The Specification Trap

The Specification Trap

The Landing Pilot is the Non-Handling Pilot until the 'decision altitude' call, when the Handling Non-Landing Pilot hands the handling to the Non-Handling Landing Pilot, unless the latter calls 'go-around,' in which case the Handling Non-Landing Pilot continues handling and the Non-Handling Landing Pilot continues non-handling until the next call of 'land' or 'go-around' as appropriate. In view of recent confusions over these rules, it was deemed necessary to restate them clearly.

British Airways memorandum, quoted in Pilot Magazine, December 1996

Program specification is the process of taking a requirement and reducing it down to the point where a programmer's skill can take over. It is an act of communication, explaining and clarifying the world in such a way as to remove major ambiguities . As well as talking to the developer who will be performing the initial implementation, the specification is a record for future generations of programmers who will be maintaining and enhancing the code. The specification is also an agreement with the user a codification of their needs and an implicit contract that the final system will be in line with that requirement.

Writing a specification is quite a responsibility.

The problem is that many designers find it difficult to stop. They feel that unless every little detail is pinned down in excruciating detail they haven't earned their daily dollar.

This is a mistake for several reasons. First, it's naive to assume that a specification will ever capture every detail and nuance of a system or its requirement. In restricted problem domains, there are formal methods that can describe a system, but they still require the designer to explain the meaning of the notation to the end usersthere is still a human interpretation going on to mess things up. Even without the problems inherent in this interpretation, it is very unlikely that the average user knows going in to a project exactly what they need. They may say they have an understanding of the requirement, and they may sign off on the 200-page document you produce, but you can guarantee that once they see the running system you'll be inundated with change requests .

Second, there is a problem with the expressive power of language itself. All the diagramming techniques and formal methods still rely on natural language expressions of the operations to be performed. [2] And natural language is really not up to the job. Look at the wording of any contract: in an attempt to be precise, lawyers have to bend the language in the most unnatural ways.

[2] There are some formal techniques that attempt to express operations algebraically, but these techniques are rarely used in practice. They still require that the analysts explain the meaning to the end users.

Here's a challenge for you. Write a short description that tells someone how to tie bows in their shoelaces. Go on, try it!

If you are anything like us, you probably gave up somewhere around "now roll your thumb and forefinger so that the free end passes under and inside the left lace." It is a phenomenally difficult thing to do. And yet most of us can tie our shoes without conscious thought.

Tip 57

Some Things Are Better Done than Described

Finally, there is the straightjacket effect. A design that leaves the coder no room for interpretation robs the programming effort of any skill and art. Some would say this is for the best, but they're wrong. Often, it is only during coding that certain options become apparent. While coding, you may think "Look at that. Because of the particular way I coded this routine, I could add this additional functionality with almost no effort" or "The specification says to do this, but I could achieve an almost identical result by doing it a different way, and I could do it in half the time." Clearly, you shouldn't just hack in and make the changes, but you wouldn't even have spotted the opportunity if you were constrained by an overly prescriptive design.

As a Pragmatic Programmer, you should tend to view requirements gathering, design, and implementation as different facets of the same processthe delivery of a quality system. Distrust environments where requirements are gathered, specifications are written, and then coding starts, all in isolation. Instead, try to adopt a seamless approach: specification and implementation are simply different aspects of the same processan attempt to capture and codify a requirement. Each should flow directly into the next, with no artificial boundaries. You'll find that a healthy development process encourages feedback from implementation and testing into the specification process.

Just to be clear, we are not against generating specifications. Indeed, we recognize that there are times where incredibly detailed specifications are demandedfor contractual reasons, because of the environment where you work, or because of the nature of the product you are developing. [3] Just be aware that you reach a point of diminishing , or even negative, returns as the specifications get more and more detailed. Also be careful about building specifications layered on top of specifications, without any supporting implementation or prototyping; it's all too easy to specify something that can't be built.

[3] Detailed specifications are clearly appropriate for life-critical systems. We feel they should also be produced for interfaces and libraries used by others. When your entire output is seen as a set of routine calls, you'd better make sure those calls are well specified.

The longer you allow specifications to be security blankets, protecting developers from the scary world of writing code, the harder it will be to move on to hacking out code. Don't fall into this specification spiral: at some point, you need to start coding! If you find your team all wrapped up in warm, comfy specifications, break them out. Look at prototyping, or consider a tracer bullet development.

Related sections include:

  • Tracer Bullets


  • The shoelace example mentioned in the text is an interesting illustration of the problems of written descriptions. Did you consider describing the process using diagrams rather than words? Photographs? Some formal notation from topology? Models with wire laces? How would you teach a toddler?

    Sometimes a picture is worth more than any number of words. Sometimes it is worthless. If you find yourself overspecifying, would pictures or special notations help? How detailed do they have to be? When is a drawing tool better than a whiteboard?

The Pragmatic Programmer(c) From Journeyman to Master
The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
ISBN: 020161622X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 81 © 2008-2017.
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