
DataGridTextBoxColumn marshal by reference, disposable

System. Windows .Forms (system. windows .forms.dll) class

This DataGridColumnStyle -derived class supports columns that display strings and are editable using a standard text box.

In addition to the base-class features, you can set optional Format and FormatInfo , to format numeric or DateTime values using the standard .NET formatting strings. This enables the column style to support Byte , DateTime , Decimal , Double , Int16 , Int64 , UInt16 , UInt64 , and Single types, in addition to string itself.

 public class  DataGridTextBoxColumn  : DataGridColumnStyle {  // Public Constructors  public  DataGridTextBoxColumn  ();    public  DataGridTextBoxColumn  (System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor  prop  );    public  DataGridTextBoxColumn  (System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor  prop  , bool  isDefault  );    public  DataGridTextBoxColumn  (System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor  prop  , string  format  );    public  DataGridTextBoxColumn  (System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor  prop  , string  format  , bool  isDefault  );  // Public Instance Properties  public string  Format  {set; get; }    public IFormatProvider  FormatInfo  {set; get; }    public override PropertyDescriptor  PropertyDescriptor  {set; }  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  public override bool  ReadOnly  {set; get; }  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  public virtual TextBox  TextBox  {get; }  // Protected Instance Methods  protected internal override void  Abort  (int  rowNum  );  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected internal override bool  Commit  (CurrencyManager  dataSource  , int  rowNum  );  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected internal override void  ConcedeFocus  ();  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected internal override void  Edit  (CurrencyManager  source  , int  rowNum  ,          System.Drawing.Rectangle  bounds  , bool  readOnly  , string  instantText  ,           bool  cellIsVisible  );  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected void  EndEdit  ();    protected internal override void  EnterNullValue  ();  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected internal override int  GetMinimumHeight  ();  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected internal override int  GetPreferredHeight  (System.Drawing.Graphics  g  ,          object  value  );  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected internal override Size  GetPreferredSize  (System.Drawing.Graphics  g  ,          object  value  );  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected void  HideEditBox  ();    protected internal override void  Paint  (System.Drawing.Graphics  g  , System.Drawing.Rectangle  bounds  ,         CurrencyManager  source  , int  rowNum  );  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected internal override void  Paint  (System.Drawing.Graphics  g  , System.Drawing.Rectangle  bounds  ,         CurrencyManager  source  , int  rowNum  , bool  alignToRight  );  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected internal override void  Paint  (System.Drawing.Graphics  g  , System.Drawing.Rectangle  bounds  ,          CurrencyManager  source  , int  rowNum  , System.Drawing.Brush  backBrush  ,          System.Drawing.Brush  foreBrush  , bool  alignToRight  );  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected void  PaintText  (System.Drawing.Graphics  g  , System.Drawing.Rectangle  bounds  , string  text  ,         bool  alignToRight  );    protected void  PaintText  (System.Drawing.Graphics  g  , System.Drawing.Rectangle  textBounds  , string  text  ,         System.Drawing.Brush  backBrush  , System.Drawing.Brush  foreBrush  , bool  alignToRight  );    protected override void  SetDataGridInColumn  (DataGrid  value  );  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  protected internal override void  UpdateUI  (CurrencyManager  source  , int  rowNum  ,         string  instantText  );  // overrides DataGridColumnStyle  } 


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component(System.ComponentModel.IComponen, System.IDisposable) DataGridColumnStyle(IDataGridColumnStyleEditingNotificationService) DataGridTextBoxColumn

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794 © 2008-2017.
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