

No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail

Levy's Eighth Law

Details mess up our pristine code ” especially if they change frequently. Every time we have to go in and change the code to accommodate some change in business logic, or in the law, or in management's personal tastes of the day, we run the risk of breaking the system ”of introducing a new bug.

So we say "out with the details!" Get them out of the code. While we're at it, we can make our code highly configurable and "soft" ”that is, easily adaptable to changes.

Dynamic Configuration

First, we want to make our systems highly configurable. Not just things such as screen colors and prompt text, but deeply ingrained items such as the choice of algorithms, database products, middleware technology, and user -interface style. These items should be implemented as configuration options, not through integration or engineering.

Tip 37

Configure, Don't Integrate

Use metadata to describe configuration options for an application: tuning parameters, user preferences, the installation directory, and so on.

What exactly is metadata? Strictly speaking, metadata is data about data. The most common example is probably a database schema or data dictionary. A schema contains data that describes fields ( columns ) in terms of names , storage lengths, and other attributes. You should be able to access and manipulate this information just as you would any other data in the database.

We use the term in its broadest sense. Metadata is any data that describes the application ”how it should run, what resources it should use, and so on. Typically, metadata is accessed and used at runtime, not at compile time. You use metadata all the time ”at least your programs do. Suppose you click on an option to hide the toolbar on your Web browser. The browser will store that preference, as metadata, in some sort of internal database.

This database might be in a proprietary format, or it might use a standard mechanism. Under Windows, either an initialization file (using the suffix .ini ) or entries in the system Registry are typical. Under Unix, the X Window System provides similar functionality using Application Default files. Java uses Property files. In all of these environments, you specify a key to retrieve a value. Alternatively, more powerful and flexible implementations of metadata use an embedded scripting language (see Domain Languages, for details).

The Netscape browser has actually implemented preferences using both of these techniques. In Version 3, preferences were saved as simple key/value pairs:


Later, Version 4 preferences looked more like JavaScript:

 user_pref("", false); 

Metadata-Driven Applications

But we want to go beyond using metadata for simple preferences. We want to configure and drive the application via metadata as much as possible. Our goal is to think declaratively (specifying what is to be done, not how) and create highly dynamic and adaptable programs. We do this by adopting a general rule: program for the general case, and put the specifics somewhere else ”outside the compiled code base.

Tip 38

Put Abstractions in Code Details in Metadata

There are several benefits to this approach:

  • It forces you to decouple your design, which results in a more flexible and adaptable program.

  • It forces you to create a more robust, abstract design by deferring details ”deferring them all the way out of the program.

  • You can customize the application without recompiling it. You can also use this level of customization to provide easy work-arounds for critical bugs in live production systems.

  • Metadata can be expressed in a manner that's much closer to the problem domain than a general-purpose programming language might be (see Domain Languages).

  • You may even be able to implement several different projects using the same application engine, but with different metadata.

We want to defer definition of most details until the last moment, and leave the details as soft ”as easy to change ”as we can. By crafting a solution that allows us to make changes quickly, we stand a better chance of coping with the flood of directional shifts that swamp many projects (see Reversibility).

Business Logic

So you've made the choice of database engine a configuration option, and provided metadata to determine the user-interface style. Can we do more? Definitely.

Because business policy and rules are more likely to change than any other aspect of the project, it makes sense to maintain them in a very flexible format.

For example, your purchasing application may include various corporate policies. Maybe you pay small suppliers in 45 days and large ones in 90 days. Make the definitions of the supplier types, as well as the time periods themselves , configurable. Take the opportunity to generalize.

Maybe you are writing a system with horrendous workflow requirements. Actions start and stop according to complex (and changing) business rules. Consider encoding them in some kind of rule-based (or expert) system, embedded within your application. That way, you'll configure it by writing rules, not cutting code.

Less complex logic can be expressed using a mini-language, removing the need to recompile and redeploy when the environment changes. Have a look at page 58 for an example.

When to Configure

As mentioned in The power of plain Text, we recommend representing configuration metadata in plain text ”it makes life that much easier.

But when should a program read this configuration? Many programs will scan such things only at startup, which is unfortunate. If you need to change the configuration, this forces you to restart the application. A more flexible approach is to write programs that can reload their configuration while they're running. This flexibility comes at a cost: it is more complex to implement.

So consider how your application will be used: if it is a long-running server process, you will want to provide some way to reread and apply metadata while the program is running. For a small client GUI application that restarts quickly, you may not need to.

This phenomenon is not limited to application code. We've all been annoyed at operating systems that force us to reboot when we install some simple application or change an innocuous parameter.

An Example: Enterprise Java Beans

Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) is a framework for simplifying programming in a distributed, transaction-based environment. We mention it here because EJB illustrates how metadata can be used both to configure applications and to reduce the complexity of writing code.

Suppose you want to create some Java software that will participate in transactions across different machines, between different database vendors , and with different thread and load-balancing models.

The good news is, you don't have to worry about all that. You write a bean ” a self-contained object that follows certain conventions ”and place it in a bean container that manages much of the low-level detail on your behalf . You can write the code for a bean without including any transaction operations or thread management; EJB uses metadata to specify how transactions should be handled.

Thread allocation and load balancing are specified as metadata to the underlying transaction service that the container uses. This separation allows us great flexibility to configure the environment dynamically, at runtime.

The bean's container can manage transactions on the bean's behalf in one of several different styles (including an option where you control your own commits and rollbacks ). All of the parameters that affect the bean's behavior are specified in the bean's deployment descriptor ” a serialized object that contains the metadata we need.

Distributed systems such as EJB are leading the way into a new world of configurable, dynamic systems.

Cooperative Configuration

We've talked about users and developers configuring dynamic applications. But what happens if you let applications configure each other ”software that adapts itself to its environment? Unplanned, spur-of-the-moment configuration of existing software is a powerful concept.

Operating systems already configure themselves to hardware as they boot, and Web browsers update themselves with new components automatically.

Your larger applications probably already have issues with handling different versions of data and different releases of libraries and operating systems. Perhaps a more dynamic approach will help.

Don't Write Dodo-Code

Without metadata, your code is not as adaptable or flexible as it could be. Is this a bad thing? Well, out here in the real world, species that don't adapt die.

The dodo didn't adapt to the presence of humans and their livestock on the island of Mauritius, and quickly became extinct. [2] It was the first documented extinction of a species at the hand of man.

[2] It didn't help that the settlers beat the placid (read stupid ) birds to death with clubs for sport.

Don't let your project (or your career) go the way of the dodo.

Related sections include:
  • Orthogonality

  • Reversibility

  • Domain Languages

  • The Power of Plain Text

  • For your current project, consider how much of the application might be moved out of the program itself to metadata. What would the resultant "engine" look like? Would you be able to reuse that engine in the context of a different application?



Which of the following things would be better represented as code within a program, and which externally as metadata?

  1. Communication port assignments

  2. An editor's support for highlighting the syntax of various languages

  3. An editor's support for different graphic devices

  4. A state machine for a parser or scanner

  5. Sample values and results for use in unit testing

The Pragmatic Programmer(c) From Journeyman to Master
The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
ISBN: 020161622X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 81 © 2008-2017.
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