
KnownColor serializable

System.Drawing (system.drawing.dll) enum

This enumeration contains a list of all the well-known colors. This includes both the web colors (such as Aqua and LightSteelBlue ) and the system colors (such as ControlText ). It is used by such methods as Color .FromKnownColor() to refer to a particular Color . Note that the entries in this enumeration are, by their nature, just integers and not the actual Color values themselves .

 public enum  KnownColor  {  ActiveBorder = 1  ,  ActiveCaption = 2  ,  ActiveCaptionText = 3  ,  AppWorkspace = 4  ,  Control = 5  ,  ControlDark = 6  ,  ControlDarkDark = 7  ,  ControlLight = 8  ,  ControlLightLight = 9  ,  ControlText = 10  ,  Desktop = 11  ,  GrayText = 12  ,  Highlight = 13  ,  HighlightText = 14  ,  HotTrack = 15  ,  InactiveBorder = 16  ,  InactiveCaption = 17  ,  InactiveCaptionText = 18  ,  Info = 19  ,  InfoText = 20  ,  Menu = 21  ,  MenuText = 22  ,  ScrollBar = 23  ,  Window = 24  ,  WindowFrame = 25  ,  WindowText = 26  ,  Transparent = 27  ,  AliceBlue = 28  ,  AntiqueWhite = 29  ,  Aqua = 30  ,  Aquamarine = 31  ,  Azure = 32  ,  Beige = 33  ,  Bisque = 34  ,  Black = 35  ,  BlanchedAlmond = 36  ,  Blue = 37  ,  BlueViolet = 38  ,  Brown = 39  ,  BurlyWood = 40  ,  CadetBlue = 41  ,  Chartreuse = 42  ,  Chocolate = 43  ,  Coral = 44  ,  CornflowerBlue = 45  ,  Cornsilk = 46  ,  Crimson = 47  ,  Cyan = 48  ,  DarkBlue = 49  ,  DarkCyan = 50  ,  DarkGoldenrod = 51  ,  DarkGray = 52  ,  DarkGreen = 53  ,  DarkKhaki = 54  ,  DarkMagenta = 55  ,  DarkOliveGreen = 56  ,  DarkOrange = 57  ,  DarkOrchid = 58  ,  DarkRed = 59  ,  DarkSalmon = 60  ,  DarkSeaGreen = 61  ,  DarkSlateBlue = 62  ,  DarkSlateGray = 63  ,  DarkTurquoise = 64  ,  DarkViolet = 65  ,  DeepPink = 66  ,  DeepSkyBlue = 67  ,  DimGray = 68  ,  DodgerBlue = 69  ,  Firebrick = 70  ,  FloralWhite = 71  ,  ForestGreen = 72  ,  Fuchsia = 73  ,  Gainsboro = 74  ,  GhostWhite = 75  ,  Gold = 76  ,  Goldenrod = 77  ,  Gray = 78  ,  Green = 79  ,  GreenYellow = 80  ,  Honeydew = 81  ,  HotPink = 82  ,  IndianRed = 83  ,  Indigo = 84  ,  Ivory = 85  ,  Khaki = 86  ,  Lavender = 87  ,  LavenderBlush = 88  ,  LawnGreen = 89  ,  LemonChiffon = 90  ,  LightBlue = 91  ,  LightCoral = 92  ,  LightCyan = 93  ,  LightGoldenrodYellow = 94  ,  LightGray = 95  ,  LightGreen = 96  ,  LightPink = 97  ,  LightSalmon = 98  ,  LightSeaGreen = 99  ,  LightSkyBlue = 100  ,  LightSlateGray = 101  ,  LightSteelBlue = 102  ,  LightYellow = 103  ,  Lime = 104  ,  LimeGreen = 105  ,  Linen = 106  ,  Magenta = 107  ,  Maroon = 108  ,  MediumAquamarine = 109  ,  MediumBlue = 110  ,  MediumOrchid = 111  ,  MediumPurple = 112  ,  MediumSeaGreen = 113  ,  MediumSlateBlue = 114  ,  MediumSpringGreen = 115  ,  MediumTurquoise = 116  ,  MediumVioletRed = 117  ,  MidnightBlue = 118  ,  MintCream = 119  ,  MistyRose = 120  ,  Moccasin = 121  ,  NavajoWhite = 122  ,  Navy = 123  ,  OldLace = 124  ,  Olive = 125  ,  OliveDrab = 126  ,  Orange = 127  ,  OrangeRed = 128  ,  Orchid = 129  ,  PaleGoldenrod = 130  ,  PaleGreen = 131  ,  PaleTurquoise = 132  ,  PaleVioletRed = 133  ,  PapayaWhip = 134  ,  PeachPuff = 135  ,  Peru = 136  ,  Pink = 137  ,  Plum = 138  ,  PowderBlue = 139  ,  Purple = 140  ,  Red = 141  ,  RosyBrown = 142  ,  RoyalBlue = 143  ,  SaddleBrown = 144  ,  Salmon = 145  ,  SandyBrown = 146  ,  SeaGreen = 147  ,  SeaShell = 148  ,  Sienna = 149  ,  Silver = 150  ,  SkyBlue = 151  ,  SlateBlue = 152  ,  SlateGray = 153  ,  Snow = 154  ,  SpringGreen = 155  ,  SteelBlue = 156  ,  Tan = 157  ,  Teal = 158  ,  Thistle = 159  ,  Tomato = 160  ,  Turquoise = 161  ,  Violet = 162  ,  Wheat = 163  ,  White = 164  ,  WhiteSmoke = 165  ,  Yellow = 166  ,  YellowGreen = 167  } 


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable , System.IConvertible) KnownColor

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