .

  2. Switch to the HTML view and add the following code to the Example2_3.aspx file:

     <%@ Page Language="c#"%> <html><body> <script runat="server">     protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)     {         Response.Write(             "Message from OnLoad() method.<br>");         base.OnLoad(e);     }     protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)     {         Response.Write(             "Message from OnInit() method.<br>");         base.OnInit(e);     }     protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)     {         Response.Write(             "Message from OnPreRender() method.<br>");         base.OnPreRender(e);     } </script> <hr></body> </html> 
  3. View Example2_3.aspx in your browser.

When an ASP.NET Page object is created, it invokes the OnInit() , OnLoad() , and OnPreRender() methods to raise the Init , Load , and PreRender events, respectively, in that order. You can write custom code in these methods in response to the specific events.

The predefined event handlers OnInit() and OnLoad() also bootstrap the event handling process for events ( Init , Load , and so on) of the Page class. However, you need not program this functionality again because it is already programmed in the base class. But to ensure that the base class version of an overridden method is also invoked, you need to explicitly call the base class version of a method by using the base. MemberName syntax.

Handling Events by Attaching a Delegate

A delegate is a special class whose object is capable of storing references to methods with a particular prototype. These methods are nothing but the event handlers that need to be invoked in response to an event.

Using delegates to handle events is far more flexible because of the following reasons:

  • Delegates allow you to attach a single event handler to several events. This technique eliminates extra coding efforts when you have to take similar actions when different events occur.

  • Delegates allow you to dynamically add and remove event handlers for an event. You can also associate multiple event handlers for an event.

  • The class that handles the event is not required to derive from the class that publishes an event.

The following example uses delegates to display messages when various events for a Page object are raised.

  1. Add a new text file to project 315C02 and name it Example2_4.aspx .

  2. Switch to the HTML view and add the following code to the Example2_4.aspx file:

     <%@ Page Language="c#"%> <html><body> <script runat="server">     protected void Example2_4_Load(         Object o, EventArgs e)     {         Response.Write(             "Message from Load event handler.<br>");     }     protected void Example2_4_Init(         Object o, EventArgs e)     {         Response.Write(             "Message from Init event handler.<br>");     }     protected void Example2_4_PreRender(        Object o, EventArgs e)     {         Response.Write(          "Message from PreRender event handler.<br>");     }     protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)     {         this.Load += new EventHandler(             Example2_4_Load);         this.PreRender += new EventHandler(             Example2_4_PreRender);         this.Init += new EventHandler(             Example2_4_Init);         base.OnInit(e);     } </script> <hr></body> </html> 
  3. View Example2_4.aspx in your browser. When an ASP.NET page is loaded for the first time, the Init , Load , and PreRender events occur in order.

Why use the OnInit() method in code? You do so because writing code in the OnInit() method ensures that the code will be executed before any other processing on the page.

The crux of the event-handling technique used in the previous example lies in the first three lines of the OnInit() method. Each of these three lines works in the same way. Consider the first line:

 this.Load += new EventHandler(Example2_4_Load); 

This looks like a complex statement, but if you examine it carefully , you can see that there are three parts to it with the following roles:

  • The Load event is raised when an ASP.NET page is loaded A set of event handlers can be attached to an event, and when the event is fired , it invokes all the attached event handlers. An event handler can be attached to the Load event only through its delegate object. The this keyword qualifies the Load event for the current instance of the Web page.

  • Example2_4_Load is the name of the method responding to the Load event When a method name is used without any argument list, it works as a reference to the actual method definition.

  • The delegate type of the Load event is EventHandler You can add event handlers to a Load event only by adding new instances of the delegate to it. In the Visual Studio .NET documentation, the definition of the EventHandler delegate looks like this:

     public delegate void EventHandler(      object sender, EventArgs e); 

    This means that the EventHandler delegate is capable of storing references to any method that has a void return type and that accepts two arguments: the first one of type System.Object and the other one of type EventArgs . The signature of the Example2_4_Load() method matches the criteria of this delegate, and hence a reference to the Example2_4_Load() method can be stored in an instance of a delegate of type EventHandler .

    When you have an instance of the EventHandler delegate, you can attach it to the event by using the += operator. The += operator ensures that, if any event handlers are already attached to this event by the base class, they remain in the list.

    At a later stage, when the Load event is raised, the Example2_4_Load() method is invoked through its reference that is maintained by the delegate object.

Handling Events of the Page Class Through AutoEventWireup

ASP.NET supports an additional mechanism for handling events raised by the Page class. This technique is called as AutoEventWireup .

AutoEventWireup relies on using specific names for the event handlers of Page class events. The name has to be of the type Page_ EventName () . For example, when handling the Init , Load , and PreRender events, the name of the event handlers should be Page_Init() , Page_Load() , and Page_PreRender() , respectively.

Event handling through AutoEventWireup works only when the AutoEventWireup attribute of the Page directive is true . The AutoEventWireup attribute is true by default, so if you don't specify this attribute in the Page directive, it's assumed true by ASP.NET.

The following example demonstrates the use of predefined event handlers to handle various events of the Page class:

  1. Add a new text file to project 315C02 and name it Example2_5.aspx .

  2. Switch to the HTML view and add the following code to the Example2_5.aspx file:

     <!--Example2_5.aspx--> <%@ Page Language="c#"%> <html><body> <script runat="server">     protected void Page_Load(Object o, EventArgs e)     {         Response.Write(              "Message from Load event handler.<br>");     }     protected void Page_Init(Object o, EventArgs e)     {         Response.Write(              "Message from Init event handler.<br>");     }     protected void Page_PreRender(         Object o, EventArgs e)     {         Response.Write(          "Message from PreRender event handler.<br>");     } </script> <hr></body> </html> 
  3. View Example2_5.aspx in your browser. You should see results similar to Example2_4.aspx .

AutoEventWireup isn't as flexible as event handling through delegates because the page event handlers are required to have specific names. Therefore, AutoEventWireup is set to false when creating Web forms using Visual Studio .NET.

MCAD Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Visual C#. NET and Visual Studio. NET (Exam [... ]am 2)
MCAD Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Visual C#. NET and Visual Studio. NET (Exam [... ]am 2)
ISBN: 789729016
Year: 2005
Pages: 191

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