Windows CE

Windows CE

All the information in the preceding sections applies equally to Windows CE. The only exception is that because Windows CE is based on the Winsock 1.1 specification, none of the Winsock 2–specific functions—such as WSA variants of the sending, receiving, connecting, and accepting functions—is available. The only WSA functions available with Windows CE are WSAStartup, WSACleanup, WSAGetLastError, WSASetLastError, and WSAIoctl. We have already discussed the first three of these functions; the last will be covered in Chapter 7.

Windows CE supports the TCP/IP protocol, which means you have access to both TCP and UDP. In addition to TCP/IP, infrared sockets are also supported. The IrDA protocol supports only stream-oriented communication. For both protocols, you make all the usual Winsock 1.1 API calls for creating and transmitting data. The only exception has to do with a bug in UDP datagram sockets in Windows CE 2.0: every call to send or sendto causes a kernel memory leak. This bug was fixed in Windows CE 2.1, but because the kernel is distributed in ROM, no software updates can be distributed to fix the problem with Windows CE 2.0. The only solution is to avoid using datagrams in Windows CE 2.0.

Because Windows CE does not support console applications and uses UNICODE only, the examples presented in this chapter are targeted to Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT platforms. The purpose of our examples is to teach the core concepts of Winsock without having to trudge through code that doesn't relate to Winsock. Unless you're writing a service for Windows CE, a user interface is almost always required. This entails writing many additional functions for window handlers and other user-interface elements, which can obfuscate what we're trying to teach. In addition, there is the dilemma of UNICODE vs. non-UNICODE Winsock functions. It is up to the programmer to decide if the strings passed to the sending and receiving Winsock functions are UNICODE or ANSI strings. Winsock doesn't care what you pass as long as it's a valid buffer. (Of course, you might need to typecast the buffer to silence the compiler warnings.) Don't forget that if you cast a UNICODE string to char*, the length parameter for how many bytes to send should be adjusted accordingly. In Windows CE, if you want to display any data sent or received, you must take into account whether it is UNICODE so that it can be displayed, as all the other Windows system functions do require UNICODE strings. In sum, Windows CE requires a great deal more housekeeping to make a simple Winsock application.

If you do want to run these examples on Windows CE, only a few minor modifications are required for the Winsock code to compile. First, the header file must be WINSOCK.H, as opposed to WINSOCK2.H. WSAStartup should load version 1.1 because that is the current version of Winsock in Windows CE. Also, Windows CE does not support console applications so you must use WinMain instead of main. Note that this does not mean you are required to incorporate a window into your application; it just means you can't use console text I/O functions such as printf.

Network Programming for Microsoft Windows
Network Programming for Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Professional Series)
ISBN: 0735605602
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 172
Authors: Anthony Jones © 2008-2017.
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