
RectangleF serializable

System.Drawing (system.drawing.dll) struct

This value type is the real equivalent of the integer-based Rectangle . Again, it defines a rectangular region of a 2D surface. It offers all the basic facilities of the Rectangle structure, and a conversion operator to convert from a Rectangle .

As with the Point / PointF pair, there is no intrinsic performance advantage in using the integer Rectangle , as all the Graphics painting methods are implemented in terms of the real version anyway (in the first release of the framework).

The same rendering issues also apply as for Rectangle -based shapes if you are not aligned to the pixel boundaries of the target device.

 public struct  RectangleF  {  // Public Constructors  public  RectangleF  (PointF  location  , SizeF  size  );    public  RectangleF  (float  x  , float  y  , float  width  , float  height  );  // Public Static Fields  public static readonly RectangleF  Empty  ;  // = {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0}   // Public Instance Properties  public float  Bottom  {get; }    public float  Height  {set; get; }    public bool  IsEmpty  {get; }    public float  Left  {get; }    public PointF  Location  {set; get; }    public float  Right  {get; }    public SizeF  Size  {set; get; }    public float  Top  {get; }    public float  Width  {set; get; }    public float  X  {set; get; }    public float  Y  {set; get; }  // Public Static Methods  public static RectangleF  FromLTRB  (float  left  , float  top  , float  right  , float  bottom  );    public static RectangleF  Inflate  (RectangleF  rect  , float  x  , float  y  );    public static RectangleF  Intersect  (RectangleF  a  , RectangleF  b  );    public static RectangleF  Union  (RectangleF  a  , RectangleF  b  );    public static bool operator  !=  (RectangleF  left  , RectangleF  right  );    public static bool operator  ==  (RectangleF  left  , RectangleF  right  );    public static implicit operator  RectangleF  (Rectangle  r  );  // Public Instance Methods  public bool  Contains  (PointF  pt  );    public bool  Contains  (RectangleF  rect  );    public bool  Contains  (float  x  , float  y  );    public override bool  Equals  (object  obj  );  // overrides ValueType  public override int  GetHashCode  ();  // overrides ValueType  public void  Inflate  (float  x  , float  y  );    public void  Inflate  (SizeF  size  );    public void  Intersect  (RectangleF  rect  );    public bool  IntersectsWith  (RectangleF  rect  );    public void  Offset  (PointF  pos  );    public void  Offset  (float  x  , float  y  );    public override string  ToString  ();  // overrides ValueType  } 


System.Object System.ValueType RectangleF

Returned By

System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath.GetBounds() , System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush.Rectangle , System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush.Rectangle , Graphics.{ClipBounds , VisibleClipBounds} , Image.GetBounds() , Region.{GetBounds() , GetRegionScans()}

Passed To

Multiple types

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794 © 2008-2017.
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