

package methods

visibility, 149

package.html file

documentation, 160


parallel package structure, 90

packaging J2EE applications, 583

see also deploying applications.

class loading in J2EE, 585

basic concepts, 585

description, 586

guidelines, 591

server and, 590

deployment units, 584

EJB JAR files, 584

extended deployment units, 585

WARs, 584

sample application, 592

Ant build tool, 594

EAR deployment, 593

pair programming, 110

ParameterActionFactoryProxy class, webwork.action.factory package, 464

ParameterMethodNameResolver class, com.interface21.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction package, 485


stateful functionality, SLSB achieving, 372

parent context, application context

null/NOT ~, consequences, 408

passivation & reactivation, 366

SFSB (stateful session beans), 366

ejbPassivate/~Activate() methods, 366

example, 367

SFSB subset surviving, rules for, 366


see design patterns.

payment details screen

sample application user interface,, 194

PDF generation

generating binary content in view, 571

generating PDF with iText, 571, 705

view definitions, 707

perform() method, ThrowawayBean2 class, 462

performance, 611

addressing problems, 630

avoiding use of container services, 631

sample application, 643

server choice and configuration, 630

tuning server, 630

caching, 245, 632

code-level optimization, 614, 638

reflection, 641

synchronization, 641

compared to scalability, 613

converting to XML from JavaBeans, 241

converting to XML from RDBMS, 240

database driven modeling, 254

design-level optimization, 614

distributed architecture, 18, 612, 653

application partitioning, 612

collocating components in JVM, 663

minimizing remote calls, 655

moving data efficiently, 658

RMI (Remote Method invocation), 653

EJBs through local interfaces, 224

enterprise architecture goals, 16, 614

entity bean cache, 305

entity beans, 19, 305

introduction, 611

J2EE design, 675, 678

JMS, 233

local interfaces, 19

locating problems, 623

layered testing, 623

profiling tools, 623

logging, 164

major issues, 672

portability trade off, 263, 612

RDBMS performance tuning, 262

read-only entity beans, 303

reflection, 133, 642

risk management, 69

sample application, 198

Session Fa$cade, implementing using SLSB, 374

RMI no. reduction, advantages, 374

SFSB (stateful session beans) limitations, 366, 373

passivation/reactivation overcoming, 366

stored procedures, RDBMS, 260

testing, 105, 612, 616

benchmarking, 616

com. interface 21.load package, 619

non-web test tools, 619

web test tools, 617

web tier, 663

edge site caching, 671

view performance, 664

web caching using HTTP, 666

XSLT impact, 239


see also BMP.

see also CMP.

see also EJB QL.

CMP/BMP hybrids, 299

managing persistence using JDBC, 313

session beans, 308

persistence logic, 252

decoupling from business logic, 258

stored procedures, RDBMS, 260

persistence manager, JDO, 317

PersistenceCapable interface, 317

PersistenceCapable interface, 317

PersistenceManager interface, 317

PersistenceManagerFactory interface, 317

persistent data

BMP or CMP, 292

testing database interaction, 99

pessimistic locking

data access, 269

exclusive locking, 302

Pet Store

see Java Pet Store.

Physical Resource Mapping Strategy

description, 444

ease of implementation, 444

Java web development, 444

problems with, 445

PL-SQL stored procedures

calling stored procedures using JDBC, 357

Plugln interface, org.apache.struts.action package,



abstract inheritance, 116

pooling, 365

SLSB (stateless session beans), 365

EJB container managing SLSB pool, 364, 365

monitoring pooled instances runtime, 365

ejbCreate(), using, 365

usage patterns,example considering, 365

portability, 56-58

choosing application server, 46

data access design implications, 24

database locking, 302

description, 57

design portability, 39

designing applications for, 38

EJB QL and CMP, 298

EJB QL proprietary extensions, 299

enterprise architecture goals, 17

entity beans, concerns, 286

implementation portability, 39

2EE design, 677

performance trade off, 263, 612

read-only entity beans, 303

stored procedures, RDBMS, 260

testing strategy effect, 91

PowerTier modeling tool, 304, 306

PreparedStatement interface, 323

caching, 324

compared to Statement interface, 323

JDBC(Java DataBase Connectivity),

PreparedStatementCreator interface

JDBC abstraction framework, 335

performing queries, 341

performing updates, 341

PreparedStatementCreatorFactory class

JDBC abstraction framework, 335

primary keys

database ID generation, 271

generation strategies, 269-73

surrogate or intelligent keys, 270

primitive fields

optimizing serialization to move data efficiently, 659

private instance variables, 150

summarized, 175

private methods

overriding, 154

protected methods, 151

public methods, 144

visibility, 149

production environment, 59


J2EE design, 676

profiling tools, 623

JProbe probe, profiler 625

JVM profiling options, 624

problems with, 624

PropertiesMethodNameResolver class,


package, 485

PropertiesTestSulteLoader class, com.interface21.load

package, 621

PropertyEditorManager class, Java.beans, 400

registering property editors, 400

PropertyEditorSupport class, Java.beans, 400

implementing property editors, 400

example, 400

proprietary deployment descriptors

JBoss deployment descriptors, 605

structure, 599

EJB-Specific configuration, 599

web tier configuration, 599

writing for application, 598

protected inner classes, 150

protected instance variables

exceptional usage, 151

summarized, 175

protected methods, 118

exception handling, 131

final variables, 149

private methods, 151

visibility, 149

protected modifier

abstract methods, 151

Prototype design pattern, 141

proxy approach

implementing business interface, 30

proxy caches

web caching using HTTP, 666

PTP (Point to Point) messaging, 228

public Instance variables

coding standards, 149

final keyword, 149

public Interface, class

summarized, 175

public internet users

sample application, 180

user interface, 183

error handling, 185

screens, 185

workflow, 184

public methods

private methods, 144

visibility, 149

Publish and subscribe messaging, 228

JMS, accessing EJBs using, 426

pull model

compared to push model, 449

MVC (Model View Controller) pattern, 449

push model

compared to pull model, 449

MVC (Model View Controller) pattern, 449

queries, JDOQL, 318

Query interface, 318

execute()method, 318

query() method, JdbcTemplate class, 337, 338

Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 On Demand
ISBN: B0085SG5O4
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 183 © 2008-2017.
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