Managing Columns in Datasheet View

Managing Columns in Datasheet View

You can quickly add, remove, and rename columns from within Datasheet view. If you remove a column, Access deletes all the data it contains, so delete a column only if you are sure you no longer require its data. If other database objects contain references to a deleted field, such as a query, Microsoft automatically updates those references.

Insert a Column


In Datasheet view, right-click the column selector to the right of where you want to add the new column.

graphics/2_icon.jpg Click Insert Column.

The column is inserted with the name Field1, which you can rename.


Delete a Column


In Datasheet view, right-click the column selector(s) for the column(s) you want to delete.


Click Delete Column.


Click Yes to confirm the deletion.


Did You Know?

You can rename a column . In Datasheet view, right-click the selector for the column you want to rename, click Rename Column, type the name you want, and then press Enter.

You can't delete a column in a relationship . You must delete the relationship first before you can delete a column.

Show Me Microsoft Office Access 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Access 2003
ISBN: 0789730049
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 318 © 2008-2017.
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